Valrain - Archosaur Arc User


  • Corporate America is, for the most part, completely broken. But there are a lot of smaller companies that are really fun to work with/for. All the innovation these days happens at the small places, then they get bought by the large places, so then they take their cash and open a new small place. That's the way of the land…
  • I think it's safe to assume that r9rrr and demon/sage skills will not be coming. I gave up on my stormbringer. b:sad
  • I assume most people who play this game are still in school. I graduated with a CS degree almost 20 years ago (sheesh I'm old b:shocked) and have been working in the game industry for much of my professional career. The worst thing that can happen in your career is to work on something you're passionate about, just to have…
  • Okay, it's stupid I know but it's the best I can come up with in the few minutes I have left on my break. What do you call a barb who's sitting in the corner? Sparky. (Cornered Beast gives you two sparks). b:avoid
  • 9am Friday TW? My choices are: 1) Skip work and TW 2) Skip TW and work While I would prefer option #1, it will get me fired. Then how will I be able to afford this game? b:chuckle
  • And yet we all keep playing (or in cases like me, came back recently because of the new changes)... Agree or disagree about the support, one thing is true. The original designers of this game were brilliant. Territory Wars PvP servers Easy-to-opt-into open-world PvP on PvE servers Complex skill system (as compared to some…
  • Brings back memories... b:laugh I'm horribly addicted to a new game. "-Hello Kitty Online-". b:chuckle
  • You could always come over and join us in *snip*. It's fun, and they don't jack up the servers every 4 days. I quit PWI over a year ago because they screwed over the TW system. This "mistake" is unbelievable.
  • I started the day that Arch server opened. My fiance at the time and I were playing on Lost City, and a friend of ours wanted to start playing the game but wasn't keen on PK. So we started new toons on Arch. My favorite memories are: Being in our first faction, Outlaws, and attempting a PvE TW. We got our ***** kicked, I…
  • +1 BLOODMYSTIC. Though at 40, I am starting to feel [almost] like a grown-up hehe. I miss pwi but me and Indi's bank account is happier. :) Hope everyone is well and having fun!
  • LOL cable, I love your attention-grabbing title. And happy bday Zheii!
  • That didn't work. I'll post, then. Tivas, my TW buddy, where are you? b:victory
  • I like this thread for the memories, though it has been derailed by a few people who mistake the game for a high school pep rally (much like the server itself). I'm not a famous faction leader or a beloved spokesperson for the downtrodden, but here are some of my favorite memories: - I remember when I got married to Indiri…
  • They should implement player housing, something like in Skyrim. That would be an epic win. b:beg
  • I'll likely get flamed for this, but here you go: Taking advantage of a glitch in the game is not the players' fault, it's the game designers' fault for allowing it to happen in the first place. Yes, it's a violation of the TOS and the people may eventually get banned. However, let's look at some other glitches: AD used to…
  • It's just my opinion, but I think it would be better for a newbie who isn't going to invest a lot of cash in the game to start on a PvE server. Archosaur is fun, it's a smaller server with quite a few new faces running around. Raging Tides and Sanctuary are also good choices, they have a lot of veteran players and some…
  • Hey Stud, you know something funny? Your "PWI Dream Server" almost perfectly describes a new game coming out that rhymes with "Build Doors Too". b:chuckle This explains it well
  • Nope. Pay to win broke the game. Lost City looks like Arch these days. With Skyrim, SWTOR, and *** coming out soon, PWI is basking in their ever-increasing fail with their half-assed development efforts, broken economy, and endless backlog of bugs. They can't figure out how to do guild base wars, so they dropped that…
  • You should come join us on a game that rhymes with 'sift'. There is no pay-to-win, people actually do quests, the faction I'm in generally has 60-70 people online most hours of the day, and the content continues to get more and more interesting. It takes some getting used to (it is a different game, after all) but it was…
  • QQ I miss playing on this server... I've pretty much quit PWI because of all the R9 baloney and because Indiri quit the game, but I do have many fond memories of hanging out with you all! I'm mainly just logging on for TW on Lost City anymore, but it looks like the map here has gotten nicely split up. I'm spending a lot of…
  • There is this other MMO, sounds like "sift". b:chuckle I'm there and have been having a blast. Do yourself a favor and cough up $15/mo to play a game where the devs actually give a damn about the players and the community. PWE works for China, not for us. In "sift", the devs live in Redwood City, CA. "Goof Wads 2" and…
  • I would buy all the pre-made rank 9 medals being sold all over Arch. b:chuckle
  • You know how often I use ultimates in TW? 3, maybe 4 times... If I'm lucky... You know how often I use ultimates in PK? Never, unless I feel like being an *** and dropping a BIDS / BT on a completely unsuspecting crowd. Why? 1. I am killed by a sin before I've had a chance to build up sparks. 2. I've had to use Essential…
  • Wow, so many great memories. b:pleased When I started on this server, I had only been playing PWI for a couple of months, and I wondered if it was nothing but young teenagers playing. I was surprised to see so many "older" people playing. I come here on weekends for TW now (go Immunity b:victory) but most of my time is…
  • Yes, because Mountain Seize doesn't have an 8-second channeling time or anything. b:chuckle I get interrupted by an arrow or by a thrown dagger almost instantly if I try to cast an ultimate in PvP. In my experience, using sutra and the spells with low casting time (gush, pyro, divine pyro, pitfall, etc.) are a better way…
  • I missed this too! QQ... I listen to a lot of trance. AB Project and X-Trude are a couple of my favorites... I love seeing Mike Relm live... He's come to town a couple of times, always a great show. Last…
  • Wizards get farmed by sins, ijs. b:chuckle I like my psychic here, he actually holds his own against assassins decently well but has plenty of attack power for nuking stuff. Abi is here, I'm here (Vindrael), Tivas is here, Indiri is here, I'm sure several others have alts here, so come on over! b:laugh
  • I've been spending a lot of time on the wanmei forums (the China forums for PW-CN). Based on what I see there, the following still holds true in Genesis: 1. Whoever spends the most wins. More so than before Genesis. 2. There is still no good counter to a stealthed sin if they know what they are doing (i.e. avoid a seeker…
  • Cable trying to drive a car b:chuckle Pannzer's car b:surrender