Sylvae - Sanctuary Arc User



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  • Think this issue happened over a year ago as well. I thought something fishy was going on, since the sale price meant almost guaranteed profit due to the amount possible to be received from DoD/DoT combined with tokens. Basically anything you gained other than tokens, would have been profit. And others with spread sheet…
  • None of that has any bearing on whether they are good though. Because it is based on the difference in spirit, not over-all spirit being compared. So with the increase, it doesn't change it since everyone will get the increase. 100 more spirit from stones, will still be 100 extra spirit from stones when everyone is the new…
  • There's kind of two big senseless things in that statement. 1. What the point in not doing it. It doesn't require a large amount of effort, and would easily be worth it for mild amusement factor alone. Therefore senselessness of an action has no bearing on whether it should be done regardless. 2, Because they exist. They…
  • Honestly it's mostly about choosing the gear path that most likely will be least affected by updates. So while the ornie socketing might seem a big deal, it really isn't since the game is giving us cards to catch up. Whereas before we'd have to spend to get decent cards to catch up, more and more those are just being…
  • So the people who require the instructions on pop-tarts can now stop asking about it at least. Honestly there were so many ways everything was obvious as is, but is fun to read those with toilet recliners try to make their viewpoint seem legitimate. So I will miss them contradicting themselves in ways they don't understand.
  • True, I mean how could they expect people to realize a log in event that maxes at 14 times, during a span of 14 days, would mean once a day. I mean, we'd have to realize 14/14 = 1 and stuff. And that's, like, some really hard math. That's more than we can count on our hands, and if the person is wearing shoes; well,…
  • Guys might also want to make sure to hit check in for each account character you're planning to get it. Using the sign-ins would let them bypass the worry about what time each day, as that is available at each reset. So I'm logging in and hitting sign in just to not have to worry, and have proof if there is an issue that…
  • Chances are it will work with Wind Shield and other APS boosts as well, not just crimson powder. Because the speed boost from Reaper Form is likely an inherent trait of the transformation, and therefore not counted as a speed boost in and of itself. So give a try with Windshield and other boosts, and save apoth for more…
  • Any bets on how long until the first lawsuit from someone with epilepsy hits for negligence in allowing that to happen? :)
  • It's a repeated issue that hits, because they keep doing the same **** up in the belief consistency is better than excellence. Basically the update periodically tells everyone on the East/West servers that it is out of date and needs to be updated at the same time the Morai one does. If anyone on the East/West then tries…
  • Clerics easily earn more, if they go UVD. My cleric is the one where I will sometimes help out in the R9 vs. R9 fights, since Auroras ignore ATTK/DEF lvl and do straight damage to their healing ability. Couple that with properly timed debuffs/cc while moving in and out of range, and it's possible to score higher than other…
  • If it only removes the penalty, doesn't that just mean Lunar Sacrifice will give nothing to the caster? It didn't give the buff to them in the first place, so removing the debuff should change that. Otherwise, that'd be freaking sweet. The Searing Moonlight one, maybe that's soulforce level. So if it reaches max effect, it…
  • Yeah, no. I see lots of those, and even participate in some that are fun. But I don't delude myself into thinking it's helping the nation at all. Just like the power teams that head off and divert other nations from fighting eachother to instead head towards their own nation. It doesn't really help, except in very specific…
  • Ok, this is kind of messed up. My cleric when I solo with them, earns typically 28K-32K range in contri each time they go in. They have R8r weapon/chest/pants, and OHT/mold all else. Which is why I usually go with both my SB and cleric, and typically earn 22K-25K contri on each one. Last night was pretty good, earned 29K…
  • Unless you count the storyline, and then the Matrix had a crapload of human genocide wars when the machines culled them to a small percent.
  • While I like the armor penetration, it doesn't really solve the DPS vs. DPH issue that's been going on a while. Would be nice if they instead had stats that boosted the bonus damage and weapon skill part. That way while it would boost the DPS ones, it would increase the DPH ones even more, once again creating that…
  • Pretty sure it is separated like that. I was aiming for a -50%--75% phys dmg reduction build using gear around a year ago on my cleric, and found I wasn't a stack with the current gear level I had and the phys resist % I had. Still hella useful, since by each level of disparity in someone's ATTK lvl vs. your DEF lvl amps…
  • Yeah, I had played around with the idea of bypassing DEF/ATK level focus a while ago, by seeing how many forms of +X% phys dmg reduction could be done, but leaves it too open to magic splatting. It does leave some interesting armor swap ideas open though. Another thing to master is jump casting as a SB. I've found that…
  • Amount earned is heavily dependent on class. SBs have ridiculously easy time in the event, when I was focusing on collecting for them it was usually 20-30 each time. Started duoing with other characters to get them crystal, and just earned 46 crystals in one event run for my DB. SBs are way too set up to do badly in there,…
  • You can also **** with the bots, and keep moving your catshop with artificially low or raised prices so the flying bot goes to them and uses your rigged prices so others use the bad numbers. That way you don't have to go to the website, and you still benefit from it while **** over everyone trying to keep it secret. It's…
  • People are also basing most assumptions on old skill mechanics and classes, which may not apply in this case. I've tried doing after cast canceling on the basic skills, and haven't had it work yet on my SB. But it works on every other class and their skills. So SBs need to test both sets of skill types to see which have…
  • At the same time, SBs can stunlock with a mix of stun and freeze effects, for quite a while. You just won't see that happening, until more SBs start creeping above -80% channeling to actually pull it off in a way that works. And even breaking out of a stun, leaves them vulnerable to the freezes. Can't really heal, when…
  • Yeah, I've had dual -chan adds on my r8r for a while, haven't bothered maxing to -13% though. Also dual -chan on 2 r8r armors. I was going to work on that some more, but I later looked and found 75% was achievable even with full r9rr gear. After that I stopped working on them, and just started saving for r9 gear buying.…
  • Few things that could be the issue. Someone reported them. Can't really complain if a GM gets a report, finds it has merit, and penalizes for it. You're making it sound like they randomly decided to look at just this one guy for no reason, which is very unlikely. Said player might have made a claim either past or present…
  • Pretty much why I dislike doing FSP at all, really. Too many people alt drag who suck at it, or alt drag and have them stand outside doing jack all, while still taking drops for them. I've done dual client once or twice, usually when a cleric is needed with my SB. Thing is, both characters run well on macro, and are geared…
  • To an extent, luck will be involved. Though I have 4 diff chars with at least one wraith lord, and 2 with 3. And I've been lazy about it, only did the recent freebie code on 2 of my characters. For the B set, it works best for me simply because I merchant. So as long as there is a sale worth buying something on, during a…
  • Wouldn't recommend going for A cards really, not the random ones anyways. With the events and current event going on, it's even more worthwhile to go for the B set to transition to S set path I've been working on. B card 6 set is pretty easy to get, if you focus on B-S cards for S card sets to work on. During the time to…
  • I honestly have no idea how people didn't immediately see the downburst skill and immediately realize -chan spec is the way to go. It should literally have taken seconds. As I said in the past though, the maximum efficacy of it might have a ceiling due to animation time minimums on channel. Course to find that, at least…
  • Not really that simple you have to remember the different tiers of gear standards that have gone by. My BM had JoSD and DoD TT99/lunar/nirvana gear that I built up. But when you quit and come back, it doesn't matter how much was sunk into that gear; it is no longer competitive. Same issue for those who went full on at R9,…
  • Thunderstrike has .8 second cast, and doesn't seem to suffer from animation minimum channel time that I've noticed as I've increased -chan. It's one I plan to spam quite frequently, due to that benefit.
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