Swifty_Wings - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • Arc also wont let me connect right now.. Arc is becoming a problem for me.
  • Sorry guys my PC was down due to Performance upgrades! very happy to announce I will be streaming in max graphics with 25+ Frames even in west Arch! New lineup as well as some new faces coming as soon as next week! Test stream will be held on Sunday 7/14/2013! Thanks for the support and the donations that made these…
  • Thats pretty awesome ill be checking it out :D
  • So sorry guys the stream is back up.. A little storm came and knocked power to my house for 3 days.. Instead of leaving i stayd with my PC to have the stream up when power came back.. I went thru 3 days of hot hell for this lol.
  • Ok Stream is back up. I went to sleep and without "Botting" I cannot setup a auto login to a PWI game client. Ill find a way around it. Glad it came up soon so i can find a solution.
  • The LostCity PK Stream is up! Thank's to support from people in the Heavens Tear Server Aswell as the Lost City Server, I proudly bring you what I call LostCity BETA Stream. I still have loads of work to do on it PC spec wise and GFX wise and maybe a few other odd and end things, But they will all come in due time I assure…
  • That is the type of input I need to make things more suitable for viewrs! Thank's for you input ima see what i can do to doing both at the same time. Meaning, Video edits's aswell as streaming live.
  • Tbh I like the Arc Client. Its got the nice auto login feature + Tab/Shift option to get on the website without leaving full screen. It may not be for all but it is liked alot by some.
  • Atm I do not have one myself.. But.. if you can gather atleast 5 people who want it I am more than willing to setup a 24/7 Stream at lost city.
  • Just want to take a moment to thank everyone who has attended the past few streams. We have gained growth and support with every stream and made new friends along the way! I have no plan on stopping but exspanding even.. -~- Planned for July -~- New Streaming PC fit for PK and NW Streaming. A second Stream that runs 24/7…
  • Actually i think its cool. GJ :)
  • Stream contents. TT - Pk - BH's And no telling what other shinannigans Also will be doing a 2 million coin giveaway! www.twitch.tv/Swifty_Winds Streaming Time - 12am EST - 4am EST
  • Yeah man. You should be fine. If you want to do some test id be happy to help see for sure and possibly help get you setup.
  • Is it 6 mbps Upload or download? I'v actually pulled off streams with 100+ people with 0.4 upload. Though laggy It could be worse Lol. Also note the audio is usually fine its usually just a drop in framerate, Also usually for brief periods.
  • Streaming tonight! Stream from 10pm-5am EST Gonna be doing some things on the archer. Figured id stream just for kicks and the chat. :) Hope to see some of you! ALSO! All players wanting to learn how to stream needs to post a comment below so I can send you detailed info as to how its done and whats best for your pc specs.…
  • After asking around. The best time I think is after people get off work or from school. Here is the Times and days. 8pm-1am EST Monday - Wednsday - Friday 8pm - 3am EST Saturdays This should be helpful. :)
  • Yeah, But Twitch is the source for the better streams on the net.. Youtube is popular for video's Also I'll be adding the times soon. ^.^ Ill work on it tonight.
  • Just some random pics of my toons in HeavensTear Swifty_Wings - Archer Turtle_Beach - Sin Swifty_Winds - Cleric
  • Oh my god... That would be huge.. The first ever REAL online multi player game on a console like that.. I mean Imagen the hype over the pvp with so many people without massive loading screens due to total download... Yeah.. It would be World of ******** all over again.
  • Yeah, That would be nice.. I go to work super early and get off late on weekdays.. Really only have 1:30 to play a week night so it would be useful to have.
  • Yeah I catch hell for it already.. But I play how I want to and I think benefits my toon the most.. And 5.0 APS was it lol. But yeah thank's man :)
  • Sorry I just don't care to make anyone happy Lol. So.. With all due disrespect.. Jump off a bridge head first please.
  • What's sad is the fact I want drops from pking.. but no one risk.. That makes pk useless.. And sawn I'v known you longer than everyone else in PWI if i listend to you.. Id have a **** build in game.. My archer woulda been ****.. so gtfo you have no idea what your talking about lol.
  • See.. people play for diffrent reasons.. Some play to farm.. others play for TW.. I play for another reason.. Same reason why I playd rs.. same reason why I play Call of duty.. I like to be the best.. more than 30% of gamers know this and want the same.. if not feel free to put on crappy gear and be bad.. But I'm very sure…
  • Well It's true.. I just want to win.. idc to troll people. Lol. If they spent more time fixing their supposedly war faction as much as they did trolling they would be #1.
  • Hmm.. I always thought Ganked was to mean to double team.. Considering I never double teamed to kill him i never thought of it as a "Gank" Oh well.. Then I guess I ganked him :) Do i care? not really lol. Xatem.. i don't brag about pixels.. Not yet.. Atm Bale is using his pixels to call me a coward.. So I'm going to dump…
  • Haha, Shadow will tell you how i killed him.. a BM killed him and i caught him unbuffed. Xatem.. Why must you continue to be butt hurt that I did not want you around me? Geez.. Crazy ******* lol. I'll 1v1 anyone idc.. Its a game I play to win.. You guys apparently play to troll and make fun of people that are not to your…
  • First off... I havent ganked anyone.. so get your lies right.. yes i can kill R9 players.. but not all of them im sorry to fail your amusement.. now Xatem.. how about you make your trolling *** useful and jump off a.cliff so i have something to watch on tv :-) bale will get his fight.. wheater i win or loose.. it wont be…
  • Why must you troll? Dose it make you feel nice over the interweb? Lol Such a big bad person making fun of poor little Swifty. Well.. Considering I'm me and your you.. yeah Id be jelous to. All this rage on these forums got me about 60 more subs on youtube.. So please hate be my guest! Your just adding money to my pocket xD…
  • Difference between scared and walking into a slaughter.. I'm not stupid.. Only reason I was able to kill shadow was because it was on my terms.. Same with you.. Let me finish my toon and refine. :) I promise you a good fight.