pff dont be mean guys at least he tryed to help some noobies like meh
thanks every1 it helped
ohh haha ok thanks i didnt even start refining ^^ so had no idea what yall pros talking about ><
sorry but good hp? cuz we dont add any vit or do we? :O im just 26 i got hella poor hp im light armor and btwz i saw some1 saying before that should stop at 20 dex does it apply to me 2 cuz im la build or i just need to go each lvl 3 mag 1 str 1 dex till i feel like swiching to pure dmg and sorry for the nooby questions…
im new here for like 5 days i think and i like it alots :P
ok thanks i think ill go for Infliction best looking imo :O
thanks alot
thanks it really helped me im the one that made the post btw hehe ^^