Sulphor - Sanctuary Arc User


  • Personally I find a teenage Archer a ***** to quest w/ critrate to speak of and saddeningly low damage at those lvls (easily outdamaged by Clerics and Venos) and no def or hp to speak of (easily out-tanked by Barbs or Veno pets) and of course the 1/2 damage at close range, thing. So those lvls, at least, I…
  • Should they put rare drops in CS, too?
  • Not wantin' to go off topic much, but half of the posts referred to 'Heiro's and 'Heiro ticks' and since I have no idea at all what they are, it's hard to make sense of the responses to the thread.... What are heiros/ticks? ._.
  • Thas true. I had a SNES when I was wee and battered into Sonic pretty much daily, 'cuz I didn't have a big friend group or much better to do (not a social thing: we moved a lot and outdoor sports didn't, and still don't interest me). I have social skills and no obesity problems to date. I don't have a big circle of friends…
  • Spam, much? No reason for all that to be in three posts. And....the build is very accuracte and ''it's good''? Why? Most folk who slated the build gave good and valid reasons why the feel it's bad, or not practical. It's not fair to simply go ''it sucks'' w/o reason. Similarly, it's not fair to jus' go ''it's good'' w/o…
  • Wolf > Tiger > Panda > Lion Wolf looks awesome; all wolves are. Tiger's pretty sweet, too. Panda is alright, kinda cool to see angry pandas about the block. I have no idea why the lions are green w/ red
  • Thanks for that, too. Makes a difference to hear some explanation behind the empty ''Tiger is better'' rule that gets thrown everywhere. But one thing: The only reason I considered that damage would be an issue, is that I know damage bases are what attracts aggro, so I thought if you're hittin' 2x the damage (mind, this…
  • By ''work human'' I jus' meant fight in human form: the extra damage means more to me than an insignificant hp+, especilly since I'll mainly solo or have a perm cleric for the quest lvls. Don't need to grab aggro too much more than jus' attackin'. Don't plan on keepin' many human skills up; I've read up and been advised…
  • Yeah, the movement speed is nice for travellin', I jus' didn' see any uses for a boss fight, when you're expected to more or less stay in the same area. Good to know about the 50%- though; that's less extreme than I thought it was, in that case, and was forgettin' to take into account the def+ passive. 'Seems kinda weird…
  • So the skills stack up more aggro than dps, even w/ the damage reduction. And..if thas your atk cut...well that looks to me more like a 10% drop in numbers. Is the 50% damage reduction calculatin' somethin' very different from weapon damage? o.o 'Guess that's reassurin' for later lvls, when it's advised I use it. But for…
  • Yeah...I um..noticed all that. In short, I'm askin' why a relatively small hp+ is worth the relatively huge damage reduction...
  • Thas what I did...I had 100k at lvl10 :x Only took me a couple hours longer to get to lvl10 than it might have otherwise, but was totally worth is easy-pickin' since then. lvl30 and in an unneccesarily hp+ socketed set ^^
  • I nearly cried when I caught my Abysmal Turtle and summoned it for the first time....ooh the pain.... Edit: First person mode? O_o?
  • I only grind exclusivey w/ my golem cuz I'm still a wee low lvl...I usually get up to about 70~95% into any given level before my golem gains any exp at all, so i can find myself ahead of him a lot, and tryin' to get my sawfly anywhere near me is a tear-jerker atm. I'm not goin' to worry 'bout lvlin' a lot of pets,…
  • Natures Grace? Soul Trans? MP pots? Personally I'd go w/ the hp+ hats if possible, because I have hp shards in my whole set; another part w/ more hp bonus builds up and if I run out of mp, I can run. If I run out of hp I can't really do anythin'. HP>MP imo
  • Will be like readin' morse code w/o the dashes o:
  • Ugh, yeah, I'm gunna go w/ the group thas sayin' ''be glad you have the quests you do''. I came from a game that must have had 20 or 30 quests throughout the entire game. Grindin' and gettin' less than 0.01% per kill w/ no quests at all, and w/ there bein' no quests the past 30 lvls before you can be a real *****. A lot of…
  • Oooh, that sounds easy enough! Thank-you!! ^^
  • The weapons mean the rough damage output. 58~78 means it can hit fairly low, or fairly high, for a lvl2 wand, whereas 77~79 will hit consistent damage. The idea that they have the same high stats is that the lvl2 weapon can potentially hit as high as the lvl3 weapon, but of course, not consistently. Whereas if you ''wait''…
  • For real? How 'bout we get as many characters as we're countin' jus' to be impossibly difficult Here's my 107
  • If you don't wanna go a popular one because it's popular, go wizard...jus' don't see them anywhere, really. Loads of BMs and Archers, I've seen.
  • Yeah. Addin' it to CS would kill it; I'd say that the 12h thing is the bad thing. I mean, it's good to get pets that spawn rarely, but 12h is un called for. I mean, if nothin' else, that specifically shafts a LOT of people who are at work/school or sleepin' durin' the spawn are they possibly meant to get it…
  • You're playin' your first char: you're lvl 2. You're a noob. Deal w/ it. Noob, nub, newbie, new, new player; all the same. New player. You've got a lvl90+ and have started a new lvl2 character. You're not a noob, your'e jus' on a noob char. You're not new, but on a new char. *Vast* difference. ~~ As for takin'…
  • Aye, I know what you mean. If only *******s PvPd, the game would be no fun. Everyone PvPs (or at least, the vast majority), but you can generally tell more by *how* they do it. And I don't mean ''*******s get in big groups, nice people suicide valiantly''. I mean prety much what Kimy said: the 'nicer' people can be better…
  • Aye, I'm usin' it more atm to jus' keep my mp up for free, cuz I don't have Nature's Grace yet >.<
  • That'll explain it. I thought it was direct points. I jus' happened to be in the unfortunate position that I had 50% hp and 30% mp when I cast it (jus' have like triple the max mp than I have max hp...was feelin' lazy and wanted to double my current hp w/o potions and could afford to drop some mp ^^:)...would explain why…
  • Lol! Ya, that fits every situation I've seen so far. Thanks for the input ^^