Shelly, be coherent and depth this please.
O really? The starter of this thread does not agree: I give yours 4/5. Really like the sadness.
D: Forgot to pre-order, but well, thats offtopic.
You can save precious gaming time by simply ignoring it.
Alot of people. If that was not the case, threads like this would not be here.
The poll is there for fancyness, to keep simpletons busy. Like the threadtitle says, the goal is to post "+1" after you uninstalled the game.
Where are these "banned people" "popping up"?
Take me to your dealer.
I would pay for that.
Its entertaining for the users, informative for the company.
Reason: they look unnatural. Im an adult, dolls are for kids.
The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 5 characters.
**** horse.
"Rate a Character thread. Hot or Not." Just read the threadtitle next time.
This forumsection is dead. Try sending a ticket.
I want an a-sexual toon.
Yup, that leaves quite a few of players that actually play the game. Enjoy!
Miko, all your characters are ugly. So: 0 out of 5, or 0 out of 10 points for every Miko character.
This will be PWI's last anniversary. Feel free to make this your signature.
This forum section is dead. Try sending a ticket.
Couldn't help but laugh at Xainou for being so dumb. lol
Eternal optimist says: They closed the server for good.
Well, lets give the incompetents about 2 days to fix this. Brb watching Guild.Wars.2 vids.
Im having the same problem.
Lurker of Chalice - s/t
*squeezes cheeks like a grandmother* Im the granny in this scenario. :P
Stonk go to class.
Hi. The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 5 characters.
Love it.
Like M said, tho ppl will try to convince you otherwise. GM's are somewhat human, so bribeable.