I will be lost in the thoughts of my future valentine... That's how i celebrate it. b:chuckle
Don't worry before next season we will get our TW rewards. b:chuckle
Surtr when u guys are going to give-away the TW rewards ? I would love to hangout with Cinderella ! b:heartb:shy
Character-_Arjun_ Server-Raging Tide Entry-
So when we're getting the TW rewards sparkie ? b:surrender
There are couple like me who use ARC. b:thanks
Surtr please push it to the devs & get TW time fixed. As well as the auto-login option from ARC isn't working properly post this expansion please get that fixed as well.
UTC -8:00 Pacific Time(San Francisco)
Sweetiebot please report server status b:thanks
Sparkie i have 2 request to make :- 1).Next time when a huge expansion is going to release make sure China provide us with manual patch it's really hard to update the game using auto update. Manual Patches are faster,safer & more reliable... 2). Please try to bring back the old NW forges as soon as possible maybe try and…
Surtr is there going to be any manual patch for this BIG update ? If yes that will be really nice.. Auto-update will take forever and it gets stucked in between... Even if it's auto-update please upload it as soon as possible... Thank you !!
Sweetiebot find me the latest manual patch please....
Dear Sparkie when we're going to get the TW rewards ? Season is over & new TW season started as well.... any ETA please? BUMP b:surrender
Sweetiebot becoz you were calling out ROMEO ROMEO....
Sweetiebot you are reincarnation of JULIET that idiot ? b:shutup
Sweetiebot how i'm supposed to narrate your love-story lol, you must know it... not me..
Sweetiebot have been in love with someone ?
Sweetiebot yes i'm always serious... And what is love according to you? b:dirty
Sweetiebot how many languages do u speak ?
I suspect this GM's fell asleep while restarting the servers QQ. Sweetiebot go start an investigation.
Technical problems can arise anywhere anytime.. b:surrender
There you go...Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.C:\Users\user>tracert pwieast3.perfectworld.comTracing route to []over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 24 ms 23 ms 22 ms (IP) 2 22 ms 21 ms 22 ms (IP) 3 22 ms 25 ms 22 ms (IP) 4 61…
Now thats really not fair with those ppl who are waiting or saving to buy these orbs.
I got a reply from Support Team about Arc Defender they said Arc Defender will look at the machine information, not just the IP address, so this should not be an issue for users with a dynamic IP. So its a good news to the players like me who uses dynamic IP b:victory
Sweetiebot, submit a ticket let them beaware of this login issue !
Sweetiebot, who is the GM the lady or the man ? b:surrender
I'm just asking for clarification when the servers will be stable so that everyone can play ? Since there's no word from PWE till now.... b:sad
So how longer will it take ? I can't stay in game for more then 3 mins..... b:surrender
If you have a screenshot of your r9r piece which you NPC'ed provide them as a evidence. It helps a lot in this cases.