SinisterDevi - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • Not meaning to come off rude, but new website is lame. It looks like every other Forum Board out there. Where is the content to check for players who are highest levels ? It has no feel to it at all, very very blah. Could have done way better in my opinion. The Vote button don't even work on front page. I know the PWI Team…
  • Well, I must say I do agree with you Elronia. BUT... one thing you guys better realize real quick, is that for every player that quits, there are 5 more to replace him/or her. GM's know this & that is why not much gets done to fix the economy. I am not siding with the GM's nor do I agree with how things in the economy are…
  • Not "Everyone" flies at the same speed. Different mounts go different speeds, different wings go different speeds. b:cute b:chuckle
  • SinisterDevi Heaven's Tear Server all amount please. And ty for fixing this.
  • ty hun, not trying to jump on ya, its just frustrating that's all. You guys have always done wright by me & assisting w/ issue's and getting them fixed for me in the past.
  • I went over to my next door neighbor's house to try and log into my account on the PWI website, to try & transfer the Zen, same thing happened. Not letting me do nothing. So this assures me its 100% not on my end. You took my money and I'm asking politely to either refund it or please fix this issue. If you guys can't fix…
  • My hubby looked into this matter a bit more. He's a programmer w/ microsoft so he knows his stuff. And he assures me it has nothing to with me or my computer. It's on PWI's end. Almost like the website is not recognizing the purchase of Zen. It also seems the website is not recognizing that I am on the server. Can you…
  • Did all you asked. Nothing is working. Everything works fine on my Secondary account, I tried and it works great. Its only my main account where I can not select Server to transfer zen and it will not give me the server drop down box on support ticket to fill out. My husband filled out support ticket on his account just…
  • Hello, my name is Devi, I'm a 28 yr old mother of 3 ....... and I'm PWI'oholic But guess what, I love it !! yeah, I'm a junkie, and I'll never quit..... quitting is for losers...lolzb:laughb:laugh j/k
  • ty was very helpful
  • Gee thanks for the help.....
  • Same here, Click Icon to start game, it says updating server, then says Connection Failed, please update from other server. But after it does that it still lets me log in & play. I never had these issue's for the past 5 months, why now ? Would like some answers please ? And I have re-stalled 2 to 3 times completely, verify…
  • Name of = Toa Chi, or something rather The skill is suppose to grant +50HP regen to all near by Squad members & grant speed bonus as well. Well the Speed bonus works, but the +50hp regen does not work at all. I have tried 20 times over still only got +10hp regen. I could go on & on, on the skills that I have tried & they…
  • Yes I do run Vista, as for viruses, after I read your reply I went right ahead and scanned the computer and everything come up clean. I will say it does update out of no where. That could be some of my problem.
  • BM's are good, tons of damage. But from experience, I dueled a few Barbarians other day & they stunned the heck right out of me one skill after another. So, with that said, I'd have to say if you like to stun things, Barbarian would be the way to go. They also do tons of damage. BM's have few stuns, but there fun to use…
  • Very nice nRg, I like it. When we gonna get to see the second episode ? Looking forward to it.
  • Hiya again, It's getting close to that time, when 2 more win a Spurred Panther. 2 weeks from today, I'll be doing another Mount give away to those of you players who might not be able to buy one from cash shop, or who can't get up enough coin in game to purchase one. I love helping others in any means necessary. So please,…
  • Thank you, for moving thread. Can delete the one in the General Forum if needed. I'll just use this one from now on. I'll be doing another 2 Mount give away in few weeks or so. I hope more take part in it. Must be between the levels of 20 to 25, and be able to answer a trivia question correctly with in 5 minutes of getting…
  • Congrats to Serpheria (named might be spelled wrong) on winning a Spurred Mount(Panther). Hope you enjoy. And congrats to AriessX (name might be spelled wrong) on winning the second Spurred Mount(Panther). Hope you enjoy Congrats to both. I will be doing another Mount give away for those who might not be able to afford…
  • Today is the day, 12 Noon Eastern time(USA). 2 Mounts, Spurred and ready to go to someone who can answer the 2 trivia questions correctly. PM me at the above time,(NO sooner) answer 2 questions, and if you get them right, you'll be riding away on a brand new Mount. I'll will take the PM's in the order that I receive them,…
  • It applies to any, Don't matter if you got a level 100 main, long as the character your on is between 20 to 25. Keep in mind, there will be 2 trivia questions, they won't be easy, so you'll have to do a little research for the answers. If you know how to use google, then shouldn't be really all that hard. Also, keep in…
  • Hey Forsaken, Awesome work on my Sig !! I really like it lots. I really appreciate you making it for meh. You do awesome work, Great job !!
  • I posted a request, but I guess for some reason it got removed..... Not sure why. Someone could have atleast lemme know. Apologize for what ever I might have done wrong. I'm guessing it was the screen shot. I tried to post it in Link form but it wouldn't work. So guess I'll go else where for one. Thank you anyway. You do…
  • Hi there, I saw the Sigs you made, there awesome. I was hoping to get one done for myself if that is alright ? I'm not in a Faction, my lvl 67, Veno. I would like it to say, " Behind the eyes of a warrior, lies the soul of a hero" and "SinisterDevi" As for colors, blueish, grays, with some type of Fox blended in somewhere…
  • Hiya all b:pleased I been playing PWI for about a month now. I'm hooked. I got my hubby hooked as well. Great game, lots of fun. I have gotten to know ALOT of people. So i figured I'd post my mugshot so that you can put a face to the name. Few pics of myself & our new born. I'm 23yrs. old btw. Enjoy. See you in game. Sorry…