Sinew - Lost City Arc User


  • ......[/QUOTE] Because im bored of all my retail bought games(Crysis,Half life2) etc.and clocked them all And need something with some replay value.
  • Ye so look at ya your all twinked.What of the new comers and poor people huh?.Who don't have infinite mirage stone supplies and endless cash Funds that obviously your 90+ funded them with Please be realistic in your thinking of new people.before attempting to big note yourself
  • Even f2p games i played gives the players a small % to get a unique item considered rare in the community.It's good and gives an incentive to players to not mind
  • Ye well i guess the buck stops here then Because i am antisocial and don't like working or interacting or talking to others at all. So i guess the game isn't catered for all personalities is it.So if want good items need parties or guild.Both them things i hate.I like to play the solo role in role playing games.
  • They don't just give it too you.You have to work and grind but at least is like a 1% chance to get something unique. unlike here for all your grinding get absolutely sweet **** all.Call me paranoid but i have visions of PWi corporate fatcats looking down laughing at our stupidity of grinding mindlessly whilst they rake in…
  • None all the classes are **** and un original look at any one of hundreds of Mmo designs.They all consist of wizards and warriors and healers and blah blah blah they all the same. How about we make mmo with lets say Dragons or Godzilla like beast or whatever as a choice of character. So freaking old and predictable the…
  • What if we never want to join a faction/guild parties or whatever? Will the antisocial casual person miss out on key aspects of the game. By not joining parties or guilds?I realize this is an massively "multiplayer" online role playing game.But i hate and despise all you people equally (no hard feelings) And i want nothing…
  • Not true..look at wow everyone is allowed to level to 80(max) at a reasonable time frame. No one likes to have to just grind and gather and craft and grind what we all want is max level asap and then to enjoy pvp.And battlegrounds and instances to farm gears.To get even more super duper ubered We need field Bosse's(Well i…
  • Oh so Zombie grind mode hits at level 40 does it? Godamit...They might as well implement that invigorate/esper thing they got going on in jade dynasty. You pwi fans are suffering!..You should see how easy there other game is Jade dynasty for grinding. They harsh on you guys. Peace
  • Lol it wasn't me who wrote that review it was on the mmosite forums when i was reading about the reviews when i was contemplating downloading the game..Sheeesh im newb look im only lvl 21 bro..I just dont want to waste months leveling and dedication for it too be futile in the end I got burnt from a few games…
  • It's not money at all.It's the time it takes to get to a respected level It's back tracking to realize next month another class is favored Stick with one i think is best way If your fantasy is a warlock go them.If You persona fits that of a warrior go them and stick to your guns not what is this months hottest. And just…
  • This is a review of an individual on the mmosite as what he has to say. Straight to the point. I ll give you some basic information you need to know before you start playing perfect world, or if you re going to continue playing it. Before i start i want to clarify the word "pro". It just mean i'm a very high level, and…
  • Btw i won't re roll one i just want to know
  • Ye i understand that but i hardly believe you would acquire enough mats to level them up,Just farming casually like that as you level,Considering the Xp value you obtain of crafting one item is insignificant and that you need minimum 15 0r 20 of some kind of material to craft just one thing of insignificant and unefficient…
  • Level apothecary skill get the 50hp or 100 hp per 1sec recovery for 10 minute buff grinds a breeze ^^ stack that with pots even, Plus the other buffs. Apothecary rocks!