Sepulchre - Sanctuary Arc User


  • How cute. And possible endearing in some quarters. But not with me. Couldn't resist trying to jab, could you? LOL - you make yourself appear to feel sooooo threatened. Needless to say I am going to find of I can put you on ignore. Easiest way to handle one such as you. Saidje
  • More blah-blah. You obviously feel threatened yourself or you would not have replied. Interesting Saidje
  • I read what was said. And I maintain that other than stating they liked bright, cheerful colors, nothing else needed to be said. You say it was an opinion. Those are like - you know - everyone has one. And I expressed mine right back. Frankly I wouldn't like it and would speak out if someone called for a ban on pink and…
  • So why didn't you? This isn't English or Grammar class - my dear. Stow it. Saidje
  • Don't have to judge you by the cover (IGN) you're talking like this demonstrates who you are perfectly. Thanks for letting us all know this chars IGN so we can avoid. Cheers! Saidje
  • Come on people. Not everyone did the beta (or whatever) and had the info spoon-fed to them over time. It IS confusing because the Cash Shop desciptions SUCK, That BUYING something results in a random product is turning it into a lottery. May even NOT be legal since REAL CASH is involved. In the end, it is confusing. Just…
  • So that's what YOU like - fine. Stop trying to convert those of us who like black or white to be like you. We DON'T want to be like you thank you very much. I agree with everyone here who wishes to pay for specific dye. ALL dye colors should be available. Isn't there enough discrimination in this game already with the…
  • This is not really a reply