Scryxalis - Sanctuary Arc User


  • lol. u try too hard! betcha cnt even use those words in a sentence. LOLOLOLOL! dont try to flame like her. u just fail at it nub.
  • That, yes.. It's also applicable. Plus, less room for risks and mistakes. But when our faction does boss runs, I'm usually the only cleric in the squad. Bragging aside. :) Just pointing out the purpose of Purify. ^^,
  • Got to this part and I stopped reading. Honey, you need at least 6 points on Mag every 2 levels for you to equip weapons appropriate for your level. So yeah. Follow the Con build which is 6 Mag 3 Vit 1 Str.
  • Uhm, I'm not so sure about the Elven wings, but by decomposing items (armors, weapons), it will give you chi stones as a product. Use these chi stones by dropping them over your wings, et voila, your wings will be recharged. +2.5 normal speed simply means this: 4.8m (cleric's normal speed) + 2.5m = 7.3m/s 7.3 m/s will be…
  • If you're a support cleric, then YES. A thousand yes's. You need blue bubble. Keep in mind though that getting this skill will be costly, not just SP- and coin-wise, but from the moment you get this skill, you will need MP charms with you. Stream of Rejuvenation.. Uhm.. I keep it at level 3, because I prefer the…
  • A cleric can live without exp scrolls at mid-levels. It's your personal preference whether you wanna make more out of your time, or will you settle with the normal that you get per mob. However, Cleric with no charm = Useless Always, and I mean ALWAYS have an MP charm with you. You may choose not to equip one all the time…
  • Level 1 Purify is a complete utter bullcrap. Have you guys ever seen Krimson's debuff? Or better yet, Cenequus Polearm's debuffs?.. I bet not. With a **** level 1 Purify, hope to the almighty god that the barb you're healing can handle it and his charm ticks in at the right time. Otherwise, you're all screwed.
  • Investing on fast wings will be beneficial for you in the long run. Firstly, clerics have the slowest speed compared to the other classes, so having fast wings negate this disadvantage. Plus, mat hunting will be a breeze. :)
  • What is it that you dont get with a rollback? The only exploit that occured here involves the patch that they recently released. As long as such carelessness won't happen again, why will be there a "rollback again and again and again" scenario? Rolling back will ELIMINATE the root of this downfall of the economy.
  • Unfortunately, this is the picture people are too afraid to look at. We all have to make sacrifices. Money will be lost, precious time will be wasted, EXP gained will go poof. That's how it is, and that's how it should be for the benefit of ALL. It's sad that some people are willing to let this pass because they will keep…
  • Sealed with a kiss <3 Scryxalis ~ Sanctuary
  • Lemme guess. This is your alt? LOL Someone like you who can't give out a good reasoning in one post, and have the audacity to trash talk should be the one to get out of this forum.
  • Well hello there, **** kisser b:bye LOL @ your "the market is not that bad" assumption!! :)) You honestly think that way? Well go ahead and tread along your happy lil perfect world when you know that everything around you is scammed, laundered and abused. People like you are so admirable for your audacity of thinking…
  • Not that I'm being narrow-minded. Sorry to burst your bubble, GMs, but your effort wasn't, well, not really that great. All of us consider the fact that you have removed billions and suspended accounts, but the fact that PWI's economy is in sh*t will never change. The game will be tarnished for a loooong time. People who…
  • Although, in conjunction with HP shards, +Vit stuff is always good. ^^, Keep in mind that when you refine a piece of armor, it gives you around +30 HP, so you shouldnt really neglect options like Vitality+3. :) Unless of course, you have +Vit as the only item's option. >.> I'd choose +HP hards over +Pdef, but that's me ^^,…
  • I keep my stream at lvl 1, which is enough to keep up with my lvl 77 BM partner's healing needs when he rounds up 15 lvl 83 pirates. For me though, I prefer the IH+WS combo :P Soon, the light. Hmm.. I really dont see much use in it, because the only time a lot of people in your squad will get hit is.. uhm.. during AoE…
  • Just because you put stats on vit, doesnt mean you'll have "terrible" heals. O_o Putting points on dex, however.. is.. ugh. *collapses*
  • Stopped reading there. b:shutup
  • I've been having second thoughts of going LA.. But, considering the fact that I will give up my VIT for Pdef, I don't get how I will have higher survivability rate, considering that the addition of Pdef will negate the loss of Vit. O_o It's all in a matter of gameplay, really. Either give yourself a hard time crafting for…
  • Dearie, it was just right in front of your little pretty eyes. Look above your thread :P Or better yet, here:
  • Honestly, I don't see the reason why clerics will put something on Dex. O_o It is a viable build, yes, but it's not like you will crit as much as archers, you won't miss either because magic attacks don't miss, and evasion is really negligible because it's either you will kite mobs, or get gangb*nged during TW. Miss all…
  • Making money and its difficulty depends on your methods. Sure, pick up limestones (which sells for like, what, 200 coins?) and that will be enough to support your little test tube pots and lvl 5 skills. As your level rises, that's the time you'll realise that picking limestones won't be enough, and then you'll have to find…
  • Because this problem doesn't only affect in-game finances of the players. It halts the gameplay for others, because it is uncertain whether a rollback is happening or not. Even though this problem mainly focuses on the gold trading whatever thingymabob, it affects EVERYONE all in all.
  • aoshi63, there's no point going all ballistic because you "worked so hard for nothing for months together." Nobody asked you to quit on the server. You're just too impatient to wait for a resolution. Yes, this mayhem is driving everyone nuts, but do you honestly think that this won't get sorted out in a matter of time?