Saffon - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • This is what I was hoping for in an answer. For a n00b full of hope, I still think I can over come this as I will only weild the axe when I do AoEs, otherwise, I'd be holding my 1-hand blade. In AoEs, since each target in range has a chance to be critted, even with a 40% crit chance, 4 out of 10 people in range will get…
  • I haven't been on my Cleric for a while so I could be wrong... I used to use Sutra>Razor feather>Plume shot>Cyclone on stronger mobs / increased life mob, and this combo will still 1 shot then, if not dead, follow up with a Plume shot will tend to get the job done. That's speaking for level 30ish... Haven't played my…
  • . That truly sucks. b:cryb:cryb:cry That's what I was thinking, Lyndura. A few post back I have outlined a build I have in mind: As much as you may hate this, mind letting me know what you think, Lyndura? What I was thinking is, Calamity Axe is the lowest axe that has Berserker effect. If I put barely enough strength to…
  • Before any thing else, let me thank you b:thanks Whether the numbers are right or not, I liked your un-biased, experience-based feedback. Those help me a lot as I am such a damn n00b with little game experience and no PvP experience. I am working hard to level, but it just doesn't happen overnight Anywho, is there a skill…
  • That's what I was thinking... but with Calamity Axe you can do AoE. Since each hit in the AoE has a chance to Crit, you will be looking at a 50% (yoru crit chance as a high dex BM) chance to Berserk+Berserker+Crit anyone in the AoE. But since I am a n00b, I'll am not sure if this is too good to be true. I am looking…
  • Maddrox, I have a few questions for you... 1) Firelotus requires Mold: Dragon blade to make, but will only decompose into Mirage Celestones... If you use the Mold: Dragon blade to make the Devilblade instead. According to database that has a chance to decompose into Souledge: Devilblade, which you can make the Mirage…
  • Had to double check before I reply... The topic of this thread is "Main weapon path poll" and not "Best PK weapon of choice", so I don't see how my PK experience has any thing to do with my choice of weapon being baldes and how my opinion on blades become 'irrelevant'. But you are absolutely correct. My weapon of choice…
  • Agreed to some extent. At least you try to reason, instead of dismissing all arguments with just 1 word: irrelevant. But judging by the same argument, since level 105 is hard to obtain and that you have more level 100s than 105s around in game, does that make the opinion from a level 105 less relevant than those of the…
  • I could be wrong, but I think you were thinking of AoE grinding with Axe and wizzy will use AoE spell as well? Also not sure if you are thinking about doing that with just the 2 of you. I just have 1 question if that's the case... Who's healing? While you tank, you need heal; if Wizzy takes aggro on several mobs…
  • Irrelevant What is so irrelevant about it then? The weapon is attainable. The effect is listed on database as a add-on to the weapon. My post is only pointing the 'fact' out that there is a 1-hand blade that has a chance to cast Berserk that last for a period of time instead of the Axe's version of Berserker that is a…
  • This will become my favorite pass time once they fixed the Genie skill that reflect magic b:chuckle Just kidding.
  • Not so much a pain in that particular area, but... that's like calling technical support and ask them how you turn on your PC, don't you think? b:chuckle That question just showed that you haven't even tried playing the game yet. If you did, you'd know that you started with 5 in each stat. Unless you thought you picked an…
  • Then pwdatabase must be wrong then? I copied and pasted the info... b:surrender Enlighten me then. Is it impossible to get a Mirage Scimitar in PWI? According to pwdatabase, the additional effect is called Berserk, where the Axe version that only activate 1-time based on luck is called Berserker. I don't care if you are…
  • Even though you will have to almost read between the lines of the flame posts and sacrasm to get the information... but this thread now contains so much information that they should consider sticky it b:chuckleb:chuckleb:chuckle
  • For you? Good for you then. If you are saying it for the rest of the world, sorry I cannot agree. Wouldn't it be easier for a 1-hand blade BM to do the same? Instead of Zerk, Dragons, Stuns... a 1-hand blade BM can do... It's not a 1 hit like the Axe version, it last a while... With Berzerk activated, you base physical…
  • "Don't you think Zerk Axes + Crit will be much better?" was what I was thinking when I wrote OP. But looking at the stat requirement of 282 Str at level 99, my build will not reach that. I will have 255 Str I believe (at lvl 100). And that kind of gap is not exactly easy to close. But since there are Zerk 1-hand blade,…
  • I'd vote for single-handed blade if they were sub-catagorized... b:dirty
  • With Genies, this build with LA could be good against magic users too. With the speed buff that makes you immune to movement debuffs + 5 sec magic reflect from Genie, even when both run out you can still take a few more magic hits than a HA, so you can just charge in toward the magic user. When you get up close, they…
  • Thank you. That answered my question. Really. I think BM get 15 per vit point, but Axe BMs need vit to tank. AoE with no vit is suicidal. Thanks for the help. b:laughb:laughb:laugh