Bump. :) -FuFu
It is the correct link. You have to click serverlist.txt which is right under the words DOWNLOAD FILE...
Okay I did some digging and I found out how to fix it. You have to download the server list then move that file to the location I put below. Another guy on another part of the forum gave me these to help solve the problem. BTW, make sure you…
Thanks so much! But what if you run a Mac? I have been using PWI on CrossOverGames and encounter a lot of updating issues... I downloaded the file you gave, but I searched for the anything called patcher or server and it wasn't found in my finder... Okay, never mind, I figured it out. Thank you so much.
Where do I find this 'launcher.exe' because I searched it in my finder and I have no such file. Being a Mac user and crossovergames makes playing this game a pain in the you know what. What did you do to fix it?
Yeah, same for me. How are we supposed to connect to our servers?
I see can where that would be handy. Crossover used to be very useful, but its gotten really sloppy with updates. :(
okay so after looking up a lot of information on this I've found a way to get into the game. When I am installing the old Rising Tide version of the game I just install patch two and then I can start playing the game. The major problem is that Crossover and or PW during installation didn't give me an icon to click to play…
Thank you!~
I am quite interested in joining. ;3 I went to your website. I will have a look around. ;o