Yeah happens in you move while trying to open bank interface. Happens to me ocationally. Used to be WAY worse then just needing to relog back during RT expansion my lv ike 20 psy got stuck and could never move/tele/embrace ect. and needed a GM to tele me to timberfield to fix it..... happened the the psy 2 more times lol…
Original Lv1 veno faction temPEST =P Control the rare pet spawns? iv seen the bunny up in ether all the time and some others.
Bacon sword(Was probably said already). Humm maybe a PS3 controller on both hands =P.
What he said. Shinobi set for guys if memory serves.
Shows how much attention i pay....... and iv had it for like 3-4 years lol
Huh they must have just added that note because i have NEVER noticed it before but yeah it says it and i know it shows them.
Well i know a HA Cleric who owes everyone so its do-able and they have trolled with cala axes and kinda...... Killed several people on accident lol. Do-able but ehh why? Can you use skills with a axe on? (I actually have a friend with a 5.0 Cleric and its actually nice since switch to want to debuff/heal/CC then fists to…
Yeah have been cases where you cna log in without patching. Actually for me one day i logged in without thinking about patching since i use elemental.exe on my main screen since its easier. I was online all day then all of a sudden at the end of the night i got kicked and it said i needed to update. Though that is just 1…
Umm did you update your game to the latest version? Sounds weird but that can cause issues.
Well from sweeties numbers and number i get there pretty much equal meaning that drop rate for steelation just sucks lol just like it does for GBA in 3-1.
You guys beat me to it Grr i was gonna have sweetie look at rates it should be. SweetieBot please kill Steelation: Null 10 times during normal drops Gonna compare that to my number i have since 10 times is decent enough to get a idea what they are.
GM's can use the red chat to announce stuff for a individual server as you see when they randomly pop on once a year to spawn harpy wraiths for fun. Its not hard to just check the forum usually around 5 hours before normal maint its announced if its canceled/postponed/early/ect. Also just ask someone in fac who checks…
SweetieBot please kill Icewind Assassin 1000 times During 2x Drop rate Just curious to see the difference. Well there is the bots forum section to do it on =P
Lol just trying to stump you. I can understand some of it but yeah rest is gibberish to me.
- Page 35 Problem #7. I dare you to solve it lol.
Less Small fac's. lot less alt fac due to people reporting everyone. People assumed Tempest was taking Tellus/RT area again. Those are the most likely reasons. Heck maybe some people forgot to bid ya never know lol.
*Posts* Now +1 post count for me =P
Well if barbs need boost in DoT damage id say do same with BMs or all classes with weak DoT. Assassins get some nasty DoTs and other classes as well. For example if i use BMs draw blood on any normal gears (Not super high) it;d tick like 50 HP a time which would do well nothing. Now say you do a Psy DoT it'll tick 1ks…
It can be cast even with filters with memory serves cause i remember people doing it to catshop and everything in safe zone so ya kinda can't do anything about it though i dunno if anti stun stops it or not.
Id say color's but..... i can let it slide till after we get our color's but i want them ASAP!!!!
Also on the subject of leaps. Besides this issue there still glitched so after you use 1 leap you have to move before using the other which is a pain when you get immobilized and wanna use another leap.
Well think of it this way. All seekers attacks at phy with metal added kinda like say a DoT (Bad example) So yes makes since that they'd zerk since not a Mag only skill. I personally got not problem with it since heck they hit me less then Psy/Wizzy of equal gear. Then again my def in Mag marrow is balanced out perfectly…
KOSVenos Mine will be Umadbro? once i get the coin around which will be awhile since saving for R9RR
or.... just let yourself die and get rebuffed? I know if your R9RR+12 Full Josd that might be hard but yeah i say if want buffs that bad then just take armor off lol. So many veno's it feels like in NW that ya never have buffs. Also you could squad up with someone in your instance to buff you. I know several clerics who…
Isn't this a rant? Don't get what the suggestion is. You do know mad classes can solo TT's right? Okay not the 3-X but the others can be. It is very easy to find openers without Logging alot of characters. Since you cna duel log needing 2 openers from fac or WC is simple easy and people don't care about coin just bored and…
That is where i seen it. I interpreted the same thing myself. Until more info is release with something more understandable imma go with that. Plus ya gotta think adding a new combat system and something that kinda makes lvs non existent, makes it not really patchable but more so a new server. Actually sounds like a game…
From what i know that isn't a update but a entirely different server kinda like PWI 3.0 (This is 2.0) and is pretty much a entirely different game. Since dif combat system, skill set, and so forth making it the PW name but pretty much a dif game.
SweetieBot Analyze NigeIus - Dreamweaver
Aww QQ no wonder. SweetieBot Analyze me E: Lets see if that workers
+1 At least we show who are mains are and do not hide. How about you put your proper character on here nix so we all know who is doing the trash talking. Yes i get butt hurt when people disrespect my faction because i am one of a VERY VERY VERY few people who actually have loyalty to there faction now and days. I do not…