Riverwalker - Sanctuary Arc User



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  • Seriously? So I did checkin every day for an entire year and the item I got for "Annual Perfect Attendance Reward" is worthless? I did turn in my dailies at the bottom of the page, which state that they reset at the end of the month, but the Annual expired too? On New Years Eve of all times when loads of people were out…
  • Agreed, it's their code to do with as they like. And no, I don't have a char on Arch server that got a code. I had someone link their BOUND orb and I don't see it as a problem, for several reasons: a) the code is only good for +1 refine (up to +10) b) the orb is bound and can only be used on bound gear c) it can only be…
  • b:chuckle I don't think anyone would ever call me selfish because it took me 4 years to reach lvl 102 on my main and finally hit lvl 95 on my 2nd toon this past week.... Tell me.... what is it I have that I don't want anyone else to have? Cuz if it is so valuable, I must have misplaced it or someone stole it! b:angry You…
  • b:shutup MOST of the higher lvls that you are referring to have been playing this game since it started. We aren't trying to keep players "in the dirt" or from lvl'ing up. Most want to see a better quality player than the "fcc babies" that bought their level and have no real knowledge on how to play their character. Game…
  • Restrict the level to be the level needed to open fcc as squad leader. This will stop the abuse of this instance. YES I said ABUSE, because it was never intended to be used as an option to level chars from 1 to 50 in a few days to begin with!
  • Tide, thanks for trolling, at least you will help build the thread! b:victory Point is that if I want to find out the weather, I go to the weather channel. If I want to know whats going on in world news, I turn on CNN. I don't think it is necessary to go to facebook to find out information on PWI. Enough said.
  • Agreed. The entire playing population is NOT made up of people addicted to facebook. I am not planning on logging on fb just to find out if PWI is planning maintenance. Why can't you keep posting here as you always have and just include facebook as an additional tool for your messages? I don't want to have to find out from…
  • Crazy high personal contributions listed in this post. Squad of 10 from faction going in NW in the Flame nation and we saw personal credits from 400's to 4k, everyone received tokens last night, between 9 and 32 each. So the 2k personal credit to receive tokens isn't right. Everyone was in multiple winning battles, so…
  • love the idea of having diff groups on bl so that you can remember why you put them there. Great idea aasaf :) As for John, yes I can censor my life to my pleasing. I don't have to watch or listen to anything I find offensive or annoying by turning it off, hanging up the phone or excluding people from my life that annoy…
  • I don't want to read someone's convo that could be in private chats. I don't want to read spamming of the same line over and over again. I don't want to read the troll in wc just trying to annoy others by being offensive. Yes it has been part of the game, but not a pleasant one and certainly not one that everyone enjoys. I…
  • Please make the time change for Sundays to allow more people to participate at more player friendly times! b:tired No matter what they do in game, there will be those that are never happy. I don't agree that NW is "harming the balance of the game". I have been participating in NW and have not sold even one item I have…
  • You have a choice, pvp 1 player each from your two opposing orders or collect 3 guardian shards from each of the 2 opposing orders. You have a 3 hour window, it's non repetitive and you get 30 influence. I did not see the boss "Sir Cuddlesworth" the entire time I was in the instance. :(
  • I was under the impression that you needed 3. However, could you please post more info on how you acquired the egg? I've yet to see the boss that drops it.
  • Don't care if it's been posted 20 times or 200 times, the need and desire for these things are there! Good topics and would be nice if they could be addressed. b:scorn
  • No lvl requirements to ATTEND the wedding. More information for Phoenix Nest Wedding on PWI wiki (link in this thread)Phoenix Nest Wedding
  • Vid for Phoenix Wedding link: Mob & Neo's Wedding in the Phoenix Nest
  • You hit the nail right on the head, PWI caused the catshops to be desirable by the players by attaching "fees" to the auction. Because Archosaur is the main city, it was natural for them to choose that area.
  • Very good guide covered all the bases of the chapel wedding. I am looking for more info on the Phoenix Nest at the moment, there seems to be a lot of contradictions in the info I have found. I wish someone would do a guide as good as yours is!b:flower
  • Being able to "buy" your way into better weapons and gear is a no no. Fashions, dyes, items geared at lvl boosting like hyper stones, charm packs, rare pets, mounts & flyers. All skill books. Veno herc/nix pet tickets OR packs of SOF/PF would be a welcome addition. PWI having the cash shop and bidding hall, isn't a bad…
  • b:kiss We all love a good barb that appreciates and takes care of their cleric! b:cute There are certain barbs (and tanks) I never turn down as I know that as I protect them with everything I have, they are watching out for me too! Love love love those barbs that stay near to me as I run slowly through the instance to…
  • no, its not 130 points out of 210. You will get 203 points out of the 210. You lose 3% as some kind of strange fee system PWI uses. However, you are right, it does say how long it will take to upgrade (as director I can't see the screen my leader looks at in order to do the upgrades) and yes you can use additional mats to…
  • Faction monolith lvl 1 & 2: Each character doing all base quests will receive 210 construction points. You will lose a base health point, if you do not achieve 5k base xp every day. Because you don't get the full amount of construction points donated (you lose 3%) you will need approximately 26 characters to turn in the…
  • Can anyone tell me why there needs to be an entrance fee for lunar at all? I've never understood that. 3 mil? Was somebody smoking crack that day? wth is up with that? The other bh 100s do not require wines. Rebirth (delta) orders are free, I make sure to pick mine up every time I cut throught the cube to get back to Arch…
  • I'm really surprised that this didn't get more attention than it did. I talk to other factions and they complain about the same thing, guess the QQ over the DQ rewards & Jones Blessings drowned this out. b:laugh
  • Michael_Dark....... "somewhat proficient" party... yeah, those oracle and fcc noobs make for FANTASTIC squad members, don't they??? Or how about the lovely idiots that run ahead, pull the AOE mobs back to the squad to cancel your bb and pile on you because you drew heal aggro??? I'm not smoking anything, I have been…
  • The only reasons a marriage will go bad is because it wasn't discussed carefully before you rushed into it. Why do you want to be married? Is it true affection for the other plalyer or is it purely based on the benefits in game. Once you have decided the answers to these questions maybe you can have a very successful in…
  • No, we are not extinct, just tired. For anyone that has not played a cleric as a squad healer, I challenge you to try it! It is insanely intense game play, we can't even sneeze as a split second can decide whether the squad lives or dies! Complaining about lag? You have no clue how one lag spike can cause absolute chaos…
  • Since you seem to have some idea how this works, why don't you come up with an idea on how it COULD work rather than all the reasons it can't? I'm sure there is a way that could be implemented with a little effort.
  • No, you cannot use an "average lvl" it would have to be based on actual character lvls enrolled in the faction. Any faction is capable of having lvls 1 thru lvl cap in it. It would actually have to be based on the PREDOMINANT lvl range in the faction. If the predominant range of characters is lvl 50 - 70, then the faction…
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