Reno_Pc_LoT - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • well apparently there are issues with the patch for some people. currently 6:02 am eastern time for me, and refuses to let me log in, i had NO errors or failures on patching, it patched very smoothly. anyone know a fix for the "Login timeout in 40 seconds." bug? or do people with that really have to quit?
  • and im saying, as an archer, i count the defense more friendly then the hp when counting the vita points. i don't need alot of vita, since my mold items are all 4 sockets with full citrins and +4-+6 on them, which will last till 90 or 99 whichever i decide to get new armour at. anyways i don't even care about half this…
  • Guides are posted for people who follow them and end up saying "WTH why i cant be people other same build" or some ****, and you know why? guides are made to make other people weaker then the people who made the guide, follow guides and you wont ever be better then the people who wrote it there is more then 1 hybrid, str…
  • nice side stepping everything noob, archers that are pure dex cant hold aggro on melee bosses, CUZ WE CANT USE FISTS! u frking reject! LEARN TO UNDERSTAND BUILDS! just get off this game, since u dont understand anything, you said, VENOS CANT TANK FF! your words reject stop changing what u said. god ur the biggest noob
  • yeah okay talk more **** kid, i'd love to know what faction ur in, and my archer does just perfectly fine, you little noob, im pure dex, not hybrid, how many times have i said this? Hybrid = fist+bow tyvm, you clearly dunno ur archer builds, you should just quit kid, and dont reply with bs that u have no clue to what ur…
  • hmm nice..more bragging about tanking 59 at level 85..who can't do that at that level? wtg for being a more fail then usual. and considering you pretty much said ur bow is fail bow, with 1 socket, and not perfect, thanks, you're super fail, so you're entire arguement is entirely based on you being 85 tanking level 59bh…
  • i never said archers can't tank, i've tanked fb 19, bh 29. 39. 51. the only boss i cant tank, and i know i cant is rankers, due to his double attack, melee+range at the same time, which is why i called him a huge DD'er, he does 2 attacks at once instead of only one. i'm use to going on squads were most to all players have…
  • what an obvious alt.b:laughb:laughb:laughb:laugh
  • haha you're funny, it's pretty obvious that you are lying, because an archer wouldnt beable to hold agrro against melee bosses, only long distance ones, and even still it's risky unless they have mold weapons and mold rings, plus a damn high crit rate. talk all the trash you want, because the only way you were tanking…
  • first of all, huge different from 61 to 85, considering u can have FULL mold items on at 85, u can only have a 2 mold armour pieces, and jewelry at 61, which i have thank you. i also have full mold/warsoul items for 69-88 u silly person, i'm not making archers look bad since i said i EASILY tanked fushma, AND WYVERN, at…
  • i've tanked fushy and wyvern on my archer a few times, which alot of people aside from tanks don't like doing. just saying, it isn't meant to be the archers job to tank the bosses, everyone who knows me on the server, knows i shouldn't complain about tanking, and i get mad when i get told that. even my gf calls my archer…
  • just to clerify, my gf, the other archer, was doing her best, that a squishy can do, which was thoughtful, but, the whole thing was a fail due to the fail of the bm and cleric. the sins did good, compared to the others i've squaded with.
  • as i said, i didn't mind tanking, but tanker is a huge DD'er, specially when i had no potions, no apoth buffs, and the cleric was a failur at its job...i tanked fushma easily. i know how to play archer, i do just fine thanks. also seriously doubt an archer solo'ed ur whole fb 59 since two of the bosses do 1-3k damage…
  • you can say im selfish all you really want, i've also helped more then my share killing yan the traitor, which isn't easy for anyone, and i've done general feng for over 20 people when they say they died, i've done countless culti quests for people also, never asked for anything from these people, but considering i lost my…
  • easy to use, but not 100% correct all the time for PWI since our version isnt the same as others, we get the corque **** version of it all the time for NA
  • now that was mean, i didn't even say something that mean! to the person who is saying the racism stuff, get over urself, barbs themselves are not a race, they are a class, untamed = race, barb = class, end of it :D got connections? spamming their inbox isn't connections.
  • i think i love you for you pointing that out.
  • ewww ruinscape no never ever quest, i wanted to play that game when it came out, and this is a true story, i went out, bought the game, went to install it, "Cd Key already in use" from a brand new out of the box game so i call the company, and this is what they told me. "these things happen, however we cannot give you a…
  • did i say my word was all that counts? many other players have said the same thing, that TB's are OP Upgrades are fine as long as it stays within bounds and doesnt change the entire game. racism in a game? ooh look the racist card...umm did i say "Untamed are useless" no, barbs = untamed if you want to go with race,…
  • excuse me? Netbook? i want to slap you. and i mentioned the background because it's important aspect, not just some random person thinking they know how things worked, that was directly purely at the whole dev/gm team getting the raw end of everything, nothing more, thanks for showing how smart you are, typical barb. there…
  • people keep saying "if geared right, if geared right" and others kept saying "90+" which basically means sage/demon skills, if any of you bothered to read through it clearly, i did mention tb's don't have sage/demon skills, and when they do it will be rtarded. skills/spells can be interupted, so sadly, casting speed does…
  • umm mmorpg = massive multiplayer online role playing game, not mmo. and no, it's even listed that uo was the first mmorpg made. unless you're talking about things such as LegendMUD<--- yes i even played that server of MUD gaming, and know about it, how many others can say that? "After I read the I will keep this short I…
  • new player packs have the following inside of them 5 Esoterica 10 teleacoustic 1 bronze hp charm 1 bronze mp charm 1 geopraphic map 2 of each basic inventory stone, safe stone, cage.b:sad since there are most of the 20-22 mold weapons, i find it, VERY illconceived to not add the level 22 wand mold and 20 fist mold. if they…