a fail of a bh run

Reno_Pc_LoT - Heavens Tear
Reno_Pc_LoT - Heavens Tear Posts: 25 Arc User
edited February 2010 in General Discussion
okay, so today i spam for about 45 minutes to finally get a full squad for a full bh run, 2 sin's 1 bm, 1 cleric, and 2 archers, first thing bm says "sin cant you tank? you strong" sin says no and i say just out of spite mind you "i could probably do a better job then the sin" cuz i did have better gear then the sin they asked, so the bm says "ok you tank then cuz i cant" like wth? it was fine, i didn't care about tanking fushma or wyvern, but theres no way i could tank rankers, so i tank fushma..yay for 5 charm tics and 13 potions wasted cuz cleric decided not to do BB until a few seconds after i pull fushma away from 2 mobs, and a safe place away from walkers.

okay with fushma dead, walking, walking, walking, okay, hey everyone but me and my gf go the wrong way..they all just decided "lets let the archers deal with the door boss and mobs over there!"

AFTER we kill the dang thing, to be honest wasnt hard but was annoying, they all run back, DRAGGING 2 mobs, with sacif bonus on them, the BM runs, the cleric dies, and one sin, i pull the dang things off the bm...and NO ONE HELPS! - wtf much?

we manage to get to ranker without anyone dying, and instead of casting bb right away, cleric sits there spamming buffs while the whole squad already buffed...so i die, sins dies, bm "dc's" and doesnt die, cleric dies too..my gf, and the bm live, the cleric said some of the walkers were near, so, the bm sits down, litterly does the sit down emote, and my gf, who is a squishy archer goes to help, a few minutes later bm says "oh im coming" gf and cleric die again, bm says "sorry, i slow class" <---- bs exucse, more like lazy

so i say "forget this, i'll give up my runs and my tab run and get on my veno to help"

so i, nicely give up my dang runs and tab run to help these noobs and my gf with the bh run with my veno since i have a herc, and being nice i gave the cleric 4 oracles to make up for the 49k exp she lost.

so i kill the bosses lala clear all the mobs, did the clearing all by my self while my gf waited around for the cleric, whom for some reason still hadn't made it back along with the bm, in that time, no one could help since, being thoughtful towards these useless 2 people, she stayed around by the dead sin waiting for the cleric and bm to come, and what awaits her? the cleric dragging 2 mobs, getting the bm killed along with herself*the cleric* and almost got my gf killed AGAIN, so i rush back as fast as i can with my summer sprint on, and save her, then we have to wait once more for the cleric and bm.

amazingly we manage to get to the wyvern without anymore deaths, it dies, so a mold drops off of wyvern, and i ask if i can get mold, and i have a dang good reason, i lost my runs+tab run, and the cleric says "no i lost exp the most i get it"

okay, sure the cleric died like 4 times, but i gave them 4 oracles II's to make up for that for them, ontop of that i got on my veno who didn't need the dang run.

so lets try to figure this out, just out of common curtisy

i died twice on my archer due to the bm and cleric not doing thier jobs, got on my veno, lost my runs+tab for the night

they lost...what? 45k exp from dying, i gave then 4 oracles which gives them money+spirit+exp back

so someone try to make sense out of that, they called me greedy for wanting the mold that was worht like 350k...considering i lost loads of tics on my mana charms and hp charms for them and the other **** mentioned above?

some people on this game have no frking curisty when people go out of their way to help people, and i get told im selfish and greedy? seriously..wth?

and dont gimme the "its the bh rule noob/dude" yeah sure but heck, if someone did that for me i know for dang sure i'd give them the mold, i've wined dungeons and given people 3 stars that i dont need before.

moral of the story, don't help people out of kindness, specially if you've never gotten it back.
Once a legend, always a legend.
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Your skills are unfounded.
Read it and obey, Chuck Norris approves of my skills.
Post edited by Reno_Pc_LoT - Heavens Tear on


  • DarkSniper - Lost City
    DarkSniper - Lost City Posts: 1,830 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    first thing bm says "sin cant you tank? you strong"

    I would of left as soon as that happened.
    The only way to win is to quit. b:bye
  • Psytrac - Dreamweaver
    Psytrac - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,488 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Your story is one of selfish greed in itself. "It cost me money, I want it back." I have a veno as well, and when we needed bosses done I lose ALOT more xp than the rest would. I've been to 90% 6 times, grinding 3 hours to get there. (I tent to drop to 80% or less alot) I have never once asked for anything more than cooperation, and neither should you. Talk to friends to get your runs in if you need it, I get mine to help when I do.

    Now here's real selflessness:
    I was on my sin, level 25, and I had the heart quest to do. well, I saw a barb run by into the den, so I dropped him a whisper. he didn't speak english very well, but I took the time to try to communicate and was rewarded for my efforts. I got invited into the FB squad, but not for the FB, what I needed was my quest. so a cleric, a barb and myself went through half the dungeon. I ended up killing the barb cause the darkbreed caught me off-guard, but they were understanding on that. The cleric healed us both backup and all was fine. After we ran out of darkbreed in the den, we all went outside to finish (I still hadn't gotten it and all the den ones were gone) Once I had gotten it, I thanked them both for it, and told them to whisper me if they needed help with the FB. since Rend isn't easy in the best of circumstances. They declined my offer, but I made it. They didn't ask for my to make such an offer, I believe in paying kindness with kindness.

    The barb: Agromon of USSR on DW and one of his friends, who did the translating for us. (so if any of his friends are reading, let'em know its not forgotten)

    Want another story? I was doing the elder tortus for people. I announced it SEVEN times, and was never asked by some person who proceeded to say "FU" and tell me to go kill mobs my own level. I found that amusing. He kept moaning so I said "yea, sure, you go solo him next time he appears." He couldn't do it, I had to save him. (didn't HAVE to, but I'm nice like that, silly me) I could have let him die,and I probably should have, but it's not me. Give without the expectation of reward, or don't give at all.

    @Darksniper: I tanked mobs in 19 with my sin cause that barb couldn't keep agro from me, I could have likely tanked Rend too.
    I'm a guy, not a woman, that is all
    "When you're on Team Bring it, every morning your feet hit the floor, the good lord says "good morning" and the devil says 'Oh **** they're up' " - Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
    Are you on Team Bring it?
  • Reno_Pc_LoT - Heavens Tear
    Reno_Pc_LoT - Heavens Tear Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    you can say im selfish all you really want, i've also helped more then my share killing yan the traitor, which isn't easy for anyone, and i've done general feng for over 20 people when they say they died, i've done countless culti quests for people also, never asked for anything from these people, but considering i lost my tab run+bh run...sorry it was my TAB RUN and i had to cancel it due to the cleric not doing their job.

    sorry...not selfish..i did ALL work, and lost the most.

    who heard of archers below level 89 tanking bosses in bh's anyways?
    Once a legend, always a legend.
    Your best is my worse.
    Your skills are unfounded.
    Read it and obey, Chuck Norris approves of my skills.
  • MagicHamsta - Lost City
    MagicHamsta - Lost City Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    err...you know they be idiots and you GAVE THEM STUFF AFTER?
    and why would you even come back on your veno to help them.....?
    darthpanda16: Firefox crashed on me. Aryannamage: I don't think I am a GM that would be new.
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    frankieraye: I'll see if we can replace the woman with a stick figure and the tiger fangs with marshmallows.//Issues like these need to get escalated quickly to minimize the damage.
    Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
    Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
    LokisDottir: I mean...not haunting the forums, nope nope..
    Konariraiden: You don't know what you are up against. You will lose.
    Waiting for...Hamster Packs!
    58% chance to get tokens
    41% chance to get an all class pet hamster....but they has already been freed by the magic hamster.
    1% chance to get ban hamstered with the message "Hamsters United!"
  • Sheeeba - Dreamweaver
    Sheeeba - Dreamweaver Posts: 287 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    who heard of archers below level 89 tanking bosses in bh's anyways?

    I had a level 67 (at the time) archer tanking my fb59. Of course, unlike a lot of archers I've seen, he knew how to play his class. This was also a long time ago, when the servers weren't quite so overrun with high level noobs.

    ::venos kick tail::

    Sheeeba: 8x Venomancer, Hate2Love
    ClericNico: 7x Cleric(Mainly Support), Hate2Love Executor
    _Poe_: 6x Barbarian, Einherjar

    "You don't know me, son, so let me explain this to you once. If I ever kill you, you'll be awake, you'll be facing me, and you'll be armed."
  • Ephemerai - Sanctuary
    Ephemerai - Sanctuary Posts: 335 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I think it sucks that the cleric demanded the mold, using lost exp as an excuse, even though you'd given her enough oracles to make up for the exp lost.

    I don't think it's wrong for you to ask for the mold, but generally mold stays with whoever got it on random during BHs.. either way, selfless or not, it would make most sense for the mold to go to you if it had to be taken from whoever was lucky enough to bag it.

    @ Psytrac, I don't know why but the fact that you're calling the OP selfish + you're using yourself as an example of selflessness kinda bothers me. Not that it matters (doubt anyone would care what I think about them xD), but I believe if you do truly kind, selfless acts, you shouldn't boast about it, even if you're trying to explain what true kindness is & need an example to support your explanation. And the tone of your post makes it seem like boasting, whether or not that was your intention =\ Just saying is all.
  • Psytrac - Dreamweaver
    Psytrac - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,488 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    @ Psytrac, I don't know why but the fact that you're calling the OP selfish + you're using yourself as an example of selflessness kinda bothers me. Not that it matters (doubt anyone would care what I think about them xD), but I believe if you do truly kind, selfless acts, you shouldn't boast about it, even if you're trying to explain what true kindness is & need an example to support your explanation. And the tone of your post makes it seem like boasting, whether or not that was your intention =\ Just saying is all.
    the OP's post was a bunch of whining and complaining, and no, I had more than one example there. I wasn't trying to boast, but if it comes across that way, so be it. The general attitude of the players makes it so.
    I'm a guy, not a woman, that is all
    "When you're on Team Bring it, every morning your feet hit the floor, the good lord says "good morning" and the devil says 'Oh **** they're up' " - Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
    Are you on Team Bring it?
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Good thing about PvP server, you get to PK the fails.
  • Reno_Pc_LoT - Heavens Tear
    Reno_Pc_LoT - Heavens Tear Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I had a level 67 (at the time) archer tanking my fb59. Of course, unlike a lot of archers I've seen, he knew how to play his class. This was also a long time ago, when the servers weren't quite so overrun with high level noobs.

    as i said, i didn't mind tanking, but tanker is a huge DD'er, specially when i had no potions, no apoth buffs, and the cleric was a failur at its job...i tanked fushma easily.

    i know how to play archer, i do just fine thanks.

    also seriously doubt an archer solo'ed ur whole fb 59 since two of the bosses do 1-3k damage attacks.
    Once a legend, always a legend.
    Your best is my worse.
    Your skills are unfounded.
    Read it and obey, Chuck Norris approves of my skills.
  • Sheeeba - Dreamweaver
    Sheeeba - Dreamweaver Posts: 287 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    First of all, I didn't mean to imply that YOU don't know how to play the archer. I was merely stating that I see a lot of archers that don't.

    Secondly, I didn't say he solo'd it, I said he tanked it. He had his wife healing him (Cleric, also lvl 67 at the time.). Considering I've been tanking fb59 with my cleric for quite a while now, that's really not that big a deal. The 59 can really be tanked by any class, as all the bosses are magic.

    ::venos kick tail::

    Sheeeba: 8x Venomancer, Hate2Love
    ClericNico: 7x Cleric(Mainly Support), Hate2Love Executor
    _Poe_: 6x Barbarian, Einherjar

    "You don't know me, son, so let me explain this to you once. If I ever kill you, you'll be awake, you'll be facing me, and you'll be armed."
  • XanZerstorer - Dreamweaver
    XanZerstorer - Dreamweaver Posts: 505 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I remember some BH69 Polearm run where we had problems with the barb and cleric. I kept pulling aggro without using skills, and cleric lagged at the worst moment possible: when I was debuffed. I died as the boss died. I didn't get credit. The team just went "gg" and left the instance. Don't think I ever got so pissed over a BH before that happened...

    The same thing happened to a guildie. We were running one of our marshall's FB69, and she wanted to tank it herself (she plays a barb). That's something we had agreed to, and I brought my BM to offtank. Not feeling safe as the only cleric, I WCed for another, and I clearly warned that the guild barb was tanking, and that I was gonna remove rings/blessing as not to grab aggro. We get another guildie who had BH, and the cleric decides to bring a friend. 85 barb. /facepalm. So I warn again. Guildie is gonna tank, she wants to see if she can pull it off.

    Pyro goes meh. 85 barb insists on tanking and outside cleric as well. I heal whoever has aggro, but it switchs all around due to the 2 barbs aggro-stealing from each other. Guild barb gives up, we heal the 85, end of Pyro. Polearm goes well - guildie doesn't want us to wipe at him. Gaurnob goes wrong...

    85 barb has troubles keeping aggro, so guildie barb grabs it. And it's aggro-switch-fest. 85 barb loses it, guildie grabs it, 85 grabs it again, loses, and so on. I'm facepalming hardcore, and finally decide to heal the 85 since he has aggro. The guildie gets it. Gaurnob crits. Guildie dies. Outside cleric reses the guildie barb. 85 barb dies. Outside cleric dies. I send the BM on the boss, I TOP, heal a bit, res the cleric who reses the barbs... in the meantime, BM loses aggro to guildie wizzie... wizzie dies. Both barbs lives, including tabber. Wizzie doesn't get credit. I offered to run again but the wiz was pissed. I took him on my cleric's 69 some odd hours after.

    Nonetheless that went much smoother, since we had the guild barb as the main tank. Didn't even need to offtank on BM.

    I remember soloing TT1-1 Drummer as my BM. I brought a couple low 50s and 60s buddies in a TT run to show them what it was like, and even BB couldn't keep them alive. BBer died, leaving me soloing the thing as the other melee DDs had fled to safety. I don't recall the amount that went off my charm. I couldn't HF since my chi had to go to sutra, I was TOPing, using pots, apothecary items, the whole dealy. Weirdly enough, I had fun on that run. Guess that pushed my limits, lol.
    Due to constant PMs: I'm not German, sorry folks D:
  • Reno_Pc_LoT - Heavens Tear
    Reno_Pc_LoT - Heavens Tear Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    just to clerify, my gf, the other archer, was doing her best, that a squishy can do, which was thoughtful, but, the whole thing was a fail due to the fail of the bm and cleric.

    the sins did good, compared to the others i've squaded with.
    Once a legend, always a legend.
    Your best is my worse.
    Your skills are unfounded.
    Read it and obey, Chuck Norris approves of my skills.
  • apollymi
    apollymi Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    XanZerstorer's post reminds me of my own BH 69 one day. I didn't have a lot of money at the time and I normally wait anways on my bhs until I had both the brother bosses for it so i didnt spend extra coin for two runs. Well.. I go into a party and it ends up as 2 bms, 1 cleric, 3 venos......... Spells out fun time right? of course it was a gamble to take on Pole with this set up... And we nearly had it going smooth too. Until Somehow Pole sent a nasty shot at me killing me... As he edges closer to death, one of the other venos says for the tanking bm to run so the cleric to rez me. Well... bm dies, i did get rez but died again, other bm dies, cleric dies, and then the other two venos end up trying to tank it.. soon one of them dies and the last one standing finishes if off. The bm who tanked offered to pay us back wine money but we just said forget it.. and i had to leave the house anyways... Luckly some hours later i ended up catching a free run. Yay
    Welcome to my nightmare; I think you're gonna like it.. Lvl 9X Venomancer
    Credit goes to Forsakenx for the lovely signature. ^.^ All Hail Forsakenx
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    uh...mold goes to OP cuz he gave up his own BH. enough said...geez

    also, that bm is a ****ing ******. need to kick him and find another one next time.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Telarith - Sanctuary
    Telarith - Sanctuary Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    OP gave up their game, got on a character that did all the work, is the only one who didn't gain anything in addition to losing xp, had to put up with the rest of the group's incompetence, had to deal with their demanding unearned rewards, and still helped them throughout.

    He may not achieve sainthood, but he definitely isn't selfish. Dealing with all that while taking the hit and deciding to help counts much more than deciding to help beforehand and things going to hell. So bringing up moments of helping people where they know going in they won't get anything does not count the same.
    Fist are the worst at PvP AND PvE, if you disagree, as I said, take it to PM's or make your own guide. Go here if you want to debate about it. - Lyndura

    Get a High lvl Fist warrior use it, Restat to axes. GG - complexx

    :NOTE: These signatures are to forever immortalize, how stupid people can be.
  • JadeFarmer - Dreamweaver
    JadeFarmer - Dreamweaver Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited February 2010

    who heard of archers below level 89 tanking bosses in bh's anyways?

    I have tanked fb/bh 59 many times from level 6x
    It is better to remain silent and be thought the fool then to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
  • Meeplk - Harshlands
    Meeplk - Harshlands Posts: 461 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    heres a funny story of a wierd bh 29 yes i said 29

    once we all got in got chi cleard the mobs execpt tower the veno who was level 46 insisted on lureing qingzi through the door the barb the squad leader declined the veno got booted and killed after we killed the tower and got to qingzi mid way in the fight the barb stoped attacking *i assumed he dced* me grabbed aggro died level 43 cleric died then bard died we came back and did it succsesfull then barb demanded the mold for dieing ONCE me coulda probaly killed him he was only 49 but me no want red but it was it wierd run >.> the cleric ended up getting the mold and cussed at D:

    magic mmmb:dirty
  • Reno_Pc_LoT - Heavens Tear
    Reno_Pc_LoT - Heavens Tear Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I have tanked fb/bh 59 many times from level 6x

    i've tanked fushy and wyvern on my archer a few times, which alot of people aside from tanks don't like doing.

    just saying, it isn't meant to be the archers job to tank the bosses, everyone who knows me on the server, knows i shouldn't complain about tanking, and i get mad when i get told that.

    even my gf calls my archer over powered due to the items i've collected.

    but whole point was, if there is a BM or barb, they should tank, and not leave it to us squishy classes!

    b:dirtyb:kissalso ty everyone who agreed with my point of view on this, sadly i think we all know it won't ever change the way the general public thinks.b:dirtyb:kiss
    Once a legend, always a legend.
    Your best is my worse.
    Your skills are unfounded.
    Read it and obey, Chuck Norris approves of my skills.
  • Airyll - Dreamweaver
    Airyll - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    who heard of archers below level 89 tanking bosses in bh's anyways?

    You're stupid.

    At level 85 I happily tank FBs and BHs 59 and under (69 is tricky, I could probably tank Pyro but Pole and Nob are beyond my limits).

    I stopped reading this thread after I saw that one sentence.

    Please go reroll, you're making us archers look bad.

    -edit- HAI XAN!!!
  • Katzyn - Sanctuary
    Katzyn - Sanctuary Posts: 1,270 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I believe in trying to be kind and helpful, as well, but there are just some times when you ahve to say, "**** kindness, this isn't working", and get the hell out. It's sad that some times, when you try to be nice, you get screwed over. I know the feeling. I won't recap any of my stories, but I will say that sometimes, you have to limit yourself to how kind you think you should be, or you're just enabling the idiots and rude people to continue **** others. =/ Stand up for yourself and lay down the law, and if they can't cope, leave them. It's not your fault if they can't work well with others.
    Katzyn, level 101 Demon Veno
    Kylenea, level 99 Demon Cleric
    ForestSonata, level 6x Mystic
    Proud wifeh of Yudai <3
    ~Courtesy of the amazing Forsakenx~
  • tweakz
    tweakz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I'm selfish. I'm playing a game, not running a charity.
    Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.
  • XxIfritxX - Lost City
    XxIfritxX - Lost City Posts: 170 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    lol...well...bad things happens...I guess it's ur first bad BH o.o

    I've seen worse !!
    All my Goals in Life Turned to be Offside b:surrender
  • Aeremay - Harshlands
    Aeremay - Harshlands Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Ohkay. I have been on one of the worst BH39 runs ever. However, it was obviously not for me.

    So, I was turning in my BH and this veno randomly screams out my name, getting all excited and giddy. She kept on implying I knew her, but I didn't. She asked me if I could do her BH run (Farren), and I said yes. Just for the heck of it. Moments later I called up one of my friends Luna_Star, a veno as well(yus, the only reason I placed her name up here is because I know she wanted ittt), and the veno who needed BH kept on saying "we need a tank..."

    WTF? Srsly? Dude, I do believe Lv 80 venos can handle Farren in BH39. The veno that called up a cleric, 'just in case anyone dies'. So, the cleric is a higher lv than me and Luna. So we expect him to know what to do. But, he didn't.

    Once into BH39, AyraVeno (pfft, I'm not gonna care, so I might as well say her name), she died. Because the cleric _Rand_ was healing himself instead of Ayra. The hell. Wtf you doing healing yourself when the BH-er needs the damn healing? Afterwards, I then began to complain, "wtf you doing? you're a damn cleric heal the person dying". He then started to curse in another language. And his English was horrible so I didn't understand splick.

    Ayra, kept on defending him after countless amounts of deaths. (Yes the poor girl kept on dying a few times since Rand was preoccupied of me screaming and complaining.)

    A little while later Luna lost her temper, and started CAPsing insanely at him when Rand was being chased by ONE mob. "help help! im dying" Uhh, wtf dude? We're lower lvls than you and you're crying for help? Fight back, geez.

    "WTF YOU'RE A CLERIC HEAL YOURSELF" And so, the cleric then stated "i don't fight i only heal" Ahem. Sorry for the long post, this was fairly a long and annoying BH run.

    Me and Luna were pissed and came up of a plan of murdering the two. Closer to the boss, Luna tanked, and so we waited until the cleric would hit the boss, but he didn't. The veno sure did, and she died once Luna stowed her pet. She ran up towards Ayra and Rand trying to kill them. Farren DID kill Ayra but not Rand.

    Zomg. It goes on too, after we were out of the BH Rand began telling Luna how to run BH39. The hell? Seriously that cleric needed help on healing skills.
  • Reno_Pc_LoT - Heavens Tear
    Reno_Pc_LoT - Heavens Tear Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    You're stupid.

    At level 85 I happily tank FBs and BHs 59 and under (69 is tricky, I could probably tank Pyro but Pole and Nob are beyond my limits).

    I stopped reading this thread after I saw that one sentence.

    Please go reroll, you're making us archers look bad.

    -edit- HAI XAN!!!

    first of all, huge different from 61 to 85, considering u can have FULL mold items on at 85, u can only have a 2 mold armour pieces, and jewelry at 61, which i have thank you.

    i also have full mold/warsoul items for 69-88 u silly person, i'm not making archers look bad since i said i EASILY tanked fushma, AND WYVERN, at 61, you're making archers look bad, not me.

    try reading what people say before hand, before trying to say i fail kid, thats all.

    and for proof of my items, if requested, ill gladly post all my items in MY bank/backpack ON MY ARCHER, not another character like others do on here.

    lol...well...bad things happens...I guess it's ur first bad BH o.o

    I've seen worse !!

    true, but i've had bad ones before, but this was just pure noobish one lol

    Aeremay, that is seriously one of the worse clerics i've heard of lol, i mean, give respect to clerics that are good, but to the other ones, bash them until they learn their trade.
    Once a legend, always a legend.
    Your best is my worse.
    Your skills are unfounded.
    Read it and obey, Chuck Norris approves of my skills.
  • Airyll - Dreamweaver
    Airyll - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Yada yada.

    Maybe you should read what post I quoted, smart one.

    Perhaps you will realise I was talking about how you so nonchalantly spoke about archers under 89 tanking bosses in BHs. Or did you totally skip that part to try and make your own post work a little bit more? I'm guessing you did.

    I do not make archers look bad. I merely point out that you and your "why would an archer tank bosses in BHs if they're under 89 anyway?" is complete **** and I will happily rebuke it.

    I love tanking. I can go all out, spark to kingdom come, go absolutely crazy, and frankly the repair costs aren't really all that horrible. There is no problem with an archer - of any level - tanking anything they are capable of, BH boss or not.

    Why don't you learn to read what is posted before you run around quoting posts and then trying to sound smart and twist what you initially said?

    Oh and by the way, I was tanking bosses in BH well before level 85. So you can take your talk about gears and how better I am at tanking **** in comparison to you away and throw it in the trash right now. ;) I was tanking with this character long before you were even playing your archer.
  • Reno_Pc_LoT - Heavens Tear
    Reno_Pc_LoT - Heavens Tear Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Maybe you should read what post I quoted, smart one.

    Perhaps you will realise I was talking about how you so nonchalantly spoke about archers under 89 tanking bosses in BHs. Or did you totally skip that part to try and make your own post work a little bit more? I'm guessing you did.

    I do not make archers look bad. I merely point out that you and your "why would an archer tank bosses in BHs if they're under 89 anyway?" is complete **** and I will happily rebuke it.

    I love tanking. I can go all out, spark to kingdom come, go absolutely crazy, and frankly the repair costs aren't really all that horrible. There is no problem with an archer - of any level - tanking anything they are capable of, BH boss or not.

    Why don't you learn to read what is posted before you run around quoting posts and then trying to sound smart and twist what you initially said?

    Oh and by the way, I was tanking bosses in BH well before level 85. So you can take your talk about gears and how better I am at tanking **** in comparison to you away and throw it in the trash right now. ;) I was tanking with this character long before you were even playing your archer.

    haha you're funny, it's pretty obvious that you are lying, because an archer wouldnt beable to hold agrro against melee bosses, only long distance ones, and even still it's risky unless they have mold weapons and mold rings, plus a damn high crit rate.

    talk all the trash you want, because the only way you were tanking anything is if you had a way higher cleric that had BB the entire time you've been tanking, plus charms and potions, even then, it's second rate tanking, i can tank without a clerics BB.

    you should just give up, because all you're doing is sounding like an idiot.

    want to know why? 90% of the time, heck, even 95% of the time, NO ONE will stay in party if an archer says "oh i tank boss yeee" because when people ask for tank, its Veno/Bm/Barb, and depending on the boss, sometimes wizards.

    wasting chi on sparks, below level 89 is useless if you're trying to be an archer tank, spit out the AoE or spam shield to reduce damage even more, you're sounding like a pure vita archer, don't get thinking you're all that, considering you never bothered to ask the most important question, what build is my archer? Pure Dex, meaning i barely have any str, barely any vita, and absolutely no mag, 100% DD archer, i have enough str to only wear the items i need, and enough vita to live.

    again you said i fail at archer, without asking my build, just proves are much of a fail player you are.

    ontop of that, i don't put citrines in my armour below level 69, i made an exception with my crystalize helm, only cuz i'm using it til level 70, when i can wear my warsoul of earth helm.

    i'm completely ungem'ed which makes another huge difference, though i could put flawless in all my gear just for the like 300 hp boost, no point, rather same them and make imcom citrines for my warsoul helm and tt99 gold set.

    as a level 85 "godly" archer, you must have the same bow i do for 85, a perfect stat made broadland bow, with 2 sockets and at least +6 having 2 immacs in it right? or but ull go on and say you have +10 or higher i bet and never show the proof.

    the only fail archer here is you, i do my trade properly, i never said archers cant tank, i said they dont OFTEN tank unless they are at least demon or sage, to prevent party wipe from happening, its called thinking of the squads safety and not ur ego saying u can tank everything, i knew i could tank fushma, so i did, EASILY, only using aoe, because its all i needed against a weak boss like fushma and wyvern
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  • Alexenokin - Lost City
    Alexenokin - Lost City Posts: 418 Arc User
    edited February 2010

    that's all i read...
    I have officially "won the game"... Actually, I decided it was time to leave.
    Joined sometime in March of 2009 - right after Dreamweaver opening.
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  • Reno_Pc_LoT - Heavens Tear
    Reno_Pc_LoT - Heavens Tear Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    that's all i read...

    what an obvious alt.b:laughb:laughb:laughb:laugh
    Once a legend, always a legend.
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  • Brigid - Harshlands
    Brigid - Harshlands Posts: 1,332 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Archers, when they can safely tank, make superior tanks to Barbs, 99% of BMs, and whatever else. As Airyll said, a good archer tanking means everyone else is free to DD to their maximum potential without worrying about aggro. At some point, I've tanked BH29 in the high 40s (albeit with two clerics), every BH39 boss while I was in my 50s, every BH59 boss while I was in my 70s, and Pyro in BH69. In short, every BH boss up to level 89 except Fushma, Rankar, Wyvern, Gaurnob, and Polearm. That's 10 bosses I've successfully tanked, all uncharmed mind you, against 5 that I know I couldn't at the time, and therefore didn't try.

    Now, the difference is knowing your limits and those of your squad mates. If I know I can tank a boss, I'll tell the squad so. If they don't want me to, then I'll simply reduce my damage so as to not take aggro.

    An archer holds aggro through damage alone. A barb holds aggro through tiger-form skills alone. With a good cleric, there's no need to interrupt your damage dealing for anything except for spark eruptions, and other DDs in the squad will usually be able to go all-out rather than having to hold back to prevent an aggro steal from the barbarian. Also, the barbarian will be able to attack in human form, dealing more damage as well. Thus, archer tank means a faster boss kill.
  • Reno_Pc_LoT - Heavens Tear
    Reno_Pc_LoT - Heavens Tear Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Archers, when they can safely tank, make superior tanks to Barbs, 99% of BMs, and whatever else. As Airyll said, a good archer tanking means everyone else is free to DD to their maximum potential without worrying about aggro. At some point, I've tanked BH29 in the high 40s (albeit with two clerics), every BH39 boss while I was in my 50s, every BH59 boss while I was in my 70s, and Pyro in BH69. In short, every BH boss up to level 89 except Fushma, Rankar, Wyvern, Gaurnob, and Polearm. That's 10 bosses I've successfully tanked, all uncharmed mind you, against 5 that I know I couldn't at the time, and therefore didn't try.

    i never said archers can't tank, i've tanked fb 19, bh 29. 39. 51. the only boss i cant tank, and i know i cant is rankers, due to his double attack, melee+range at the same time, which is why i called him a huge DD'er, he does 2 attacks at once instead of only one.

    i'm use to going on squads were most to all players have molded weapons and other items, so, if its a melee boss, i'm not going to bother, i'll let the melee tank do it.

    if the archer is able to do it, and theres already a tank class in party, it doesnt mean through the tanking to the archer, what point is there to have the tank class like a barb, who does almost no damage in the squad, if the archer is going to tank right away, get a higher DD'er then a barb.

    speaking in class wise it's obviously listed as such

    Barbs = Tanks
    Venos = Tank+DD
    Cleric = Healer+DD and sometimes Tanks
    Archers = DD and can be tanks
    Wizars = DD+tank+healer
    BM = DD+Tank

    every class CAN possibly tank, however, it is MOST commonly seen, Barb/Veno is first picked for tanks then the other classes for tanks.

    i agree Archers can be tanks, but only to a certain degree.

    this isn't about if archers can or cannot be tanks, everyone knows THEY CAN BE, however, so can clerics, wizards, psys, and sins, so is it okay to push tanking on the them all the time? why even bother inviting barbs anymore then if archers are aparently the new tank for them? cuz they arent.
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