RedBull - Lost City Arc User


  • wht wz tht u said? ur anti txt ma wordz? u gota be crzy. what did i even say? lol idk just like to annoy ppl.
  • I remember the good old days when gold was max price (1 mil) and prices stayed the same, wait, that hasnt happened yet.. Oh well, i can still wish. b:chuckle go go cash shop rangers!!!
  • Ok so, i have a great idea. I think you should go on with your origional idea so i can just buy out all of it for like what 50 mil?? if you put in 500 gold LOL b:laugh Thats just sad... 500 gold for 50 mil.. I agree with the idea that gold should have a nametag. I would love for people to see that i am selling gold. Also i…
  • errr what prices have gone up? THings you get with gold, thats it. Just buy charms with real money and the rest is still the same overall. Prices may have doubled but gold has gone up 6x so your still getting a enourmously good deal. I remember a long time ago i sold 50 gold for 5 mil! WTH is that? 50 gold is now 30 mil!!!…
  • Lol we didnt QQ as much as we were surprised and angered. NOT because we lost our territory, we didnt care about that... but because after telling us that your going to own us, you take 2 hours to do it, and as soon as you win, you get total bull**** coming from these ppl as if you rolled us..... wtf!! Then afterwards you…
  • See now that is what a real comment is....... not this QQ bull****.
  • b:thanks Lol its funny how everytime someone says something thats smart and that you cant disprove all of you **** ******* can think of is QQ. Anything happens thats against you, QQ. Thats your answer to everything, or you know, like orangePT you draw a d.i.c.k, although i think thats limited to **** like him. So what im…
  • uhhh, why do we all pk RedHawk? well... for starters your all just sht that should quit now, you have nothing to play for.... You get killed by people lower lvl then you while you are outnumbering them and then you whine about it saying things like "you used a pot" or "I missed alot"... lol wtf??? b:angry really? If you…