Psihi - Sanctuary Arc User


  • I can tank jewel if you need me to. Requirments for doing this. 1.2(two)/1(one) level 60+ cleric/s.This solely depends on boss tipe. 2.3 Ga(Guardian Angels) or 2 ESO(Training Esotericas) your choise-non negotiable even if i die or not i need 3 GA or 2 ESO*Psihi wants to PK,Grind nicely*. I can also tank with this party ANY…
  • Hehe 100kb:laugh.Man i so wish a 100k charm to last me 2 days. Hmm the most charm i used was 5 or 6 mana charms in one day(that's around 5 million Spiritb:shocked)
  • Heheb:laugh Give me 2 level 60+ clerics that know how to heal and purify properly and i can tank every boss(except Krimson:This guy hits hardb:sadb:angry) quests you get until level 70(yes including fb59).Give me a barb buff too and i can probably tank Krimson too(unless the guy does more than 6k dmg i should be fine). I…
  • xD.Had bosses dmg me for even 18kb:sad.Or guards for like 400kb:shocked
  • Archer here(ME) VERY hybrid build got wiped out in 3-5s... You Simply CANNOT understand how frustrating it is to do have 4-7k phy attack, 4200 life 3k defense and get wiped out by a phoenix a battle vs. exactly the same level veno.
  • I just want people to know 2 things. 1.We where in it for the fun and did our best and got a kick out of it, but i dont want us as a guild to appear like a bunch of weaklings to the server. 2.Geo not to be blamed for each and every thing that was wrong in the past in Nefarious. That chapter of his/our lives is over as we…
  • Your so very funny.Our TW was the last one...By the time we entered and front groups exited our base wiccan battle was over...By the time convoy reached your base Seppuku battle was over...You where 27 people vs 2 incomplete rush groups*10 ppl,no barb,no cleric*,sry if we didn't attack your 27 with 10ppl and suicided. No i…
  • Yes we lost but we lost AFTER resisting with 3 tanks and 4 clerics around 20m vs. 80 people. I know it wasn't Geo written strategy I personally removed that from the Nefarious forums after leaving but not before most of Nefarious members read it.b:chuckle Oh did you think that writing my name the wrong way will make me…
  • Look at you Klath the all-knowing Nefarious Defense Attorney. You spout out this and that like you had been in nefarious from day 1 and know everything. The way your talking seems like you are BFF(Best Friends Forever) with Sasaki and know everything that is to know about Nefarious.You spout accusations left and right…
  • swiftlikeafox a Venomancer is just as good as any class out there depends on the player.But allowing the venomancer this kind of bug on pets is insane.The pet is designed to help you not to be a second player. The simple fact that you can Miss as an archer and have the 50% close range dmg reduction is enough to balance…
  • Well i can answer his accusation with iron clad evidence and witnesses but i wont do this.You wanna know why?WHY do you care...Wanna know how? Again why do you care..Wanna know when? Wow you really are a curious person...And curious people die fast and in a stupid way most of the time. For the rest of you that are reading…
  • Klath it seems that my first post about this matter,you didn't understood it very well.There I told you in a nice way to **** OFF I was the first person who had TT70 gear except the misty's.Now why whould i place a request on TT bank when i already had what i needed... As for TT80 i got all the item except Frenzy Lion's…
  • Good plan on theory bad on practice. In order to do that i need 3 things: 1.Veno to not have bramble hood activated. 2.The Veno to just stay there like a moron and do nothing. 3.Do knockback and stun instantly. Im not saying to take it away just to correct it a bit. How would you like if my bleed done the same thing??? My…
  • You people dont get it do you. Yes, those are good advices but in order to follow them i need to make the Venomancer the pet master an abstract notion in the back of my head. He WILL NOT let me kill his pet while he stands by and say's:O look,that nice little archer is killing my pet,guess i have no choise to let him…
  • Hm... very interesting.Sure il adopt an archer at teach him the ropes.b:victory With my knowledge he will hit 80 in 1.5-2months if he plays allot.b:angry
  • Hey Klath get over yourself.I hate you self-righteous people that say :"Oh no Psihi is "scamming" people" but don't give 1 coin or a good advice to the low level players.I helped allot of people with allot of things(a good advice,some coins,etc.).People who really know me can vouch for this. All i do is actually buy cheap…