A BUG that needs to go bye bye

Psihi - Sanctuary
Psihi - Sanctuary Posts: 17 Arc User
edited February 2009 in Twilight Temple (West)
You all know it,we pk'ers are annoyed by it is the Venomancer Pet Skill *BLEED* BUG
And the damn thing is so critical that in TW you just need in the future only venos and clerics to defend something.
When a pet(phoenix or sawfly etc) bleed hits you for 1.6k of DMG when you have 4k life 3k defense 3k+ resist and drops you in 2 seconds then your preety much done for.
Sure you will answer:Just kill the pet.
Even with a crit from a level 80 TT xBow you cannot drop a pet you need 2+ to drop it.
I will never ever be able to drop a phoenix in time and win.Unless the Veno says:
Dude its cool il let you kill my pet,then you can fight me.
Other may say:Dude just double spark hit aim-low and kill the damn thing fast.
In order to do that its requires 3 functional sparks.But you can use only 2 even if it say's you have 3 and yes Phoenix CAN stun so this move is preetty much useless.

The worst part about this Bleed BUG is *phoenix's case* passes trough anything:plume shield,wings of grace,armor,magic defense,PK pills everything.Once the damn thing is near you, you die period.
And believe me i tried EVERYTHING but the PW sink so...
Post edited by Psihi - Sanctuary on


  • senovit
    senovit Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Did you try a purify pot.
  • Deadbone - Sanctuary
    Deadbone - Sanctuary Posts: 292 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Also, you can use knockbacks on pets.
  • Psihi - Sanctuary
    Psihi - Sanctuary Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    You people dont get it do you.
    Yes, those are good advices but in order to follow them i need to make the Venomancer the pet master an abstract notion in the back of my head.
    He WILL NOT let me kill his pet while he stands by and say's:O look,that nice little archer is killing my pet,guess i have no choise to let him finish before i attack him.
    He can stun,damage me in numerous ways.
    Lets not forget magic dmg DOES NOT MISS.
  • Deadbone - Sanctuary
    Deadbone - Sanctuary Posts: 292 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    You people dont get it do you.
    Yes, those are good advices but in order to follow them i need to make the Venomancer the pet master an abstract notion in the back of my head.
    He WILL NOT let me kill his pet while he stands by and say's:O look,that nice little archer is killing my pet,guess i have no choise to let him finish before i attack him.
    He can stun,damage me in numerous ways.
    Lets not forget magic dmg DOES NOT MISS.

    There are numerous ways to beat a venomancer, just think outside the box. Taking away that skill nerfs the veno in pvp, imho. I recommend Knockback+Stun on pet and two shotting the veno (very easy to do). In TW, just have a friend double up on the veno.b:bye
  • Psihi - Sanctuary
    Psihi - Sanctuary Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    There are numerous ways to beat a venomancer, just think outside the box. Taking away that skill nerfs the veno in pvp, imho. I recommend Knockback+Stun on pet and two shotting the veno (very easy to do). In TW, just have a friend double up on the veno.b:bye
    Good plan on theory bad on practice.
    In order to do that i need 3 things:
    1.Veno to not have bramble hood activated.
    2.The Veno to just stay there like a moron and do nothing.
    3.Do knockback and stun instantly.
    Im not saying to take it away just to correct it a bit.
    How would you like if my bleed done the same thing???
    My serrated arrow is 4k something bleed+weapon dmg.If my skill could do this i just need to aim low you then serrate arrow you then run away while you die.b:thanks
  • fuzzles
    fuzzles Posts: 628 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Phoenix is fast and flying. Knockback won't do a whole lot of good. And purify pots don't stop the bleeding.

    And two shotting the veno only ever works if the veno is a robe user who doesn't use intersoul switch, doesnt use bramble array and doesnt use that healing skill, and doesn't have an HP charm.

    And basically, it's just a flat out bug. The only reason it hasn't been fixed is that it can't be fixed.. at least not by the PW-I team.
    Everyone here is ridiculously oversensitive.
  • Klath - Sanctuary
    Klath - Sanctuary Posts: 437 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Taking away that skill nerfs the veno in pvp, imho.
    Clerics are nerfed on pvp too, 4x damage plume shot please.

    ^ this will make things fair.
  • Coraline - Lost City
    Coraline - Lost City Posts: 867 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    2.The Veno to just stay there like a moron and do nothing.

    Most veno's with nix's dont even attack me. They just sit back and let it bleed me to death. One thing I learned was Wings of grace works but you have to time it right.

    eatswithspoons "*roll eyes* real money for virtual property? That's definitely not allowed"

    Lol what?
  • Accelerated - Sanctuary
    Accelerated - Sanctuary Posts: 1,048 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    senovit wrote: »
    Did you try a purify pot.
    This kind of proves how the bleed bug is overpowered. It's a bit silly to be forced to use pots or to bring a cleric to tank one specific class. In regards of dueling, I don't believe using pots is encouraged nor is it encouraged to have a cleric to purify you.
    Taking away that skill nerfs the veno in pvp, imho.

    Bramble Hood:
    Create an array of magical bramble to return 200% of melee damage and reduce damage taken by 75%. Lasts 15 seconds.

    Close range archers not only get their damage reduced, they get 200% of their physical attacks returned (blah blah, only dumb archer's don't keep their distance. However, in TW, there are higher chance that archers end up close to venos, especially if the veno knows that archers get their damage reduced in close range). Barbarians or blademasters attacking when it's activated is completely screwed. Sure, blademasters can stun. But blademasters' max stun time is 6 seconds, which leaves 9 extra seconds for Bramble Hood to be activated.
    And well, let's not forget, 75% damage reduction.

    Feral Concentration:
    A Venomancer uses this spell for full protection. Immunize the caster of all coming damage at the cost of being unable to move for 10 seconds.

    Who cares if the veno can't move if they get immunity from all damage? If you were a veno using a bow, this might be a problem. But really, venomancers use magic, which means their attack won't differ in distance. And I doubt a pure arcane veno takes 11 seconds to either kill a player or at least make them close to death. And really, 10 seconds. Blademaster's max stun time is 6, leaving 4 seconds for a veno to do whatever they want!


    Like all classes, venos have considerably overpowered skills. That's what makes the pvp in pw "balanced", imo. I honestly don't think venomancers really need a bleed bug added onto their skill list, especially at the level of the overpoweredness. I can't seem to think of any skill(s) that other classes possess that can cause 1.6k damage every second in pvp. And let's make this clear. This is a BUG, NOT a skill. Or else the title of this topic would be "A SKILL that needs to go bye bye".
    ♥ - 藤林 杏-様 - ♥
    ♥ Kyou Fujibayashi-sama ♥
  • swiftlikeafox
    swiftlikeafox Posts: 307 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    In PK it's all about who lands the first hit, catch a veno by surprise and you will most likely win(except maybe in the case of a heavy armor veno)..... bleed simply gives her a chance to win if she happens to catch you by surprise.
    The only instance in which i can see bleed being a problem is in duels when both players have a chance to prepare beforehand.... and those are just for fun anyway
  • Swoosh - Sanctuary
    Swoosh - Sanctuary Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    ^You don't TW now do you?

    PK on our server is stupid imo. Only "fun" pking going on is at Secret Passage but still lame really. And hitting someone from behind isn't really something to be acting cool over anyway.

    Duels, haha don't let me laugh, they are in no way a form of showing your strength or skills. Where it does happen is TW, it's open, you can do everything, use practicly everything, charms are ticking, pots can be used, you'll meet ppl that don't seem to die, and legions of ants charging at you. TW is the place to be to do such stuff.

    If you'd go to TW then you'll know why the bug is so annoying.

    @Archers complaining, PK easy mode = archer since early lvls, I doubt later on. Most classes get better skills later than an archer do... But then again it depends on the skill of the player in most cases.

    It's enough to take down a veno for a wizard using Undine Strike (Lv79) skill life is much easier, removing 60% magic resist in a second, and cooldown takes 1 second (lol) + no spark. Sandstorm is pretty much enough to kill someone. And if one really wants to overdo it, just Undine > Sutra > Glacial > Sandstorm > Divine. lol Verticoli was done for without using undine so o_O.

    Anyway, back on topic, it's a bug, and bugs need to be removed period. There is no other blabla needed, bug = remove. If it's the skill, then no point whining = live with it lol
  • Fleuri - Sanctuary
    Fleuri - Sanctuary Posts: 1,763 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    In PK it's all about who lands the first hit, catch a veno by surprise and you will most likely win(except maybe in the case of a heavy armor veno)..... bleed simply gives her a chance to win if she happens to catch you by surprise.

    I saw something that might interest people in this thread:

    http://tinyurl.com/GZRQTW3 (4:00..4:12 :)
  • Ayano-chan - Sanctuary
    Ayano-chan - Sanctuary Posts: 575 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Now now,don't flatter yourself Swoosh,I'm not taking vert's side here but I do believe u were like with your boy husband who's like lvl 9x and u r like 6-8 lvls higher than vert too and u were both hiting him so .....show a bit of modesty pls(btw change the signature info,u'r LA build not pure xD).
    But now about the topic,YES psihi I <3 u for posting this ; this stupid bug really need's to be done solved and make bleed NOT IGNORE THE PVP DMG REDUCTION OF 75%.I saw more and more venos in pk mode right after they got phoenix wich have absolutelly now ideea how to pvp(the only venos who pk well here r the ones who did it b4 they had phoenix even if they do now,and some that still don't yet they do well a.k.a. BlackyBetty,Sifow) ,hell I'm suprised if they knew of "amplify dmg" yet they think they'r gods cuz they got a godly OVP pet,and yet some still complain when getting ganged while they'r grinding,example:Heleina who was absolutelly no ideea how to pvp ,and just send's phoenix off to ppl,she tried to get me once or twice(wich she failed ofc even with her dumb ovp pet)while only phoenix after me she was constantly pming me about"u have no honor,u r lame,u atack ppl from behind,now u run) LMAO=)).
    For starters now why would any1 be stupid enough to fight some1 about 15 lvls higher than then phoenix or not;
    2nd:why would any sane player fight in"fair" fight vs a overpowered pet even if it was same lvl.
    3rd(read this carefully):IT'S A GAME ppl;I do not believe in "honor" in a game and IT'S A PVE SERVER;if you activate pk mode always be prepared and check for targets near you wich might be a threat; this separates the proz from the nubs.
  • swiftlikeafox
    swiftlikeafox Posts: 307 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Please show me even one instance in which the PWI staff even aknowledges this as a bug and I will agree with you 100% that it needs to be fixed, but until then I consider it a feature of the Veno class intended to make up for their weaknesses in PvP(we ARE the lowest damage mage class afterall)

    .....IMO the flesh ream skill simply puts Venos in the same league with BMs with their stuns and high attack speed, Archers with their insane damage, crit rates and stuns, and Barbs with their ungodly amount of HP.

    If Venos are soo godly with or without phoenix in PvP then WHY do most of the TW guilds have a higher level requirement for venos to join(IF they even allow them to join at all)???????
  • Aedril - Sanctuary
    Aedril - Sanctuary Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    If Venos are soo godly with or without phoenix in PvP then WHY do most of the TW guilds have a higher level requirement for venos to join(IF they even allow them to join at all)???????

    Because having 200 venos in a guild is not something anyone wants. Without that restriction, large guilds would probably have about 25% of the people there as veno.

    Yes, this is a huge bug. All damage should be reduced by 75% in pvp, not just players.
  • Oishasan - Sanctuary
    Oishasan - Sanctuary Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    You all know it,we pk'ers are annoyed by it is the Venomancer Pet Skill *BLEED* BUG
    And the damn thing is so critical that in TW you just need in the future only venos and clerics to defend something.
    When a pet(phoenix or sawfly etc) bleed hits you for 1.6k of DMG when you have 4k life 3k defense 3k+ resist and drops you in 2 seconds then your preety much done for.
    Sure you will answer:Just kill the pet.
    Even with a crit from a level 80 TT xBow you cannot drop a pet you need 2+ to drop it.
    I will never ever be able to drop a phoenix in time and win.Unless the Veno says:
    Dude its cool il let you kill my pet,then you can fight me.
    Other may say:Dude just double spark hit aim-low and kill the damn thing fast.
    In order to do that its requires 3 functional sparks.But you can use only 2 even if it say's you have 3 and yes Phoenix CAN stun so this move is preetty much useless.

    The worst part about this Bleed BUG is *phoenix's case* passes trough anything:plume shield,wings of grace,armor,magic defense,PK pills everything.Once the damn thing is near you, you die period.
    And believe me i tried EVERYTHING but the PW sink so...

    It's not a bug, it's a tanking ability.
    Though rumor has it the Phoenix is being and has been nerfed in the 'main' game.
    The bleed ability is not an issue though.

    Come now, Zhu Khang (aka Psihi),
    You are crying about the worst pvp class in the game.
    The implications of your 'fix' would negate the Veno's main playstyle, which is PvE. With this 'fix' you would have to include all the barbarian's aggro-building tools as well.
    Or..just stay in merchant form, seems safer..
    until Venos learn to tame kitty-stands and hurl them at you.

    p.s. No, I have not seen your little farmer.
    Light Armor build, Support Cleric

    Barbarian, feral build

    Arcane Veno
    Beetle Wrangler
  • Klath - Sanctuary
    Klath - Sanctuary Posts: 437 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    The implications of your 'fix' would negate the Veno's main playstyle, which is PvE.
    How would making the skill suffer the 75% damage reduction on PVP, even remotely relate to negating their PVE playstyle?
  • Swoosh - Sanctuary
    Swoosh - Sanctuary Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Now now,don't flatter yourself Swoosh,I'm not taking vert's side here but I do believe u were like with your boy husband who's like lvl 9x and u r like 6-8 lvls higher than vert too and u were both hiting him so .....show a bit of modesty pls(btw change the signature info,u'r LA build not pure xD).
    But now about the topic,YES psihi I <3 u for posting this ; this stupid bug really need's to be done solved and make bleed NOT IGNORE THE PVP DMG REDUCTION OF 75%.I saw more and more venos in pk mode right after they got phoenix wich have absolutelly now ideea how to pvp(the only venos who pk well here r the ones who did it b4 they had phoenix even if they do now,and some that still don't yet they do well a.k.a. BlackyBetty,Sifow) ,hell I'm suprised if they knew of "amplify dmg" yet they think they'r gods cuz they got a godly OVP pet,and yet some still complain when getting ganged while they'r grinding,example:Heleina who was absolutelly no ideea how to pvp ,and just send's phoenix off to ppl,she tried to get me once or twice(wich she failed ofc even with her dumb ovp pet)while only phoenix after me she was constantly pming me about"u have no honor,u r lame,u atack ppl from behind,now u run) LMAO=)).
    For starters now why would any1 be stupid enough to fight some1 about 15 lvls higher than then phoenix or not;
    2nd:why would any sane player fight in"fair" fight vs a overpowered pet even if it was same lvl.
    3rd(read this carefully):IT'S A GAME ppl;I do not believe in "honor" in a game and IT'S A PVE SERVER;if you activate pk mode always be prepared and check for targets near you wich might be a threat; this separates the proz from the nubs.

    Teehee, you, as well as many others take lvl too much into consideration haha. The amount of extra benefits you will get by leveling is close to zero, especially if you are not full INT due to wasting points on dex and str. as damage modifiers will have more of a say endgame. Gear matters if lvl difference is that puny and if you didn't notice I still walk around in **** gear of leeeeevels ago o_O + it's total **** while vert's isn't. Also don't get me wrong vert is a friend, I just pk for fun if I even do pk lol... People who take this to serious should go play sims really...

    But anyway I guess you never were on the other versions, you'd know with sutra a mage can knock out anyone midgame. The only requirement is having two sparx. endgame a mage would have undine, and this will be more than enough.

    Oh yeh since you brought the fact of boy, it just made things easier =.= supplying eachother sparx (sutra wohoo) and hitting at same time just makes things easier lol
  • Swoosh - Sanctuary
    Swoosh - Sanctuary Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Please show me even one instance in which the PWI staff even aknowledges this as a bug and I will agree with you 100% that it needs to be fixed, but until then I consider it a feature of the Veno class intended to make up for their weaknesses in PvP

    First it's generally known to have 75% reduction on PVP, pet, players, whatever compared to PVE. If you consider a veno weak without the bug, please go train yourself in the arts of actually playing a veno. Yes spamming your first wood skill and healing your pet constantly will make you suck **** in PVP.

    However I have seen veno's who actually got SKILL and use various tactics to heal/dmg/debuff and make it all right so they can pwn, adding a phoenix to their arenal just makes their life easier. Most phoenix users plain sox really...
    (we ARE the lowest damage mage class afterall)

    .....IMO the flesh ream skill simply puts Venos in the same league with BMs with their stuns and high attack speed, Archers with their insane damage, crit rates and stuns, and Barbs with their ungodly amount of HP.

    Haha.. wait hahaha... just lemme finish ahahhhahaha... DEUH >_> you are NOT MEANT to be the highest in ANY way. Your attributes isn't having lots of UBERDMG... your addition is your PET, god what do you want being a mage, with barb tank abilities, adding BM ph dmg and heal like a cleric to? lol... go get gm gear haha...

    You actually have other skills than those that do dmg, you do realise that don't you... because if you don't you can check them here www.ecatomb.net
    If Venos are soo godly with or without phoenix in PvP then WHY do most of the TW guilds have a higher level requirement for venos to join(IF they even allow them to join at all)???????

    Oh about the higher lvl requirement on veno's, I think it's quite simpel, if you don't you would have a **** class balance between all the classes. you'd have 50%+ veno in one faction o_O. Look around and see how many tails you'll find running around haha... at some point it's just plain annoying...

    Back on topic, PVP = 75% dmg reduction compared to PVE, I thought you can do some bee with the same bug to so really the BUG isn't only limited to phoenix o_O *i am scared* some nub with a bee could pwn me haha.

    Bugs = need to be fixed period.
  • Ayano-chan - Sanctuary
    Ayano-chan - Sanctuary Posts: 575 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Teehee, you, as well as many others take lvl too much into consideration haha. The amount of extra benefits you will get by leveling is close to zero, especially if you are not full INT due to wasting points on dex and str. as damage modifiers will have more of a say endgame. Gear matters if lvl difference is that puny and if you didn't notice I still walk around in **** gear of leeeeevels ago o_O + it's total **** while vert's isn't. Also don't get me wrong vert is a friend, I just pk for fun if I even do pk lol... People who take this to serious should go play sims really...

    Ummm.....how r the lvl 77-78 chips molds weak for a lvl 85? it seem's perfectly fine to me since almost EVERYONE wears those,especially after that xmass/near year event.
    Now as a side note:nooooo not sims ,I'm a Devil May Cry and a dota player
    But anyway I guess you never were on the other versions, you'd know with sutra a mage can knock out anyone midgame. The only requirement is having two sparx. endgame a mage would have undine, and this will be more than enough.

    Indeed it's my 1st PW toon _-~-_ *still wishes that this class will get better as every1 say's on higher lvls*I mean I do well enough with it now and not saying wiz is weak but it's annoying to see how much kiting skill and strategies for diff combos u need to learn to beat other classes when they all have it the easy way,I doubt I'd do so well if most pkers on sanctuary would use they'r heads.....(mainly pointed at venos b:angry /big admiration from me to the very few venos here pkers or not that actually know how to use they'r class ,xD) ^_^
  • Swoosh - Sanctuary
    Swoosh - Sanctuary Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Ummm.....how r the lvl 77-78 chips molds weak for a lvl 85? it seem's perfectly fine to me since almost EVERYONE wears those,especially after that xmass/near year event.
    Now as a side note:nooooo not sims ,I'm a Devil May Cry and a dota player


    Indeed it's my 1st PW toon _-~-_ *still wishes that this class will get better as every1 say's on higher lvls*I mean I do well enough with it now and not saying wiz is weak but it's annoying to see how much kiting skill and strategies for diff combos u need to learn to beat other classes when they all have it the easy way,I doubt I'd do so well if most pkers on sanctuary would use they'r heads.....(mainly pointed at venos b:angry /big admiration from me to the very few venos here pkers or not that actually know how to use they'r class ,xD) ^_^

    Yeah true, there isn't much "cool" to a mage, but just wait it out (could take long though) most sucky **** class get OP when they try to make it better haha *evil laughter* - but if you would get undine strike, you will be like -MUAHAHAHA- only downside is it isn't an aoe debuff omfgzor if that was Undine > Sutra > any nub skill > ulti >:D ofcourse only when you have 3 spark 99 chi xD... god lvl 89 so costly to get there for a mage b:surrender
  • swiftlikeafox
    swiftlikeafox Posts: 307 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    First it's generally known to have 75% reduction on PVP, pet, players, whatever compared to PVE. If you consider a veno weak without the bug, please go train yourself in the arts of actually playing a veno. Yes spamming your first wood skill and healing your pet constantly will make you suck **** in PVP.

    However I have seen veno's who actually got SKILL and use various tactics to heal/dmg/debuff and make it all right so they can pwn, adding a phoenix to their arenal just makes their life easier. Most phoenix users plain sox really...

    Ok, that's YOUR opinion on why YOU believe this to be a bug, and that's all well and good but that's not at all what i asked for.

    Tell ya what, I'll make it easy for you, find me ONE example from ANY version of PW in which the staff even REMOTELY aknowledges this to be a bug..... one little shred is all i'm asking for, ONE measly forum post, ONE measly screenshot.

    And FYI, I DO play a veno, do you??? Because if you did you would quickly find that arcane and light build venos are only mediocre at best in PvP, while the heavy fox builds are decent..... but that means throwing any chance of being any good in PvE completely out the window.

    An arcane or light build isn't going to survive long enough in PvP to switch back and fourth between Foxform and mage mode just so they can run up and cast Amp damage on you..... it's NO BIG SECRET that Venos are severely lacking in PvP.

    Haha.. wait hahaha... just lemme finish ahahhhahaha... DEUH >_> you are NOT MEANT to be the highest in ANY way. Your attributes isn't having lots of UBERDMG... your addition is your PET, god what do you want being a mage, with barb tank abilities, adding BM ph dmg and heal like a cleric to? lol... go get gm gear haha...

    You actually have other skills than those that do dmg, you do realise that don't you... because if you don't you can check them here www.ecatomb.net

    Again these sound like the ramblings of someone who has never played a veno and has no idea what they're talking about.... Barb tanking abilities??? PH damage of a BM??? Heals like a Cleric???? LMAO

    You're a funny guy.b:laugh

    Oh about the higher lvl requirement on veno's, I think it's quite simpel, if you don't you would have a **** class balance between all the classes. you'd have 50%+ veno in one faction o_O. Look around and see how many tails you'll find running around haha... at some point it's just plain annoying...

    Back on topic, PVP = 75% dmg reduction compared to PVE, I thought you can do some bee with the same bug to so really the BUG isn't only limited to phoenix o_O *i am scared* some nub with a bee could pwn me haha.

    Bugs = need to be fixed period.

    Yeah right I'm sure everyone is just soooooo concerned with keeping the game balanced..... the TRUTH of the matter is if Venos were truely revered as this highly overpowered PvP class, all the top TW guilds would JUMP at the chance to have a faction FULL of venos!

    LOL I thought you were some kindof expert on Venos???? That "BEE" is called a Petite sawfly and Yes you can train flesh ream on it, but it has no where near as high an attack as the phoenix...... and if you're afraid of them well I dunno what to tell you except get to get over it, I have a fear of BM and archer stuns, but you don't see me calling THAT a bug now do ya?!?!?!
  • Psihi - Sanctuary
    Psihi - Sanctuary Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    swiftlikeafox a Venomancer is just as good as any class out there depends on the player.But allowing the venomancer this kind of bug on pets is insane.The pet is designed to help you not to be a second player.
    The simple fact that you can Miss as an archer and have the 50% close range dmg reduction is enough to balance archers in PvP.Do you have any idea how frustrating it is to miss a hit on a veno with 500 evasion while having nimble activated and 3700 accuracy.

    Like i said keep you BUG flesh ream skill this way,i dont care... but amp up my serrated arrow by removing the 75% damage penalty.
    After that see how you like to me to drop a stun and hit+4.4k(7k Demon Culti) bleed dmg on you then run away... because phoenix can stun too.This way il be on par only with the phoenix and you will remain as a player still an abstract notion to me.
    I dont find it normal that a phoenix can drop a 80TT geared+full hybrid build archer in 2-3 seconds.
  • Byno - Sanctuary
    Byno - Sanctuary Posts: 155 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I tried to take on a phoenix during a TW for fun. I didn't win, but it was all kinds of funny. I only get mad at phoenixes because the venos who have them just float around and sick them on people, as has already been mentioned. If the venos actually, you know, threw some scarabs of their own in it'd make all their kills a little more acceptable. I see phoenixes as almost being a weakness of their own, because people don't want to kill the phoenix, they want to kill the veno. It's the same effect that you can be high leveled and on the leader boards, but this just means in TWs people know you're level and when they see you, will often try to take you down first. Sure having a phoenix will making you a major target in a TW, but hey, you wanted the flipping thing. Go fight something.

    I, of course, can't wait to get my own though c:.
  • Ayano-chan - Sanctuary
    Ayano-chan - Sanctuary Posts: 575 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Do you have any idea how frustrating it is to miss a hit on a veno with 500 evasion while having nimble activated and 3700 accuracy.

    I know u lost to me once by in 1v1 pk by missing twice ,and my evade is 500 too ^_^

    Now the phoenix is more than 1 normal player since no player can have phy deff high as a heavy armour + mag as high as a robe(with best gears) and have a decent amount of hp wich other pets lack,atleast the bee goes down fast ....but the phoenix? hell no.It's normal atack is fast as that of a fist BM and dmg is the about the same so WHY add a bugged skill that can kill u alone ,even as u'r running?
    U should do what I do psihi,just run when u see phoenixes let the venos say:"OMG noob why u run?" ,then when she gives up go for search for her the area u found her and sneak atack here while she's fighting mobs ^_^ then u just laught a bit at the" OMFG u noob,u have no HONOR atacking me from behind!" and there u have it xD.There's nothing else we can do....I'll always run from that thing whenever I see it coming for me,but it's fun to sneakily pk venos with phoenix haha :P

    K now for the serious stuff :
    DEVIL MAY CRY !!!!! :P I can "pew pew" demons while imagining they'r phoenixes with endzPK's face, xD.
  • Fleuri - Sanctuary
    Fleuri - Sanctuary Posts: 1,763 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Lets not forget magic dmg DOES NOT MISS.

    I have often enough seen monsters go through their casting animation and then not cast anything, when I did not stun them or anything.

    But I did not get any "Miss" message?
  • Mua - Lost City
    Mua - Lost City Posts: 546 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I know u lost to me once by in 1v1 pk by missing twice ,and my evade is 500 too ^_^

    Now the phoenix is more than 1 normal player since no player can have phy deff high as a heavy armour + mag as high as a robe(with best gears) and have a decent amount of hp wich other pets lack,atleast the bee goes down fast ....but the phoenix? hell no.It's normal atack is fast as that of a fist BM and dmg is the about the same so WHY add a bugged skill that can kill u alone ,even as u'r running?
    U should do what I do psihi,just run when u see phoenixes let the venos say:"OMG noob why u run?" ,then when she gives up go for search for her the area u found her and sneak atack here while she's fighting mobs ^_^ then u just laught a bit at the" OMFG u noob,u have no HONOR atacking me from behind!" and there u have it xD.There's nothing else we can do....I'll always run from that thing whenever I see it coming for me,but it's fun to sneakily pk venos with phoenix haha :P

    Don't forget to kill their pet when they're in safe! One of these days Seifa's gonna kill my Phoenix and I'll lose it and kill him till his hiero breaks. b:angry
    Mua - 8x WF - Conqueror
  • Oishasan - Sanctuary
    Oishasan - Sanctuary Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    been leveling a barb,

    but found somethng of interest...bleeds stack from players..it doesn't show on the debuff icons, but if you watch the damage, it definitely does. I can stack bleeds from my barbarian the same as I stack HoTs from my cleric.

    Pets do not stack their bleeds, nor is a veno able to 'program' it to (cooldowns are too long). This is a possible reason as to why this is not considered a 'bug'.
    Light Armor build, Support Cleric

    Barbarian, feral build

    Arcane Veno
    Beetle Wrangler
  • fuzzles
    fuzzles Posts: 628 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    been leveling a barb,

    but found somethng of interest...bleeds stack from players..it doesn't show on the debuff icons, but if you watch the damage, it definitely does. I can stack bleeds from my barbarian the same as I stack HoTs from my cleric.

    Pets do not stack their bleeds, nor is a veno able to 'program' it to (cooldowns are too long). This is a possible reason as to why this is not considered a 'bug'.

    The cooldown on pet bleed is longer than the duration of it.. maybe it does stack? Need multiple venos to test it.

    Also, the barb bleed is completely entirely different to the pet bleed. If the barb bleed ignored 1/4 damage PvP, it would be a huge problem. But it doesn't. So it isn't. And it's not just barbs that can stack bleed. BMs can do it as well.

    The issue is that the pet bleed does 4 times as much damage as it should. Other classes have nothing to do with it.
    Everyone here is ridiculously oversensitive.
  • swiftlikeafox
    swiftlikeafox Posts: 307 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    An archer and a BM in my guild helped me test this...... my lvl 62 sawfly with lvl4 Fleshream(maxed for the pets lvl) against a lvl 64 archer from my guild, archer had no trouble at all managing the damage and could have easily killed me in the time it took the sawfly to kill her(which was about 10 seconds)

    Lvl 42 BM against that same sawfly, the BM died a little faster but it was still nothing spectacular, he still had plenty of time to nail me with a few good shots had he wanted to(he survived about 6 or 7 seconds)

    Now keep in mind that lvl 4 fleshream is supposed to do pets base damage + 180% of base over 9 seconds, my 62 sawfly has an attack of 1754........ 1754 X 2 + 1403(80%) = 4911 over 9 seconds = 546 damage per second................. now dont you think if he was really doing that much damage, it would've taken at the most HALF as long to kill a 64 Archer(with around 2.2kHP) or a 42 BM(with barely even 2K HP)?????

    Just for kicks, wanna know what a lvl 62 sawfly with maxed bleed hits on both a lvl 64 archer and a 42 BM???? He hits for 111 dmg...... THIS is what you guys are sooooo afraid of?!?!?!b:chuckle