Paulytnz - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • People may be buying Zen but that does not mean that they are totally happy about it or will be further down the track when they see just how much more they MAY have to spend to get anywhere. I'm still wondering about that myself tho. As at my low lvl I already have lvl 3 in 3 of the skills and am stocking up on charms…
  • I am not missing the point at all. MY point was that there will never be a shortage of players in reply to all the "there will be a mass exodus of players and no one will play the game" replies. I too am one of the cash payers in this game, heck I've only been playing 4 days and I have spent $90 already so don't think I…
  • People like to stand out or be different/unique. But you are right, $90 is plain stupid..
  • Yes I am new to this game, I have only been playing it 4 days now. But I have been playing online games now for 7 years. I have seen all this before. You are right that it may be hard at the higher levels and that the high lvls will quit if you do HAVE to spend money to get anywhere in the game. But as I say there will…
  • To everyone that's saying there will be a mass exodus and that people wont play I hate to say it but this is not true at all. After all it is a FREE game. It is also a very good quality game. I can see if anything that it will soon be VERY crowded and we will be calling out for more servers as it will get laggy due to that…
  • 13? Gah that's crazy... I have been looking over the prices and pigment costs to dying some of the more higher lvl ones recently and have decided that I wont be buying anymore clothes so this game will not get any more support from me in that department. The prices of the clothing I can live with but the random dye thing…
  • I'll tell you why these people act this way - jealousy plain and simple. I've seen it time and time again on this other game I have played for 7 years. Usually (here's the ironic thing) it's from the 'kids" too that act this way because they can't afford members and their "mommy or daddy" wont pay for them. "Hey theres one…
  • Okay mate lets get a few things straight here: I am no kid alright, I am in my 30's and I work dang hard for my money. Wait for what? Wait to make enough cash in game to get all the things I want without ever paying a cent to help support the game? I could do that but as I have said I prefer to actually help support the…
  • I would agree with you except for the fact that when you purchase zen it does not tell you ANYWHERE exactly how much Game Gold you would get for your Zen. You have to pay blindly and HOPE that you get your money's worth. Sure yes I took the risk that I would not be getting much for my money's worth but in the end it did…
  • Dang right, and for those that HAVE supported and paid cash already we should get some kind of free credit in the store to balance out any differences that are made. Be blown if I would be happy that other players get say 100 "boutique Gold" for their 20 dollars when I only got 20 for the same real life cash value.
  • Get used to it people. Once all the "noobs", "botters" and "real life cash Farmers" from other games find this game it will run VERY rampent. I hope the devs can see what kind of problems this game will face in the future because it would be best for them to do something about it now before it happens and goes too far. I…
  • Only thing that bugs me about the "Winged Elf" class is that your wings disappear when not in flight. I could be wrong as I only played my Elf char about 30 mins but this seemed to be the case. Or was I just too tired to see otherwise.......*shrugs*.
  • Okay guys I read this post yesterday just before I purchased some Zen because I too was unsure about it so I read the forums to see if I could find any info that would help me before I did make the purchase. I did not find anything helpful. So I purchased Zen anyway and believe I can answer your questions. Here goes: 1 -…
  • I don't mind most of the prices for things in this game but what I DO oppose is the randomness of the pigments for the price you pay. I must have spent 60 dollars on just a few items to upgrade my bank inventory, personal inventory, the first set of clothes and "random" dyes to get a set colour. I estimate about a 3rd if…