OriciAlyssa - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • this is true, but the time drain is mainly due to the running. Clerics spamming and just popping an insta cure is faster dps than nuke/run/nuke/run. And yeah wotp & fow is good but the wotf pushback isn't a whole lot of distance it buys u time for 1 more nuke pretty much and fow buys you enough time for 1 more spell if…
  • The main thing that affects magic attack other than your int is your weapon. Rings, other accessories, equips etc contribute but your weapon is your single greatest primary contributor.
  • I just got it to lvl 10 and it's worth every bit of coin '.'v
  • I can't testify as to real endgame (real endgame is 90+ when you start getting those awesome demon/sage spells or whenever u get undine), but really wiz kinda sucks. Easily replaceable for its dmg, a lot of other classes do comparable dmg, and extremely low survivability with low pdef & low hp. From my experience wiz is…
  • I like pure int for PvE myself but honestly wizard is a pretty hard class to solo with timnewise. Archers & Clerics my own level kill alot of things faster than I can. It just takes a while when u need to nuke/run/nuke/run when the archers can skill/pushback/skill/skill/pushback/etc.
  • Most of wiz magic attack is based upon your weapon. If you're holding a lvl 20 weapon @ lvl 30 you'll be doing noticably less dmg probably unless you're holding a 3* 20 vs a 1* 30.
  • I'm pure int and I can tell you that you die easy if u pull hate you'll die. If you're pure int you want an arch with higher dmg with you. Even pure dex arch has the nice evasion and can survive much better. I would recommend going full int only if u are loaded phys def/hp++ & have an hp charm. The def+ helps alot and you…
  • Overall it's blade tempest by far. The spell is strong for PvP because regardless of your opponent's build p def or m def you are going to deal massive dmg and most likely 1-shot em. For PvE don't bother, tactically speaking it's not a great spell since it's not strong enough to 1-shot any mobs even close to your level.
  • I've read that veno w/phoenix is the best solo, seems like it's warranted O.o
  • Near the teleport master there will be a series of forges (big pot looking things). One of those will be for upgrading aerogear. Select your aerogear type and put in your aerogear and widgets and enhance it.
  • Just an observation not quite on the line of this thread but maybe something to think about. I've played quite a few MMOs and in most MMOs the mage class is usually the most over-powered class in the game damagewise. Damage output is usually uncomparable vs other classes. This is probably the only MMO that I know of where…
  • If you do zhen (should be physical attack only) I'd definitely recommend going pdef stones. If you're a mage it's a decent investment since a significant portion of your xp will come from zhen. Then again that may mean more than 1 set of armor if you prefer something else which can get expensive if you like glowing armor…
  • If you're looking for speed then the best asset you can have is a faction with the majority of the ppl your level. This will make your questing and therefore your xp go a lot faster. I know a lot of ppl who spend a significant amount of their time trying to get groups for quest mobs/bosses and such. Don't waste time,…
  • If you want to level up distance shrink for kiting I would suggest probably not leveling it unless u plan to fight mid-air or in water. Pretty much unless you're fighting a boss type mob or mob immune to movement speed debuffs you should have no problem kiting using gush as long as you have the room and a clear path.
  • Oops nvm, I tried relogging and it popped in my inv.
  • There have been some info I've read that leads me to believe physical DEF shards are slightly better against physical attacks than HP shards, but I personally go with HP because DEF shards only work against physical attacks, but HP works against everything. If you are constantly in situations where you are getting hit…
  • It's really situational. PvP dynamic is extremely different from PvE and even then it really depends on what you're up against and your team. Solo I would say Graider's probably right. 1 vs 1 light armor build helps alot with earth shield stacked vs non-wiz classes. PvE pure int usually advantages outweighs most light…
  • If you party often, I highly recommend it, if you solo pretty much exclusively I suggest perhaps going glacial snare, but there are alot of factors to consider. 100% get it if you party often though
  • I could see some advantages, for instance the bonus' to Demon spells are all innate whereas Sage spells depends on having wellspring up (pretty much). So basically you can remove the main reason for sage with tearing off a 1 spark to cast spell. Personally I'm leaning towards sage.
  • For the last boss it's probably a good idea to have everything but the tank(s) and veno pets on him. This will allow the clerics to focus on healing only the tanks and themselves. Worst thing you can have here are the clerics distracted even for a few seconds, it'll be much safer if they're focused on just the tanks.
  • Look at the wizard guide for newcomers. If you're PvP 1str1vit3mag can work ok, you'll survive 1-2 hits longer 1str1dex3mag every level is also ok for dex armor I really prefer 1str 9mag every 2 levels for arcane build
  • DQ for cash is extremely ineffective, they only make sense if you factor in the xp/sp. So I highly recommend DQ but only due to the overall return of xp/sp/orders
  • a 55+ barb or 60+ BM can tank this ok if you have 2 50+ clerics. Typical set-up: 1 veno puller 1-2 tanks 2 clerics (1 focus on purify 1 on healing) and the rest DD.
  • For mobs ~your level If you use stone at all on the mob then open: stone>gush>pyro>finish it off with whatever will kill it If you don't then go: gush>pyro>repeat This will be your combo for a long time.
  • PvE Glacial embrace hands down although you should level stone > fire as they do circumstantially provide good benefit. PvP pure int wizard GL, but stone barrier 1st > Glacial > fire
  • what exactly do the heaven & demon skills do? Or their names, I can look them up on ecatomb.
  • Thanks for your response fluwerbas. Now as far as skills go, I've heard there are some skills that are exclusive to Demon and some for Sage. Is that true and if so which ones are demon and which ones are sage?
  • The idea of wizard is to kill the mob b4 they reach you. If you need HP then it should be because you attacked something you shouldn't have or something popped right on top of you in PvE. PvPwise you need HP cause you're going to get sniped, but here you have some choices. Soulstone - pimp out HP Equip enchantment - pimp…