Wizard skrillz

haiz Posts: 0 Arc User
edited December 2008 in Wizard
Since I was zee challenged to make the guide of all guides I'll do one too for fun. This is gonna take me a long time because all the skill names have been changed and I got no idea what is called what now. Translations ftl. What I'll do is go over all the skills and give a brief description of each and every one and tell you how much I found them useful to me in my everyday life (included much PvP and PvE). You can differ in opinion and I don't care. Its a shame I reformatted my computer a few times or I'd have cool screen shots to show off, but I guess this will do.
2008-03-2621-47-41.jpg (Hey Mathew I got no mp hiero like always on in that screeny, I never ran out of mp in fb runs;))
I wish I had my picture that was proof of it being able to one hit a barbarian, triple fury burst with black ice dragon strike was just pure gold.

First I'd like to give a small overview of channel time and casting time, because I'm sure most of you don't realize what they are.
Channel time is the time it takes to cast the spell. So when you first click on a spell and you see that bar moving, that is your channel time.
Casting time is the delay after the spell is channeled. Meaning that small delay you have after the spell is on its way to the monster.

Anyways I'll get to it naowz. I'll be giving skills ranks on a scale of * to ***** meaning one is kinda suckeh and five would be totally awesomeness.

Pyrogram ****
This skill is bread and butter for you. Your first starting spell and is efficient as a low mp, fast channeling spell. It is a single target that will be used throughout your whole leveling journey. Maxing is a must.

Pyroshell *
It'll raise your fire resistance and increase your HP regen but compared to the other two shields, this one takes last priority to level.

Crown of Flame *
Your first DoT spell that you receive and does decent damage if you're on a boss fight. In the PvE realm of soloing though and in PvE it's near useless because if someone lasts the full 15 seconds (the amount of time the DoT needs to do full damage), you're either dead or the mob is dead by then. Leave at level 1 so you can advance to the next skill.

Divine Pyrogram **
Some people love this spell because its your first big hitter spell. Sorry, but the damage it gives once maxed out is really weak compared to your other two big hitters. It also has a long channel time for its lower damage. Its main use is being used in a combo with sutra which I will talk about later. Level it until you can get sandstorm, then stop leveling till you have extra SP.

The Dragons Breath ****
Your most important AoE, as it is a AoE that doesn't stop hitting everything around you until either you run out of MP, or you stop it yourself. Once you reach 60+ it'll be the only skill you use if you choose to do AoE parties. Slowly level this but do not rush to max it out.

Will of the Phoenix *****
No doubt this spell is awesome, not only does it look awesome but it is awesome. This skill is your fastest channel skill for the highest amount of damage. The only drawback is the range is only 10 meters. It has a knock back effect that works in PvE, but in PvP the drawback does not work. Still a very good skill to use in PvP as it casts faster than all of your starting spells (same speed as gush) and does more damage. It's best to leave it at level 1 till you're 60 or 70+ because you'll be tight for SP at around this level and all you need is the knock back for PvE, not the damage yet.

Emberstorm *
This is like Dragons Breath but its more of a one hit and you're done AoE. It takes a long time to charge up and when you finally use it, it takes away 60% of your HP and multiplies it into damage. Seeing as you don't have much HP and you're already a glass cannon, this skill is a waste and you should leave it at level 1 so you can get the next, sexy skill.

Blade Tempest *****
This skill is what made me Haiz the one hit wonder. This skill takes your physical attack and magic attack and combines them into one, powerful attack. It has a huge range for AoE and the spell is half magic half physical. You will be able to one hit other robe users with this spell, and even archers alike. When you go up to an EP buddy of yours after you have this skill and say, "I bet I can one hit you", he won't believe you at first. They all become believers eventually. Don't pay attention to the description, it has a lower number than black ice dragon strike, but it does more damage. (One hitting people mostly only apply to the ones who aren't in a vit build and if you're pure int) Max this ultimate first.

Gush *****
I love this skill. This skill you will use more than any other spell in your whole arsenal. It slows down the opponent by 40% and gives you more time to cast other spells. I preferably used it every other spell to make sure the enemy always stayed slowed. Most people don't believe me but I beat a 9x barbarian in a duel. It was because of this spell and he couldn't catch up to me. (distance shrink was the other big role) Definitely max, takes priority over anything else.

Glacial Embrace ***
This shield was personally my favorite. It played a big role in my life and I used it plenty more than the other two. I can say it literally saved me tens of thousands of mp over time. Money can be hard to get at times, this will increase your water resistance and increase your mp regen. Get to level 5 or 6 but max it later at 70+.

Hailstorm *
So worthless I won't even explain it. Small AoE, horrible damage. Don't even get level 1 of this.

Morning Dew **
As a wizard your main role is dishing out the damage, but healing can definitely be part of it too. This spell isn't too important because it has a very long channel time but heals a good chunk of life. Get it to level 1-3 slowly raising it to use on yourself. Level it to 5-7 70+ and you'll be a pro back up healer in dungeons.;)

Frostblade **
Another arguable spell, but I found it useful. Its a buff that's used on people who use physical damage, and it gives them water elemental properties on their attack. It does not turn their attacks into the water property, it gives them a little extra water property attack. This skill is best left at level 1 for that initial boost and max it out once you're 80+.

Glacial Snare ****
Superb skill. Once you get this skill it'll be your starting spell for almost every mob. Gush slowed down things by 40%, well this slows them down 80%, which is almost not moving. Only drawback to this spell is its long cool down so it can only be used once per battle pretty much. This is also your strongest single target skill. Max it out as you get it.

Black Ice Dragon Strike ****
Arguable the best looking skill in the game. Also does great damage to any heavy armor users. Unfortunately, heavy armor users normally have higher HP and you won't kill them in one hit too often unless you crit. Even though the number on this skill is way higher than tempest, don't let it fool you, because it does not do anymore damage. Keep this at level 1 so you can show off to your friends, but you won't have the SP to level two ultimates till 80+.

Stone Rain ****
Strongest of the three starting spells, but also the longest channel time. The extra time is worth the damage it gives and if you ever reach level 89, do the cultivation and find this book, you'll love its new damage. Max out this skill as soon as you are able to.

Stone Barrier *****
Your PvP shield, enuff said. This raises your earth resistance, and your physical defense. It gives 100% physical defense once maxed, meaning doubled, and is definitely worth every point at level 10. If you're light armor or heavy armor, this skill is huge for you as it gives you a much bigger bonus than if you are wearing robes. Get it to level 5 but max it out once you reach 60+ (this is when real PvP begins). You can max it out immediately though if you want to PvP that badly.

Pitfall **
Your second DoT, much better than crown of flame since this one has side effects, as in slowing down by 15% and a very small chance to paralyze. But Gush is much better for slowing and the paralyze is too small to even hope for it to happen. The damage is decent but SP is better used somewhere else. Level 1 so you can advance but max it out 80+.

Sandstorm ****
This will replace your beloved divine pyrogram in the damage dealing department. This spell is more spammable unlike glacial snare, and dishes out much more damage than divine pyrogram, with a lower channel time. Also has a great side effect which lowers the enemies accuracy by a lot. Great for boss fights to help the tank a little. Max out as you get the levels.

Force of Will *****
This will save you in PvP many, many times when used correctly. It stops the enemy from attacking and using any skills. This is not a stun though, they will still be able to move around, just not attack. With this spell you'll be able to get off two to three spells unharmed before they can come thrashing at you. Leave it at level 1 at first but start trying to level it at 70+. (Your attack spells are more important than this one)

Mountain's Seize **
The last of the ultimates, but this one is the weakest of the three. It is an AoE stun, which can make it sound good, but really, in my philosophy, a kill is better than a stun. The other two ultimates are capable to kill, this one is just useless in my opinion.

Distance Shrink ****
This spell isn't really used at low levels, so when you first can get it it may seem a little useless. This baby in PvP is one of your greatest tools though. Moving 25 meters in a mere instant for a small price of 20 chi, a whole 25 meters, thats nearly your max casting range. Used for either running away from that scary PKer, or catching up to the prey you're trying to PK. Either way, you'll begin to love this skill once you start to PvP. Can get level 1 for fun when you reach the level, but try to level it once you hit 60+.

The three element masteries *****
Of course these are very important, giving you 20% more damage at level 10. Though as good as these are, if you try to max them out as you get them, you won't have the SP to level up the attack spell. One level on an attack spell is much more damage than one level of mastery on one element. I myself didn't max out all of these till the upper 8x levels. Slowly level these, but don't try to max them right away.

Wellspring quaff ***
This spell only increases your max mp, which is nice but doesn't really do much to help kill things. As it looks though at level 100 having a higher max mp looks to be very useful though, so maxing this spell might become necessary. Only get to level 5 so you can use sutra.

Essential Sutra ****
I think this spell is a bit overrated, but still good nonetheless. This spell gets rid of channeling time so you'll be able to channel spells basically, instantly. Your casting time will be the only thing to slow you down. This is a deadly spell if you have no lag, but if you lag it's almost useless. This is where divine pyrogram becomes useful because it combos very well with this spell, because it has a low cast time compared to the other strong spells. Get it level 1 right when you reach the level.

New Skills? /omg
These next five spells I personally have no experience with at all. I have only read about them and know their numbers according to a skill calculator thing. I doubt anyone will reach 79+ in CB as well so its safe to say no one really has any experience with them but I'll throw em in anyways. I can't really give em accurate ratings either seeing as how I've never used them, so these are just guesses by me.

Elemental Shell **
This is probably the only of the five spells that doesn't have much use. It gives 1000% magic resistance for four seconds, four seconds. I suppose its a nice spell for preparing to get hit by an ultimate, but it doesn't seem too hot otherwise.

Soporific Whisper ****
This is the one thing I have always wanted for a wizard. A second spell to disable the enemy, and here it is. Cost the same amount of chi as a cleric sleep spell, being 20 chi, but the only downside is that this sleep lasts for four seconds, and has a two minute cool down. None the less, four seconds is enough time to stop the other person's cast/attack, and enough time for you to hit them with your hardest spell. Using this in correlation to force of will can make wizard a deadly class in PvP.

Undine Strike *****
This spell is the one thing I think will make people cry wizards are overpowered. A one second cool down, with a one second channel time and a .5 second casting time, this thing is going to be a great opener. It dishes out damage in all three elements (the damage I believe will be low), but what makes this spell great is it reduces their fire, water, and earth resistances by 60% for 12 seconds. I don't know about you, but a 60% reduction in the three elements you use, well, the only word I can really think of is awesome.

Elemental Invocation ***
This spell does pretty much everything. As well it should since it is a level 100 skill. It lowers the targets mana, drains their chi, and dishes out damage based on your max MP. The two level 100 spells look to be VERY good if you are a pure int, because their damages are both based on how much MP you have.

Manifest Virtue ****
I would like to make babies with this skill, and it being the other level 100 skill, it is fantastic. To be simple, it raises your matk by how high your max MP is. To be more specific, (maximum mana/100)%. Meaning if you have 10k max mp, this will increase your matk by 100% for 30 seconds. Oh, and 10k MP is very low for a level 100 wizard, you should have upwards to 20k with wellspring quaff.

Now seeing as I have never used these spells before you might think, "Haiz how did you know what those skills did exactly?". Well my friend showed me this and I'm glad he did. http://perso.numericable.fr/ecatomb/pw/skillpwi.html You can see every skill there in detail about their numbers and everything. It shows them all level 1 to 10 with all their details. (btw I mispel wurds on purpoze lyk skrillz)

I congratulate you if you actually read all of this. I probably wouldn't read it all.
Post edited by haiz on


  • xene
    xene Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Nice guide thanks
  • feoras
    feoras Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Thank you very much for this nice guide. It actually helped me do my choices on the first skills I should learn. But...are you playing as an "int" mage ? Moreover, do you think I should do one ?
  • haiz
    haiz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I was a pure int or I guess the stat is magi now wizard. In all seriousness though, although I like it over going light armor, most people do not last if they go pure magi.

    It mostly starts 60+ when you begin to do AoE parties when people start dieing and they run into problems with PvP. So for beginners I would actually recommend you go light armor or even heavy armor, but if you know what you're doing and you think you can take the hard path, do pure magi.

    Back in MY-EN all the wizards I knew were either light or heavy armor (90+), there was about one or two pure magi wizards like me, but I think one of them restated to light armor. Made me sad I was kinda alone.
  • evius
    evius Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Thanks haiz, this is really inspiration for me to be a pure wiz.
    I always like a challenge in games i play. For mmorpgs, that means playing the hardest character. That doesn't mean i choose the character that grinds the most, but I choose the character that actually takes skill in fighting, not just mindless clicking and tapping numbers 1-9 on the keyboard.

    After hearing that wizzies aren't so great in this game i was a little saddened. But the fact that you could one hit someone sounds INSANELY fun and cool. So that's what I'm definitely going to work towards.

    Thanks again haiz! That's one less barbarian and one more wiz in PW =]
  • arann
    arann Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    skrillz :rolleyes:
  • haiz
    haiz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    So I added some stuff because I left out a skill, and then I went ahead and gave my little predictions to how awesome those new spells will be.

    As for one hitting people, you'll get one hit too so its kinda saddening. Though whenever you one hit someone back its always satisfying. As for taking skill to play a wizard, it is there. Wizard has no "ez mode" spell that they spam really. It's all about timing and using the right spell at the right time because a lot of them give a small side effect that can help you win a fight.
  • unki87
    unki87 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Guide is ok.

    I'd like to talk about 1 thing. These skills: Elemental Invocation & Manifest Virtue are suposed to be lvl 100 skills, right? So why do they require lvl 109 cultivations which are Daimon Berserk and Ether Immortal (names from MY but these skills are available there too). I guess we have to ask developers what's the point to make lvl requirement or is it just a text bug and they should require lvl 99 cultis? The same situation is with all other lvl 100 skills, i mean other classes ones. Its pretty important since there is a HUGE diffirence in exp between lvl 100 and lvl 109 (like 5-6 years of playing ^_^).
  • mystic
    mystic Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Pretty good guide, I noticed a couple of things about skills that I didn't before thanks to you. Thumbs up.

    Selfish blood runs through my veins. I gave up everything for fame.

    Pandora - 8X Mage - Lost City (PvP - The only server worth playing.)
  • huli
    huli Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Great skill description, thanks needed this.
  • blizzy
    blizzy Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Excellent Guide for those new to the Wizard Class, it's really helping me a-lot actually. :]
  • Neoxtemplar - Lost City
    Neoxtemplar - Lost City Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    What skill should I put on hold to level distance shrink?

    It's my favorite spell to use - great for kiting
    ...except for when I accidentally teleport towards the monster :eek:

    PS: This is the best wizard guide in the forum and deserves a bump :D
  • Haiz - Lost City
    Haiz - Lost City Posts: 646 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    If you primarily use distance shrink for kiting, you don't want it very high. When you level it too high and you use it you'll just end up moving too far and you'll have to run up to the monster to cast another spell. A good level is just about 5 until you're a high level or if you want to PvP a bit the higher it is the better. 25 meters every 10 seconds is a real life saver at times.
  • Calliope - Heavens Tear
    Calliope - Heavens Tear Posts: 328 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Thanks for the great guide!
  • timioo
    timioo Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Clear and helpful guide, thanks ^^

    Harvest of Chaos Marshal
    Nalle - 6X Wizard

    -Lost City-
  • renkyrios
    renkyrios Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    One qn... for pure mage how much should i add for int and str?
  • ShadowDrag - Lost City
    ShadowDrag - Lost City Posts: 291 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    wow....finally finished the whole thing...hmm...i love it, cant wait till i get to lv 59....ice drag...oooo but that'll take me a while.... :( nice guild btw
  • Efefes - Lost City
    Efefes - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Great guide Haiz.

    Definitely gave me some insight as to how the PVP will be and what I have to look forward to.

    People say wizard is the most difficult class to level ('specially solo), and therefore quit... but that's cool. Those who make it 60+ will just get more glory.
  • /haiku/ - Lost City
    /haiku/ - Lost City Posts: 286 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    @Efefes, I wouldn't say they're difficult to level. They kill pretty fast; especially mobs with elemental weakness to you. Not to mention zhenning on one as a pure mag is relatively cheap as opposed to a cleric for many levels. They probably are the most difficult class to be successful at, though. I can't really argue there.

    Curious to see what Haiz has to say after experiencing the 79 skills. :3 Worth saving up level 7x SP for the sleep + debuff?
    /Haiku/ -- Cognitive atrophy at its finest.
    No longer the mistress of being ohko PK'd.
  • OriciAlyssa - Heavens Tear
    OriciAlyssa - Heavens Tear Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    If you want to level up distance shrink for kiting I would suggest probably not leveling it unless u plan to fight mid-air or in water. Pretty much unless you're fighting a boss type mob or mob immune to movement speed debuffs you should have no problem kiting using gush as long as you have the room and a clear path.
  • Haiz - Lost City
    Haiz - Lost City Posts: 646 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    @Efefes, I wouldn't say they're difficult to level. They kill pretty fast; especially mobs with elemental weakness to you. Not to mention zhenning on one as a pure mag is relatively cheap as opposed to a cleric for many levels. They probably are the most difficult class to be successful at, though. I can't really argue there.

    Curious to see what Haiz has to say after experiencing the 79 skills. :3 Worth saving up level 7x SP for the sleep + debuff?

    I'm trying to farm for the apocolypse pages but they aren't easy to get when your whole party and your whole guild wants them too.b:surrender
    You can be sure though that if I do get my hands on both the sleep and debuff there's gonna be a new mage in town.b:chuckle

    Oh and if you really want to be able to kite a mob without never getting hit, learn to use these three skills together; distance shrink, will of the phoenix, and force of will. While doing 89fbs when the lurer pulls too many I normally solo one of the magic mobs and will get hit once to none at all as the party fights the rest of the mobs.
    Use distance shrink to teleport away and out of the mobs range so his spell cancels. Phoenix is used to push the mob out of range so his spell will cancel. Force of will is well pretty obvious, seals them and makes them run away. Using these three spells I can kite forever as long as I got room to run. :p
  • Elementx - Lost City
    Elementx - Lost City Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I'm trying to farm for the apocolypse pages but they aren't easy to get when your whole party and your whole guild wants them too.b:surrender
    You can be sure though that if I do get my hands on both the sleep and debuff there's gonna be a new mage in town.b:chuckle

    Oh and if you really want to be able to kite a mob without never getting hit, learn to use these three skills together; distance shrink, will of the phoenix, and force of will. While doing 89fbs when the lurer pulls too many I normally solo one of the magic mobs and will get hit once to none at all as the party fights the rest of the mobs.
    Use distance shrink to teleport away and out of the mobs range so his spell cancels. Phoenix is used to push the mob out of range so his spell will cancel. Force of will is well pretty obvious, seals them and makes them run away. Using these three spells I can kite forever as long as I got room to run. :p

    Hit by phoenix yet? is it as crazy as they say?
    "If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut."b:shutup
  • Haiz - Lost City
    Haiz - Lost City Posts: 646 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    The phoenix is the doom of all things legit.

    I have some experience with them receiving and dealing damages. On a level 100 phoenix it bled me for 1.9k per tick when i was on the ground, or we could say 3.8k if I was in the air. This is up against full 90HH robes and I think 3.5k pdefense. The same level 100 phoenix hit a level 95 WB for 2.3k bleed per tick (he was in the air).

    Also I attacked a phoenix and I'm assuming the person was 8x because they were leveling at fish and it took me 4-5 spells to kill the phoenix. By four spells I mean just gush and pyrogram, not the bigger harder hitting ones.
  • OriciAlyssa - Heavens Tear
    OriciAlyssa - Heavens Tear Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I've read that veno w/phoenix is the best solo, seems like it's warranted O.o
  • /haiku/ - Lost City
    /haiku/ - Lost City Posts: 286 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I have the SP just sitting around, waiting to max sandstorm and just leaving the rest until I either get some firsthand feedback on the skills -or- get them myself. Pain in the **** trying to level with every guild under the sun thinking they "own" us, so more likely the former than the latter until after this weekend. o_O

    Would like to add that another skill to include in your kiting advents outside of bossing/instances would be the slowing skills gush/snare (though water mobs are questionable). Kiting and KBing melee mobs (yeah, they do exist outside of zhen areas, I currently level at a melee mob) is great for saving your HP charm if you're tight on cash.

    I've had some experiences with the phoenix pet on LC, and even though they're still really underleveled, I've had up to 1k/tick bleed from one of 'em. Thus far my solution is to FoW the phoenix and kill the venomancer.. though I don't think that will be enough when the phoenixes get leveled up. :\ They're fast as hell, too, hard to get away from.
    /Haiku/ -- Cognitive atrophy at its finest.
    No longer the mistress of being ohko PK'd.
  • laisvis
    laisvis Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I was playing with venomancer while not bored. Now i'm playing with wizard and it's awesome character. And look at this video how high lvl wizard strong in pvp (they pwn all, and fister and venomancer with phoenix...) http://zoome.jp/losstarot/diary/28/ b:victory
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