OpalAthame - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • I'm very glad to know I'm not to only one that likes to do stuff in the game other than obbsesive leveling\grinding\farming\PKing. I LOVE taking pictures, I can just find a nice little spot on a wall or in some tall grass and play with the graphics setting making it softer and at some backgroud detail with the distance…
  • My barb friend used to complain a lot about venos playing the barb role and 'wanting to tank everything' So eventually I came back informing him about all the barbs that like to pull with the genies or even a bow and arrow sometimes >_>. Its nice when pets tank because that means less repair bill for the barbs, clerics…
  • ...Who in the world picked THESE as the finalists??? Some of them make me want to b:spit Looks like it was random to me. I mean really, ANYONE could have done a better job sorting out crappy from awesome. I can't vote any of these.
  • I made this for my faction forums so I just copt and pasted it for you CS ---Crazy stone. A daily quest you can do after level 30. SP --- Secrect passage. The Dungeon type place you go to for FB29, Bh29, Shade Edio, Dismal Shade and Silver Frost, and some quests. FB -- Final battle \ Call To Duty. Every 9 levels after…
  • Right on b:victory And hey, they didn't instead add blacklist extention or horn blocking items, did they? As Rillien said They screwed up, asked us for input, and did what was best. They are taking the horns out of the boutiqe as soon as possible. This was just a HUGE mistake that obviosly wasnt thought out enough. I'm…
  • Thank you GMs for listening! b:thanks Most of the spam in the forums was everyone trying to get your attention that this needs to be fixed, and we were afraid you wouldn't do anything about it unless we practiaclly rioted. This should give everyone(myself including) a little more faith in the GMs =] I dont know about…
  • Atm 90% of the players are pissed about a new kind of world telecoustic called the perfect horn. Why is it bad? Because you will have no way to filter it, no matter what chat you are on you will be forced to see what people messeges with the horns, which might not be something you want to hear about b:spit Oh and they can…
  • I don't think it matters that it might slow down over a few weeks, a month from now some idiot might buy several of them and spam repetedly to the point where you couldnt talk to anyone at that time, JUST to annoy us. Another thing that I'm upset about is what people could spam in my chats. WC sometimes gets sexual,…
  • I've seen a few players in the game wearing it and didn't notice the animation. I couldn't get a good look at them though they where running lol.. And I didn't really want to get caught following them around. b:chuckle So maybe (and hopefully) it's only in the preview?
  • NoDoubt... Thats the effing problem. We CAN'T take it off the chats. Nothing we can do but BL them. There is no horn option to remove. Did you read what we have been saying? It is in all our chats and there is no way to filter them or remove them.
  • I guess instead of BLing everyone who uses it, just BL those who use it over and over. Still not great, but it cuts the spam down a bit.
  • I will never complain about **** in WC again lol And I could definetly tolerate the system messeges from the packs over this junk. At least they didn't make fun of being in all our chats -.-
  • Do blacklists get full? Any limit to how many horn abusers I can silence?
  • We NEED a FILTER. The more people start abusing it, the less I will be able to communicate with ANYONE. Think about it, this game depends a lot on teamwork. How are we supposed to work together if we can barely see what all everyones saying without the horns getting in the way and distracting us? And they didn't think this…
  • Whoever thought of this perfect horn idea needs to choke and die. Right now. Not even 10 min and people are spamming it making fun of the fact that I have to read them in all my chats. .......What the F.UCK where you thinking? Pardon my language.
  • b:victory Alrighty we can all get in now!
  • I can't get in either :( And the starting screen said the server was online the entire time.
  • Completely and totally agree with you there. When I heard about this I was pretty irritated about it, and still have no clue why this is being added other than for them to make money off of the players who want better ways of annoying the hell out of us. I'm really thinking about starting a petition if we dont have the…
  • Hi there =] Welcome to PWI b:pleased In game folks just call me Opal, I've been playing for almost a year now and I'm only level 62 atm because I started the game with a wizard. lol I got as high as I possibly could until I just couldn't stay alive anymore XD She was like my boot camp character and I learned everything the…
  • I've met a ton of 30+ people here, some that were 40+ 50+ even 60+. And my friend had met a 70something year old man that plays aswell(Whos quite the personality). There is also a faction on my server that has only 30+ people in it I think. Though I see that as a attempt to weed out immature players, its useless. I've met…
  • I'm not sure if this happens to everyone, but when I spurred my chubbs it went back to level 1 -.-. But after I got it back up to max level it went 11.00 speed which is the highest it can possibly get. And yes you can spurr it no matter what level it is.
  • Seeing as how you dont want to spend money and you dont have a lot of time to play, Perfect World isn't a good iea. This is the most money mongering game I've ever seen. You can get to a high level without paying but its very very difficult and time consuming. They find a ton of ways to get you to pay more and more coin…
  • I don't think it makes people violent, its no where near real enough. I mean not many people can constantly run and shoot and beat the snot out of people and manage not to get in some deep trouble. Although I have a violent imagination, I hate seeing people get hurt. And I was 7 years old when I started playing Unreal…
  • No way! Sometimes I practically live off of BHs. Like when I needed spirit for skills I stayed at level 49 and kept putting exp into my genie and saved up spirit from the bh29 until I had enough for everything I needed. I would be so pissed if BH required something from the boutique. They are going to ruin the game…
  • To Graviora: Nah its not lame. I thought it was pretty cool seeing my name up there too :) lol That accelerate in traffic and thinking Holy Path one, came from personal experiance XD Another one I had was "When you stop feeding your pet because you have a 'tome'" That was the most entertaining WC has ever been. I wonder…