Onistie - Sanctuary Arc User


  • but lions w/o a head would look like a big green booger...not very scary lol...
  • i never used an online ticket thing..i used the "consult GM" in the system menu on game but it didnt work, thought thats a way to ask for help but didnt work...but now i can say i've submitted a website ticketb:thanks
  • kk got it >.<
  • ok coolb:dirty but umm where do i go to sumbit the ticket thingyb:surprised and i havent been on her in a while cause been trynna get answer if shes aloud to be used but shes im sure some1 reported me after 48lvl's of usin her lol..but where can i sumbit this ticket at?
  • i dont use wield thunder never had to..all i use is plume an cyclone on my mobs to kill..unless i mobbed alot of mobs then i tempt but i only use thund in PvP..
  • all i can say is get at me on sanc...or just get on there a few mins make a new char, buy 1 WC and ask info on me, im sure more then a few people will assist u with my "lies" if thats what you wanna call them...then get back here an post the infob:victory
  • just the wiz's i've came across i've 1hit with razor but there gear isnt the best to say at the least...but seriously i havent came across a strong wiz or even a good one at that fact, maybe theres one out there in sanctuary idk...a 60 cleric can easily kill a 75 below wiz..but maybe u needa do a test with one of the best…
  • well if i can find people i've duel they can tell u i have massive damage...umm hmm...what bout ur rings? my rings i bought up to +80 mag atk...the manufacture was lucky an i got another ring that is only +60 somethin, idk im rarely on my cleric anymore..been doin my veno..but i can tell u that my mag atk is in the 6-7k…
  • no dang clue lol...highest lvl i hit was 74 barb...
  • lets protest lmao..and i LOVE the sig...i got my herc an workin on nix...almost there ^.^
  • its a guess...with my arbor +5 i have 6-7k damage so i thought with my arbor ill reach around 8k..maybe 7.5...
  • it was +7 1 socket...but 2more lvl's i get my +5 saky light with 2 flawless sapphs then PK mode will be extremely interesting, just needed get the rest of my TT70 gear sharded with flawless cit's..or should i wait for tt80 hmmb:embarrass
  • lol ill let a wiz do an SS on me for free,,,but they gotta let me do a sparked razor wing on themb:bye 3k hit minimum...so what will these 2 things prove? i let a wiz test there SS damage on me? b4 u speak duel a real clericb:shutup all i can say if there skills are maxed right an they got the right combob:byeUrsa
  • lol no..i manu my weps an refine em...and if needed socket..my luck is horrible with my manufacturing tho..maybe i should just buy from AH for now onb:puzzled
  • lol why would i let him/her try? simple fact is wizards are to slow, and lvl 70 i get my +5 saky light with 2 flawless sapphs in it, but im simply sayin clerics are probally the most under rated class there is...yea an EP is used for support, we can be used just as well to pwn anything an anyone, and if a wiz does manage…
  • arrows?b:chuckleb:laugh ur joking right?...even the best of the best archers cant fight a cleric properly unless its neone0b:shocked but all his stuff was +12 an he had 200k rep but thank goodness that was on PW MY version
  • soo soo sooooo very true but better safe then sry u know lol, all i did was used the bug on my side just like the other 2 bugs the other classes use, but them bugs affect gameplay and mine doesnt ^>^ so i hope all is well with it but noone higher authority wants to read this forumb:sad ill prolly just have to tough it out…
  • well everything is pretty simply...bein a cleric with +7 arbor, and legendary leggings an armor with thunderkings seal i can say that cleric vs. arcane user if the cleric is experienced will pwn the arcane 1-2hit tops...LA veno's i kill in 3-4hits...BM's lvl 75 below i can kill in less then 5 hits....it all depends on the…
  • Yea thats the malaysian version an GM's dont care bout player editing, but this is a completely different set of Admin/GM an company then that version so they have different views on things, and those chars u named were **** chars, mines was simply a bug in the custom screen that i decided to keepb:thanks
  • Anyone know a quicker way to get ahold of a admin or GMb:sad submitted tickets an havent worked....i submitted ingame ticket through the "im stuck" option lol...did several World chats and still nothing..but i understand there busy so ill be patient, just dont wanna be banned lol
  • Freshman College yearb:cute
  • FB69 TIME TO PWN ^.^ NICE LIL SS I GOTb:thanks
  • lol thx..my pic was just for lulz tho..didnt really think some1 would rate it but ty hunb:kissb:pleasedb:chuckle
  • lol i was turnin my char colors around and my chars skin wasnt changin so i went to the body option an seen my tail turn completely black so yea i left it...i did it through the customizing screen when i made her...so shes completely legit in that sense...but now my char is pale as heck an when i went to go to change her…
  • For one it was a customization...standard fox when u change the skin color it changes the tail color and EVERY admin an GM knows this already so there for the game is bugged an i did not break a rule..dont beleive me check urself, go make a fox veno an change there skin color an it only changes the face an tail..somehow i…
  • Lol thats somethin im trynna advoid xP...ill be happy to do it if a GM wants to give me a makeover scrollb:kiss but seriously admin or gm plz message me ^.^ black tail doesnt affect gameplay an doesnt give me an advantage over anything so idk why it'd get me banned...dont wanna wake up one morn an she's gone b4 i could get…