I'm out and you know when ;D Not sure i agree with where the game is headed, but i cant say i didnt enjoy playing PWI b:bye
Removed: Please do not discuss other games on our forums.
Keep this up? They have pretty much done enough.
If my weapon ever loses its refines because i died, im quitting.
Nicely put. Harshlands is becoming even more unplayable then it was before because of this. Ill most likely find something else to bide my time until september b:bye
The point is Gold price is gunna go through the roof
8/10 epic troll bait is epic. Would read again.
This is great for me! I haven't been having any luck in fb89 for Skydemons, now i can just get it for 700k b:laugh
I'll be camping the lines for kills :>. Also, ill be making **** tons of money off this b:laugh
Im pretty sure the original version of the game has this.
Yeah i'd really like to see it fixed...
They delayed Warsong and the new daily? -.-
inb4 Veno 75% 305 votes
Our TW's will be ಥ_ಥ Just you wait!1
Its cheaper too buy the 1 stars and make t, even moreso now that 1 stars are discounted.
40m ill farm it until it drops.
ITT: Paranoid Kingdom. Nah but seriously LEA theres a plan. It doesnt involve kingdom at the moment ;D
I'm Assuming dragon orbs will be discounted for a week?
Fact: All the posts in this thread are infact, from my alts.
Excellent timing i must say, charms were really starting to get expensive.....
Again, missing the point of the OP. I suggest you re-read it. This wasnt a "OMG LETS UNTIE AGAINST KINGDOM!!111" Thing it was a "Lets all split up, make factions, and go nuts before half the server quits" thing.
I was more or less suggesting the accumulated 7x+ make smaller factions to war with each other.
*sigh* Like most threads on this forum, it turned into Trolls trolling trolls trolling Kylin/Kingdom.
Quoting for justice... Lol lower depths
What's the point in having a +12 weapon? You know at that point everyone will know you have it, so no one will fight you....... Only people who like to auto-******* themselves +12 imo. They like to log on, see it, and go "Im so AWESOME! YEAAAAAAAAHHHH!" b:bye
Well Siva just hit 99, so all of your votes are null and void becuz that kid is the biggest no-lifer. Gratz.
I hate that Nova kid. He sucks and he left KD fking traitor b:angry
Lmao. The part that made me LOL was the "derp" part xD. BTW In kingdom Barbs get GX b4 Bm's b:bye