lights off its 2 am and time to sleep muwahahahab:bye
I made a sin named MotorBoat on harshlands server one day when HT was down for awhile , played her to about lvl 10 or so . Then went back home to HT b:chuckle
Queen Of Denial
both would be cool imo
Queen Of Denial
Queen Of Denial b:laugh please ive been waiting for quite awhile
grizzly bear would be a pretty cool animal form
testing to see if i have it yet b:chuckle aww no its not here . Frankie please make mine Queen of Denial.. name related
never got mine , I still would like to have Queen Of Denial.. name related . ty Frankie , hope you can get around to the rest of us soon :) b:byeb:cuteb:thanks
The drop rate on the treasure quest sucks, there's no way its 20 or 30% i've did it daily on 3 toons since it came out with only 1 success to map 5 and I got 4 chrono pages and 20 tome frags out of it, since then nothing. I'm really starting to think its a rip off :( b:angry
I started this game just a few days after open beta, I have a lvl 103 cleric thats my main ,I feel i have alot of knowledge of the game but its always changing too . New things to learn and new stuff to explore. Its nice to help others sometimes too. teaching them stuff and sharing info. I can recall the days when we had…
Queen Of Denial name related. tysvm Frankie :)b:pleased