I agree with what was told before, just a little warning - Squad non-veno members tends to get scared after Soul transfusion ;) Soul Transfusion with ~5% mp sometimes causes reactions like "Veno died???", "You ok?", "What happened?" and so on ;)
My nicest death story is from my veno when we ran one fb39. I was killed by each boss once, because I stole aggro from our barb over and over. Next day we run fb51 and I stole aggro from him at the last boss too. Boss turned at me, sneezed and left me with 10% HP and continued to attack tank. One of the recent death…
Ctrl + Alt + Delete? Use Alt + Tab better if you like to stay in fullscreen mode. Have used that and no problem :)
I would say Rollback won't happen. It will solve some problems, but, as it was told, it will arise even more problems. Ether way there will be complains... The easiest solution - fix the problem, ban the exploters and let the economy stable down by itself. In real life there is economic crises and Perfect World isn't…