Do you want us to get it for you, or are you looking for information on where to find them? If the former, I would suggest to ask friends or people you know that play the game to help you collect these materials, as otherwise people are just going to give you a lot of grief. If the latter, there is a Perfect World Database…
Rhino Horns Antenna The drop logs of the monsters, % chance of drop, life, level, and element of that monster are all there. Take your pick.
- Just a small bug when I was on my wizard doing the quest depicted in the picture. As you should be able to see, I have completed the quest (look at the tracker near the top left and the quest log), yet I have no one to talk to to finish it.
Yeah, taking a screenshot of yourself editing the .ini files is really something to show off on the original forums of the game--where the GM's are around, y'know?
Open your actions window and go to the Trading section, there should be a second icon labeled "Consignment shop." Click on it and follow everything else.
It's a completely random thing.
This is probably the best answer by far in this topic. When tracking a quest, whether you think it shows up in your quest log or not, it will always show you the time directly above said quest. So, say I was to get a quest to kill Shimmering Vipents - as many as I can - for 30 minutes. If I tracked that quest, it would…
Hover over the item if you cannot read the amount you have, and it will bring up the specifics. So say you have 4 Pig Iron, and you don't know that it's 4: move your mouse over the Iron and it will bring up a box that will say a lot of stuff. At the top it would say "Pig Iron (4)."
Unfortunately, no.
The number pad is not used in this game, neither is targeting the next enemy. The numbers that go in order from left to right, above your standard letters in the alphabet, are used, yes, but not the number pad to the right of the keyboard.
Erm, hello....not really much to choose except for between whether you want to PvE (fight monsters) the majority of your time here, or PvP (battle it out with other players) for most of your time as those are the 2 types of servers.
When you change the timer on your safety lock, you have to wait a full 72 hours (3 measly days) before the safety lock will register you changing the time.
There's the path of Sage and the path of Demon, which is not out yet I presume, and is available for partaking in at level 89. The upcoming expansion might bring these two demigods into the game, and it might not...we just have to wait and see.
EDIT: Ah, nevermind, read it wrong.
Next time you talk to a banker, if they have a yellow-looking shield above their head chances are they have a quest for you. The quest to extend your bank storage space is called "Worries of the Banker." The quest requires that you either get the Safe Extension Stone through the PW Botique for real money, or from in-game…
- Now tell me the "basic herbs" you are looking for are not in there.
Go into the Game Settings, go to the Game tab, and where it says "A.D. Keys," make sure that the box is checked and then click Apply & Confirm.
Or you could hit alt+H, which gets rid of the entire HUD (until you press alt+H again which brings it back), and then take a snapshot with PrtScn.
Right, because lowering the overall damage of the Close-Quarter Combatants below every other class is really making PvP an equally better opportunity for everyone.
Only way is to turn off the effects volume through the settings, which gets rid of sound effects completely--no more listening to anything but the music in-game, unless you turn that off too.