Mainachan - Sanctuary Arc User


  • I could claim that I have wasted as much time on something that matters more in real life, than your accomplishment. Posting a response to your thread, with a laptop perched on my knees. I have no magazines or catalogs to read while taking a dump. Guess we both post about something that doesn't mean ****, but still is…
  • Nope just full of swamp. "wraith swamp" is a name like "happy town". they just want you there....(blame the former "Just drab swamp of two tone color grind spot" Chamber of Commerce, for this.) I suggest Genie questions, complaints about world chat, and refining transfer as further ways to increase your post count. If you…
  • If you have too many problems/havn't done it yet, give me a holler (IGN MainaChan). I'd be happy to help.
  • no. 10 chars
  • Private server=can't deal with normal game. private server=female. never met one. Private server to learn builds? sure go on MR expert, you pawn. Join a PS if you can't handle a regular game. uninstall now, I hear fluff or other **** "social" games need members.
  • Why re-roll? From this thread.
  • You mean, hire a legal staff for outside the US and adhere to the laws your country sets for simple contests? Never. Heck, I hear that in Canada you have to use simple math to win a contest. That's not fair to us who slept through the classes, Just in case "international" is brought up again, it means available in more…
  • spam and no mention of this..... I guess some of us are too old............
  • Veno posts in general=fail. so sick of subject. You do win the internets for extremely good taste in music though.
  • Since you're new this might help, [URL=]""[/URL]
  • This should have gone to the tech section, hopefully will get moved there, you'll find more help. If I can I'll try to help. I play on a vista 64bit, but my game installed and has been running fine, never any problems. I will try to help, so what seems to be the problem? Install, starting or other? Maina
  • What would we talk about that doesn't concern everyone? Well aside from why Earl Grey is far Superior to all other teas for parties? Maina
  • No offense, but one of the few times I didn't roll my eyes and say "whatever" to one of your posts. ************** Morals coming from people who say "it's just a game!", "who says I act this way in real life." etc. It's the internet, like I should believe you on this but not some one on their real life pic..... It wasn't a…
  • It's true. If you have a charm I suggest going to a mob that will kill you faster than it can tick. (any world boss scattered around). If you're worried about xp loss, buy a GA from the ingame store or a player. Thats the link to the quest guide here on the forum.…
  • When you log in there is a box to check that says safe. Use that, it disconnects your already logged in account. sorry I think it's safe, force is when you log off. :)
  • There is everything religious about Narnia. C.S Lewis was not just a religious man. Almost all of his writing (Science fiction, fantasy, and essays) were religious. The Chronicles of Narnia are purely religious (yet I still find them enjoyable). "Sons of Adam, Daughters of eve"? Aslan is a direct representation of the son.…
  • 7) Know you're threat level. Know you're tanks. Stop attacking when you might get "Threat". "Threat" is most damage (as far as archers are concerned). "ESC" key or ground near you, "s" key, etc, learn to break target. Maina
  • You want to PvP go to the PvP server. Some will be in PK mode in the other servers, but not many since that's their choice. Out of all? How many? Wow is optional, so are many more, it is not a "rare" thing.b:chuckle
  • Botting just accelerates the ruin of an economy like this one (and many others). It's doomed to start with, anyone who knows economics knows that since every player can print money (kill a mob get gold), the economy is doomed. No game can really provide enough gold sinks to off set it. Botting is also kinda stupid, has…
  • hiya, Armor go to a tailor, weapons a blacksmith, etc. Choose the "imbue soulgem" (I think). level of a gem can not be higher than level of equipment. You can buy base gems at merchant, and craft higher levels from them at Jewelcraftsman. Maina
  • Hiya, I would invite you to look here, It's a faction mostly run by 15-18 year old "girls" b:chuckle Though several of us are older (much, but don't ask, we won't tell....). I know the thread says 30+, but we don't really hold to that. Several of the 60+ have alts,…
  • Make a game and keep it interesting, you have my money. "Amateur designers" are a dime a dozen. You bored? Show me the money!!! I'll buy your great game. No, well nuff said. 22 and bored? means what? level 2 in WOW? Sorry but the time you spent complaining on a website, devoted to the game you are bored with, you could…
  • Maina b:thanks
  • Pretty much said what I wanted, plus I will never buy from such stores, but who cares? gold bars for 50K probably sells when you leave moms computer on all night. maina
  • The main site usually answers all basic questions. I'd recomned looking under videos, for directions on quest finder and NPC location. Maina
  • Months???? Try two days since this question was last asked. Pay attention to post #7 in the above link. Maina
  • Hiya, I'll try to be on at that time, I live in the same timezone. I can help, and drag in a few friends to help as well if you need it. Just whisper me at IGN MainaChan.b:victory Maina
  • As far as I know the mold should drop from the Poison tail Ocultist. I have never seen it drop, but thats what PW database says..... Maina
  • Hey, I should be online later. If you need some help I'm up for it. Just whisper me (MainaChan) and I can run you through the Undines. b:victory Maina
  • Find where you installed it, folder under elements. By default (I think), it's Programs/Perfect World International/Element/screenshots. Maina