MadiLee - Sanctuary Arc User


  • +10 LOL I can't help but agree.
  • I have several alts I play, just for the fact I want/need alone time. I love my PW friends, but sometimes I just need to chill a little. My alts range from very low lvls, to 100's, I've kept my high lvl alts hidden from everyone, I wont even wear gear crafted in my name, Ill buy theier gear from ah, just to make sure no…
  • I'm female both in game and real life, I do how ever have two male alts, A BM and Seeker, it seems that they should be males, anyway like any other girl here I'm sure, I've grown tired of guys coming up and trying to sext me up... First it's a game, and a few explicit words on my screen doesn't do anything for me, except…
  • +10 but I heard the magic QQ Faries came and sprinkled their special fairy dust, and all those that have spent their time QQing have unlimited blessings of +100... see QQ'ers all that whining does pay off...
  • ~LOL~ Best Rumor Yet! I wonder, are some of those QQing, only doing so cus now they think they missed their chance to cheat their way up? In all honesty, does it really matter? It doesn't affect the way they play does it? Please don't give the lame excuse that it ruins PVP, not that many people doing it any more, and Ive…
  • Really OP... try bringing your complaints and concerns to the forums with a little tact will you? Raging never gets you anything, except a bad rep. I'm sure there are a lot of Mystics who feel the same as you. You don't see them raging at everyone, if you're so angry with other players, take it to them directly, why bring…
  • Why do people insist that there be a cap on gold prices? Whats the piont of free commerce if someone comes in and controls how much money you have? It's called capitalism people, not socialism... It's not hard to make moeny in the game if you are willing to invest a lillte effort. b:chuckle