LolliLoo - Sanctuary Arc User


  • Ty WannaBM :) I'm not really a hard core pk player, but considering NWs is a good way to make money and at times fun, I'll do it. I just hate dieing constantly lol without getting a word in lol. But I guess a lot die frequently unless you are R999 +12 top shards. b:laugh
  • I got berserkers rage for my barb and do not like it what so ever. Does little damage couldn't kill level 30 mobs in one shot or 2 shots when im a level 99 barb. It also doesn't make sense do to the fact it does triple damage while in air and can prevent players from flying, yet it is unusable in air... Not gonna get…
  • I use flesh ream quite a bit, but also devour on bosses. I figure if I can get aggro off the sin or BM or archer for a bit I am helping them out. Yet, if it is impossible to steal aggro from them I will just devour, or go afk b:chuckle
  • I would say both can be excellent in TW. It depends how skilled the person who plays is and how well they know their class and how experienced they are with TW. Now I only have a level 17 wiz atm, so I do not know much about them (thus why I'm in the wizard forums b:chuckle). But I would say, you would need more skill as a…
  • Archers are good in TW, tab, pew pew, tab, pew pew, eventually die, repeat. Maybe throw in some fancy stuff. Sins are nice in TW as well, but the thing is, they are more of a single target type of killer. With one AoE that is not spammable. Archers on the other hand have BoA, thunder shock, and Sharpened tooth arrow, which…
  • So my question: is it a good idea to use STA in FCC even though there is exp loss? Such as, for the first groups of mobs at the beginning. They don't give much exp, people don't hyper at them, and perhaps STA will help with killing the mobs faster since it reduces HP. I'd like to know because I'm not sure whether or not to…