Llyanka - Harshlands Arc User


  • Oooookay, it's been roughly a week and I haven't gotten my replacements or anything else from y'all yet... My wings are gone, the destruction token is gone and I am still flying at the lovely speed of 0.50... hellloooooooooooooooooooo?? I understand you've got lots of other issues, but seriously, a week?! >.<
  • Thank you very much ^.^ I did what was requested... now my question is... can I get my replacements before next maintenance? please? I'm so frikkin' slow right now >.< Again, thank you for the prompt response (and maybe if i had checked my ticket this would have been fixed sooner, lol) ^.^ Blessings, Lly ~
  • it's so sweet of you all to be concerned about our pay b:thanks Our officers are equipping us with better gear, making us stronger and better able to WIN in TW/PvP. Don't hate us 'cause we're beautiful b:cute If KD does crumble, it will only be to rise from the ashes into something better! Heh, if you join a faction for…
  • lol, Seleucia, way to support Taboo b:byb:victory some times we do take this game too seriously. But this being a PvP server, people will always QQ when they get killed, in some form or manner. OP, the map will change, it always does. KD hasn't lost it's full glory, it's just going through the cycle that everything has. If…
  • Ciao ma belle ^.^ College is awesome, and maybe you will be able to find a balance between RL and the game. <3 I will always remember my first FC run with you, lolz, you were so very patient with me ^.^ Peace, darling! and good luck :)
  • As stated, you should always clarify with your squad, but generally it goes for FB : Tabbed and Wined : 3* and Molds. all other drops are free for all. Tabbed : same as above for BH You wine : if other party members pay in, FFA : if no pay in, 3* and Molds are yours
  • I know of some clerics that cap their vit at 90. My base is currently equal to my lvl, but with equips is over 100 b:victory I would suggest taking about 30 of those vit points and putting them into mag. oh, and unless you are planning on going LA, take all those points out of dex and put them in mag too!
  • lessee... when I was 2x I had someone yell at me for buffing them... hmm... I got my barb killed in a bh69 because we were talking about Monty Python and not paying any attention to doorknob ^^ (we all laughed about it) I was called a fail cleric because I asked in WC if anyone wanted to come along on a BH29, and I…
  • at 40, grind as the others suggested on Vipions, and also look for BH's and zhen parties (yes you can do a zhen at 40 as long as your IH is maxed for ur lvl) lessee... in my 50's i did a lot of GV's and zhening.. so very little solo grinding there, 60's I went after foxwings (loved the drops! although the fire sucked) 70's…
  • I do a lot of runs with higher lvl clerics, and generally the tank asks me to heal, primarily because they know my healing abilities. I have also been solo cleric for BH89 b:chuckle When I do runs with lower lvls, they heal and I DD, unless we are going against a tough boss, then I heal. We do discuss prior to starting the…
  • I soloed Farren in my 60's, if an 8x cleric can't do it, there is something wrong there. They could be an oracle lvler, there is someone in my faction right now that is an oracle lvler... she just achieved lvl 80, but has the clerical intellect of a lvl 12. If I do a random run with non-faction members, I always lay out…
  • I know I'm not at goddess lvl yet, but I don't suck :P I heal for BH79, and can kill Farren with a 5x cleric - *sighs* i shuda taken a screen shot: 3 clerics(2 5x, 1 6x), barb5x, archer5x, bm5x. overkill, right? yeah... 6x cleric tanked farren with one 5x healing her and the other 5x rezing the ____ tank(s). When I see…
  • hmm, ok... I kinda figured but was hoping for a different answer :) I've never done the cube... I've heard its pretty expensive.
  • Ima arcane mag/vit build (still getting the vit up there 52 so far, 2.3k unbuffed hps, yeah!!) my best was... 23900 on a pyrofiend immolant in the swamps, lvl was 67 - aoe questing with Tempest l3 and razor feathers l4. my worst at lvl 67 was like... 3k on the heathens in the swamps b:pleased
  • oh my god yes! at the end it will increase your magic attack by 70% - it is one of the better buffs we get xD
  • I know for me personally, it HAS gotten better - I can kill mobs 16 lvls higher than me. It's all in how you build your character and what equips you use. In the lower levels I had some help with my lvling, but now I solo grind, and if I'm feeling helpful I will help bm's or wizards grind - and they are always 15+ lvls…
  • I have been asked to fly across the map... and I told them I couldn't at the time - I was in the middle of a zhen party, wasn't gonna just up and leave my wizard to rez someone that thought they could solo Suzerix. Lolz, poor guy actually waited 30 minutes for a rez b:victory For faction and friends I usually don't have an…
  • hmm, I did some grinding on the foxwing supremes yesterday - it wasn't too bad, took me a little less than a minute to kill each mob (heh, yeah, I timed it w/e) and that was at lvl 48 (wee!) xp rocked and the drops were ok... I did it mainly for the xp - and I have this strange urge to see how much I can handle... *shrugs*…
  • lolz D&D christianity, love it :) I rolled a cleric because I wanted to be able to rez *grin* and fly, and I love elves. but then I read some stuff about how they are uber solo'rs and pk'rs - peaked my interest that did. As my character has grown, however, I have just fallen more an more in love with what I can do - lolz I…
  • http://i866.photobucket.com/albums/ab223/Beka8409/2009-07-2320-59-37.jpg This is my cleric :)