Yeah I know that, but I was wondering if anybody had a rough estimate of the EXACT time. lol b:thanks
Lol. I knew they were "one time use". But I was wondering if supply stashed AND the hammers will be in PW permanently. [none of you answered my question] :3
Hey GM - Since the patch last night, I've had a problem with one of the Winged Elf quests, It's called, "The Emergency", and it's supposed to start with a 1 hr. time limit, but it starts with a 3 second time limit. Please fix this~
You can't get a pet egg from ANY animal in game, you can only get them from the ones with the green face next to their name.
Yeah but everything he just said was true.... b:chuckle I had to read through that guide at least 10 times before it remotely made sense to me. x] What I do with my stats is, Str- Enough to wear armor for your level. Mag- All the rest Dex- None. (5) Vit- The same as your level
It depends, if I'm walking in a familiar area with monsters that won't one-shot kill me, I'll use my mount, since it's faster than an aerocraft. If I'm going to somewhere that I've either never been before, or someplace that has a lot of highleveled monsters on the ground, I will fly, just as an extra safety precaution.…
Not only do you have to JUST equip it. What you do is, double click the wave pacer to equip it. Then press 'E' and hotkey 'Fly'. Then click your hotkey for 'Fly' and theeen you're flying.
To get a mount, you can either pay 2.4mil to get a horse from the pet manager. OR you could buy one from the Boutique for 10-30$. (You can buy the ones from the boutique from other players) To get an aerocraft, when you're level 30, you get a quest to get this guy a certain amount of a certain thing, and then he'll give…
I have an eldergoth marksman, and I love him <3 I can do all my regular grinding/quests with him, and I've tanked an entire FB19 with him(at level 41), so I think he's a great puller/tank. But if you do have a crystalline magmite already, don't bother getting one, since it'll probably be better.
Do you think I can kill the 50-ish ones?
Okay guys, thanks :]
Thanks, I'll give that a try. b:kiss
Personally, I think it looks awesome with just the plain pants, but I have a friend who wears the entire set and it looks aewsome. And imo, I think that wearing the shirt, shoes AND helmsley overcoat is just a bit too much for me. But hey, whatever looks good to you. b:laugh
All I can say is that I would guess that your Golem would have to be atleast 55-60 in order to tank an entire fb. But I've never tried, so I really wouldn't know b:shutup
Other classes can use a certain type of pet. These are called "Baby" pets, and are merely showpieces. They do NOTHING, nothing but follow you around. And in order to get one of these, you need a venomancer to get a bunch of different kinds of eggs, and turn them into a baby pet. :3 If you want more info on like which eggs…
All three of the pets you mentioned spawn every 12 hours from when it's been either tamed, or killed. The only exception to the 12 hour spawn for rare pets is the Snow Hare, which spawns every... 2 hours?
No, it's CTRL+F9, lol.
Eh, I'm a guy. I play a female veno/cleric. Because to me, certain classes just don't look good in certain genders lmao. b:chuckle Butuh, my gf plays mostly male chars, and my best friend plays [only] male chars. But probably because her boyfriend plays [only] female chars.... But yeah, another plus to playing a female…
What I did was I used my starter pet from 3-17. From 17-30 I used my Crystalline Magmite. And from 30-34 (When you have those annoying flying quests in heaven's tear) I used a petite sawfly, which I switched for a Pinnaer Foxwing at 34. And right now, I'm leveling my Snow Hare which is 22 right now,and doing pretty good.…
1US$ = 1,ooo Zen. 1,ooo Zen = 1 Gold 1 US$ = 1 Gold. So super pet cages (14Gold) are 14$. :3