err u left u butthead..... i'll continue.... 4 KD vs 6 Kylin 4 KD repeatedly killed 6 Kylin 4 KD buffs wait for 6 Kylin 1 Kylin joins 1 Kylin gets his butt kicked 4 KD buffs again 2 Kylin left, every kylin followed :)
he said no flaming GTFO b:angry errr dark u want flee bag's babies >:O?
>:O u got OP (over protective) archers >:O ?
yupz :) love pvp wars like that no trash talkin' or anything...and yes kirbie pwns >:O reminds me of my veno in LC >:)
QQ no charm either :( but that was still fun :)
griefing? lawl wat is he gonna do call his lawyers and sue ajani (aka flee bag)? lol get real, u don't call a pvp server a whiny server....
flee bag u left the squad earlier -_- that was fun dark, cleon and some other kylins :) shout out to the best pvp squad i've seen so far: Kirbie - u totally pwn Pho - pro bm :) Nel - u rock :) Me - i suck QQ
lulu <3333
say hi to my lvl97 veno in LC will ya MD :) don't be scurred...
lol the damn nerd didn't know LC has more cruel people than HL has....welcome to LC bish
well while we were pvpin' fresh out of blue name, he rushed to 9x by pvein' and then found "PVP" wen he was 90 then csed to pimp up his gears and boom his ego grew so much it's even bigger than his 1 inch epeen...oh wait his epeen doesn't even compare to how big his ego is b:byeb:bye
another one of his ego makin' his small epeen .1 inch bigger thread -_- grow up lil' kid
does ur big ego make ur 1 inch epeen bigger? damn man stop talkin' abt how great u r wen no one in here really cares of what u do, when u do it and why d **** u do it.....btw Ajani (Aurian) has been pkin' since he got out of blue name so stfu cuz u only started pkin' wen u were 9x...You know why many KD wanted kos w/ KY in…
hmm botting all the way to 94, quit, then come back and insult this more pl0x...btw stop all the whining NOW LAMARCUS NOW HAS THE MOTIVATION TO LVL wooottt.....who cares abt all the non sense let's have some fun :)
who cares now i have a motivation to lvl again >:)
go to ur main and meet me at west gate :)
TWs were fun for me...When i was in RQ at their prime it was so fun goin' against everybody in the server...Even non factors had the balls to attack us when they considered us top 1-2 guild in the server...You just have to experience an even match tw and you'll see the fun in it...Best TW i had was when Conq 1st decided to…
:) always been in kd ever since this server started..but you're right though on people my lvl moving to KD or KY, me i just can't help it since i was w/ KD for that long.
EoD is fun. Are they organized? heck no. You ask for pvp, they'll likely ignore you. Are they the right faction to merge with? No, when the leader doesn't want to merge w/ somebody it won't matter at all. Are they rpk? sure they pk anyone they want whenever they want to. Will they be able to win a tw? When you lose to GG…
HL Server: It sux like hell! So little pvp, it should be called pve server. HL People: People QQ about getting killed! It's pvp server get over it. You don't have to call your lawyers for a stupid game brats. People rush to high lvl then quit after getting to 90 where's the fun in that? When you ask people to go pvp, they…
lol You crazy or what? have you ever been past 60/70/80? If you haven't you need to keep your opinions to yourself. High lvls have wasted their time farming mats that low lvls like you got in just a single day. Does low lvls deserve such weapons/gears? Hell no! You say that you're grinding for mats to lvl your crafting…
The god damn gold prices are way too high, its a fact. People aren't crying over this ****, they're just stating the truth about this game. This game is supposed to be fun, LC had fair gold prices, this is the only server that's messed up.
See ya man...Been nice bein' our Kingdom'll be missed for sure b:cryb:cry
You missed the fun the other day btw b:chuckleb:chuckle after ascension vs kd there was a KD vs KD it was so fun. PS: you're the flea bag b:angry
Flea bag i think we're hurting his ego too much b:chuckleb:chuckle
Then reform QQme if you love their nuts too much. I bet brendle would be the only one joining it though b:chuckleb:chuckle
Sigh are you naturally dumb? i said my lvl90 veno w/ nix could roll your lvl90 veno w/ nix here if they ever fight. Are you mentally **** dude or its just you? I wasn't talkin' abt brendle's veno, 5cm epeen or even his ugly mom, i was talkin' abt ur veno vs my veno b:byeb:bye
LOL NOW I WILL CALL YOU FAIL b:chuckleb:chuckle He's no.1 cser in this server b:shutup you don't even know *****
I'll trade u 1 immac elemnt stones for ur critineb:chuckleb:chuckle
Ahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahaahahah Now That's Funny! Loool