


  • Posts: 198 Arc User
    edited October 2009
  • Posts: 968 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Martin! b:pleased

    And we don't kiss anyones ****....if thats what u were trying to say....

    Toodles b:bye

    kiss mine plzb:dirtyb:kiss
  • Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    b:victory yay someone said im a good leader

  • Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Top 100 from Destiny and Top 100 from EoD merge = Dark Fate's good TW fight...b:laugh
    Hopefully it happens.. Ill have to see when i get off of GROUNDEDNESS.

    BTW....is Destiny still around or have we been dispanded b:angry
    By this i meen is our core broken....
  • Posts: 968 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    b:victory yay someone said im a good leader


    Yes from what i heard from my friends in there and see how u manage to keep 9xs without salaries...
    Top 100 from Destiny and Top 100 from EoD merge = Dark Fate's good TW fight...b:laugh
    Hopefully it happens.. Ill have to see when i get off of GROUNDEDNESS.

    BTW....is Destiny still around or have we been dispanded b:angry
    By this i meen is our core broken....

    yes a good tw willl be fun... seriously high lvls are good but having strategy is another thing... sorry to put example from the other servers but in Lc for example.. Bloodlust had highest lvls than Conqueror and still Conqueror owned them.. reason : good coordination and communication and great leadership... Look on the Lost City map... RQ still on there even if they fell apart after their leader left.. now they are strong and resist CQ sometime... u guys got something as motivation... kisck those nubs from KD and Kyin from the map... do it do it...
  • Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Martin! b:pleased

    I hope we grow stronger as well, just takes time.

    As for Tim on EOD not attacking Kylin....

    By the time we bid, 3 other factions had bid Kylin. Making a 4th guild pointless. One of the guilds would have had a TW on a different day. How does that help?
    And the TW we had with you only helps both sides. Any TW experience is good imo. Yes we TW for fun, but its also serious. Training is good. And we don't kiss anyones ****....if thats what u were trying to say....

    Toodles b:bye

    OMG Omen your lv 90..think I might faint.

    so il bet you havent had a decent orgy near crazy stone since iv been gone =p
    PvE = F2P PvP = P2P
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I know EoD since i'm lvl 50 and DeadlyCleric and I used to pk together in the time... well EoD is not a small faction i can say... even if i care less abt other factions thing i do think u guys got what it takes... Endless seems to be a good leader and this is what most rpk factions lack... "friends", that what u need to make it successful... thats how we survived and rebuilded as the kylin u know now... I hate QQers and hate people jealously abt KD and KY... we passed through so many difficulties u guys know... If me "as a rival officer" thinks that u can take us then u can give it a try... u all want war KY against KD.. but u only want it to get easy land... not for the good tw it could make because u wont be there anyway to attend...b:chuckle
    Stop your flames GG stop and others stop your nonsense.. u really think u can take KY or KD even if 3/4 wars the same day...? hmm i dont think so... last week i had fun.. but didnt feel the danger... most destiny we 1 or 2 shots... i dont know how Tim is as a leader... i prefer to fight 40 people 9x than 20 9x and lowbies....b:surrender

    I seriously hope EoD the best...b:victory

    haha, you should stop trying to talk english and take up a new languange BR
  • Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    cel1ckay wrote: »
    haha, you should stop trying to talk english and take up a new languange BR

    my laptop crush im type with a cell phone ^^ sorry b:shutup
  • Posts: 664 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    my laptop crush im type with a cell phone ^^ sorry b:shutup

    1. He was quoting Dark_Fate, not you.
    2. Don't need to announce that your laptop has "crush"....*cough* crashed, in every single thread. We already know.
  • Posts: 490 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Buying new fashion for my mage is more interesting than reading these threads. b:surrender
    60 / 250.
  • Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    1. He was quoting Dark_Fate, not you.
    2. Don't need to announce that your laptop has "crush"....*cough* crashed, in every single thread. We already know.

    b:cry i know im bored
  • Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Buying new fashion for my mage is more interesting than reading these threads. b:surrender

    b:victory go go
  • Posts: 968 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    cel1ckay wrote: »
    haha, you should stop trying to talk english and take up a new languange BR

    b:sad sorry i talk french everyday... i kinda forgetb:cryb:surrender
  • Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Top 100 from Destiny and Top 100 from EoD merge = Dark Fate's good TW fight...b:laugh
    Hopefully it happens.. Ill have to see when i get off of GROUNDEDNESS.

    BTW....is Destiny still around or have we been dispanded b:angry
    By this i meen is our core broken....

    Tzone most of our core is still there but i left and went 2 eod and some more and i agree with the top 100 from destiny and eod,that guild would be so op especially since the top 100 destiny has the exprience that eod needs and hurry up and get of being grounded u nub
  • Posts: 5,013 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    sorry i talk french everyday... i kinda forget

    Francais? Tu es francais? b:surrender Je m'appelle Hope b:laughb:victory

    J'ai faim........ <.<.... b:chuckle
    I forgot!!! Thanks forsaken for the signature b:cute
    b:chuckle I love huge catshops LOL b:laugh
  • Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Tzone most of our core is still there but i left and went 2 eod and some more and i agree with the top 100 from destiny and eod,that guild would be so op especially since the top 100 destiny has the exprience that eod needs and hurry up and get of being grounded u nub

    i agree if both active member join under one faction we would be strong but can we work together for more thn a week i dont know
  • Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    EoD is fun. Are they organized? heck no. You ask for pvp, they'll likely ignore you. Are they the right faction to merge with? No, when the leader doesn't want to merge w/ somebody it won't matter at all. Are they rpk? sure they pk anyone they want whenever they want to. Will they be able to win a tw? When you lose to GG in a tw, you suck, period.

    Make a different faction. Get a good leader, somoene who has the right set of mind. Someone who want they're faction to get stronger no matter what. Don't get a selfish, ego maniac leader, it'll just ruin your faction. Good leader = has goals, charisma, and strong set of mind.
  • Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    EoD is fun. Are they organized? heck no. You ask for pvp, they'll likely ignore you. Are they the right faction to merge with? No, when the leader doesn't want to merge w/ somebody it won't matter at all. Are they rpk? sure they pk anyone they want whenever they want to. Will they be able to win a tw? When you lose to GG in a tw, you suck, period.

    Make a different faction. Get a good leader, somoene who has the right set of mind. Someone who want they're faction to get stronger no matter what. Don't get a selfish, ego maniac leader, it'll just ruin your faction. Good leader = has goals, charisma, and strong set of mind.

    b:surrender i agree
    i just want to have fun i have no goals =P
    i dont think i have a big ego tho
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Francais? Tu es francais? b:surrender Je m'appelle Hope b:laughb:victory

    J'ai faim........ <.<.... b:chuckle

    English only on these forums please.
  • Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    EoD is fun. Are they organized? heck no. You ask for pvp, they'll likely ignore you. Are they the right faction to merge with? No, when the leader doesn't want to merge w/ somebody it won't matter at all. Are they rpk? sure they pk anyone they want whenever they want to. Will they be able to win a tw? When you lose to GG in a tw, you suck, period.

    Make a different faction. Get a good leader, somoene who has the right set of mind. Someone who want they're faction to get stronger no matter what. Don't get a selfish, ego maniac leader, it'll just ruin your faction. Good leader = has goals, charisma, and strong set of mind.

    I saw capt. Kirk in west arch
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    doesnt matter
  • Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    EoD is fun. Are they organized? heck no. You ask for pvp, they'll likely ignore you. Are they the right faction to merge with? No, when the leader doesn't want to merge w/ somebody it won't matter at all. Are they rpk? sure they pk anyone they want whenever they want to. Will they be able to win a tw? When you lose to GG in a tw, you suck, period.

    Make a different faction. Get a good leader, somoene who has the right set of mind. Someone who want they're faction to get stronger no matter what. Don't get a selfish, ego maniac leader, it'll just ruin your faction. Good leader = has goals, charisma, and strong set of mind.

    Hmm, kinda though post there. Lamarcus uve been in EoD for a few days and on the worse possible time. EoD can be much more organized than what u saw while u were there. Change is coming b:shutup

    viva a la revolucion -.-
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination.
  • Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Hmm, kinda though post there. Lamarcus uve been in EoD for a few days and on the worse possible time. EoD can be much more organized than what u saw while u were there. Change is coming b:shutup

    viva a la revolucion -.-

    i joined maybe a day or 2 after lamarcus did and i saw how unorganized u guys where but that didnt make me run. running is the reason there are so many fail/fallapart guilds. me i was in destiny since lvl 39 when it was a bummy looking new guild all the way up 2 80 and i stayed through many of destinys hardships.like when we lost 10+ of our active high lvls because of a ranking dispute that cause the ppl that i followed to destiny 2 leave but i stay cause i had faith and i knew we could pull through this and we did all of those members eventual came bck and destiny was at its peak. i only left cause i was tired of the lack of help most of the faction gave 2 its ppl. i remember when i was close 2 like 67 and i wanted 2 start farming my 70 gear i asked some of our factions TT venos and they all gave me some BS excuse and nobody would let me join a TT1-2 sqaud cause I wasnt 70+ so i ended up wearing **** gear for the most part of my 70s. also the guild never help with pk problems(only the members from PnBUTT did) and i was help the first day i join eod with a 9x kingdom barb and i still stayed in destiny through all of it craps and only left after i was completly fed up with the guild. All the **** i stated has happened 2 many many ppl in destiny most have left but some are still there but wanting 2 find new leadership.
  • Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    its sad but true EOD is falling apart since i been offline
    i didnt think that me not being on would cause the faction to be so unorganized
    from what people re tell me is that my faction cant hold up without me on but that shouldnt be if it a good faction
    im to blame as leader i didnt make a good core
    so i think i need to step down from leader and find someone who would be a great leader
    i never really saw me as a leader b:chuckle
    people who know would know im a nice guy i would help them out to the end
    that is how i got high lvls in EOD cause im a helpful person
    but that doesnt mean im a good leader just means people want to help me out by coming to EOD
    and we all see it now since everything falling apart without me
    i dont know b:surrender
    EOD can be a great guild but only under great leadership which i dont has
    im kinda happy i been offline to see how the faction is without me
    this is a test of how EOD can handle things and we are failing
    i have no problem admitting it cause its true
    ^^ i probably wont be online for 2 to 3 weeks
    i hope EOD doesnt disband by thn seeing how things are going
    i honestly cant do anything about it unless i go steal someone computer and get on pwi xD
    if any of my member read this im being for real =P
    i guess me making a "no rule " faction is kicking me in the butt now since it only works if im there
    its upsetting and tiring to see things turn out so ugly
  • Posts: 777 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    its sad but true EOD is falling apart since i been offline
    i didnt think that me not being on would cause the faction to be so unorganized
    from what people re tell me is that my faction cant hold up without me on but that shouldnt be if it a good faction
    im to blame as leader i didnt make a good core
    so i think i need to step down from leader and find someone who would be a great leader
    i never really saw me as a leader b:chuckle
    people who know would know im a nice guy i would help them out to the end
    that is how i got high lvls in EOD cause im a helpful person
    but that doesnt mean im a good leader just means people want to help me out by coming to EOD
    and we all see it now since everything falling apart without me
    i dont know b:surrender
    EOD can be a great guild but only under great leadership which i dont has
    im kinda happy i been offline to see how the faction is without me
    this is a test of how EOD can handle things and we are failing
    i have no problem admitting it cause its true
    ^^ i probably wont be online for 2 to 3 weeks
    i hope EOD doesnt disband by thn seeing how things are going
    i honestly cant do anything about it unless i go steal someone computer and get on pwi xD
    if any of my member read this im being for real =P
    i guess me making a "no rule " faction is kicking me in the butt now since it only works if im there
    its upsetting and tiring to see things turn out so ugly

    hmm its not true that we have been falling apart :p
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination.
  • Posts: 968 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Francais? Tu es francais? b:surrender Je m'appelle Hope

    J'ai faim........ <.<.... b:chuckle

    no but i live in paris
    English only on these forums please.

    Tss.. ok ok french haterb:cry lol
    EoD is fun. Are they organized? heck no. You ask for pvp, they'll likely ignore you. Are they the right faction to merge with? No, when the leader doesn't want to merge w/ somebody it won't matter at all. Are they rpk? sure they pk anyone they want whenever they want to. Will they be able to win a tw? When you lose to GG in a tw, you suck, period.

    Make a different faction. Get a good leader, somoene who has the right set of mind. Someone who want they're faction to get stronger no matter what. Don't get a selfish, ego maniac leader, it'll just ruin your faction. Good leader = has goals, charisma, and strong set of mind.

    Good leader = knows how to treat his members and help them out... thats what everyone needs...
  • Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Pai =P
    well i dont know im read here and there
    EOD is falling apart =P
    im not on so just getting bit of piece of ingame info
    but im not liking what im hearing

    Dark i like french people b:cute
    i agree with what you saying but leader also need goals and those goals will push a faction to be stronger to complete those goals
    thats where i fail
  • Posts: 777 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Pai =P
    well i dont know im read here and there
    EOD is falling apart =P
    im not on so just getting bit of piece of ingame info
    but im not liking what im hearing

    Dark i like french people b:cute
    i agree with what you saying but leader also need goals and those goals will push a faction to be stronger to complete those goals
    thats where i fail

    dw, a good guild jus needs leaders like u nd officers like meb:cool
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination.
  • Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    well for the time vote for a new leader
    since i wont be back for 2 to 3 weeks
  • Posts: 5,013 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    no but i live in paris

    Tss.. ok ok french haterb:cry lol

    b:cry France is awesome! Awww lucky you get to live there b:surrender
    I forgot!!! Thanks forsaken for the signature b:cute
    b:chuckle I love huge catshops LOL b:laugh


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