Harshlands server

Posts: 777 Arc User
edited October 2009 in Dawnglory (EU)
Post your thoughts about the current server condition.
Lately the ammount of new players in HL has been decreasing so I wonder if any of u hav any good suggestions about a way of making it increase.
HL subforum is the most active nd has the biggest ammount of posts & threads, what about the server itself? Is it that active in your opinion?
HL is the only pvp server in the east coast & one of the only 2 pvp servers in pwi, were u expecting it to hav as many ppl as it has or more?
HL is a pvp server, do you think the pvp in HL makes it worth it being a pvp server?
So you guys jus giv your opinions about what happenned nd what is happenning nd what can happen xD
(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
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Post edited by Paigrande - Harshlands on


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  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Post your thoughts about the current server condition.
    Lately the ammount of new players in HL has been decreasing so I wonder if any of u hav any good suggestions about a way of making it increase.
    HL subforum is the most active nd has the biggest ammount of posts & threads, what about the server itself? Is it that active in your opinion?
    HL is the only pvp server in the east coast & one of the only 2 pvp servers in pwi, were u expecting it to hav as many ppl as it has or more?
    HL is a pvp server, do you think the pvp in HL makes it worth it being a pvp server?
    So you guys jus giv your opinions about what happenned nd what is happenning nd what can happen xD

    Other servers are just as bad as HL, except from HT. PVP? We have it in HT too plus we also have TW. If you guys speak so much in the forums it means the game is so boring that you guys prefer to QQ as much as you can. You guys have been getting too few new players? Its not that hard to understand since anyone that comes to this subforums wont even bother about making a lvl1 char if the ppl QQ so much about it being dead.

    P.S. Yes, Im an alt and also have a char in HL.
  • Posts: 5,013 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Mhmmm, have to say, I do wish we had more people. Like, it feels like we're having less people, especially with the amount of people quitting. But......

    I absolutely think its outrageous these days with the amount of noobs (not newbies, don't bring them into this please, mostly they are innocent) critisizing upper class and calling them "Noobs," "Oracler," etc when:

    • Seriously, what level are they? Their blue for petes sake
    • Are they kidding? Those noobs are rising into the world with those anniversary packs
    • They think they're all so "mighty" and "grand" that upper class should help them or else we are noobs or whatever ourselves
    • And...... Much more! -.-

    I mean seriously, look at the problem we have with them. Just yesterday a level 23 called me a fail for not helping them kill mobs. I mean, why should I help them? And also, I've had some incidents with people calling up random KoS which were all fake. I mean, Kylin didn't even know about this so called "KoS" on me. Geez, they like to bluff a ton.

    Yeah.. You can tell I'm in a bad mood while writing this but I'm really sick of those people. Can't they understand I'm trying to have fun ingame?

    So yeah, these are my opinions of the moment. But I wish I could turn back the clock when newbies like me admired the upper class and worked our way up there fairly, not those blue levels having more money than I could have imagined at that level. Oh, and I wish there were less blue names having those lunar glade things in AFK shops, its quite annoying.

    I forgot!!! Thanks forsaken for the signature b:cute
    b:chuckle I love huge catshops LOL b:laugh
  • Posts: 440 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    BeingHope you are a fail !!! You didnt wanna help me kill Dragon of the Dephts b:cryb:cryb:cry ...

    nah actually you did. lol. and yes, I was referring to PWI forums lol.

    I agree with u BeingHope, its really annoying. But also, many of those blue names are faction banks or alternate characters, dummies to store stuff or to leave an endless catshop mode. What's funny is that some of them even have the top legendary gear for their lvl... and they only use them for like 1 or 2 days ROFL.

    Oh well... Im broke in-game and IRL lol too poor for Oracling, and even if I had gold/coinage for oracling, Id still play regularly, Id just buy more stuff like wings or mounts.

    Server is not dead yet, but TW was one of the main features of the game. Now server is McDonalds. And no one wants to leave KD/KY and every1 wants to join them. lol. Hard to see a way out.

    EDIT: AND BTW... I think we are al getting a few new players after the expansion.
  • Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Mhmmm, have to say, I do wish we had more people. Like, it feels like we're having less people, especially with the amount of people quitting. But......

    I absolutely think its outrageous these days with the amount of noobs (not newbies, don't bring them into this please, mostly they are innocent) critisizing upper class and calling them "Noobs," "Oracler," etc when:

    • Seriously, what level are they? Their blue for petes sake
    • Are they kidding? Those noobs are rising into the world with those anniversary packs
    • They think they're all so "mighty" and "grand" that upper class should help them or else we are noobs or whatever ourselves
    • And...... Much more! -.-

    I mean seriously, look at the problem we have with them. Just yesterday a level 23 called me a fail for not helping them kill mobs. I mean, why should I help them? And also, I've had some incidents with people calling up random KoS which were all fake. I mean, Kylin didn't even know about this so called "KoS" on me. Geez, they like to bluff a ton.

    Yeah.. You can tell I'm in a bad mood while writing this but I'm really sick of those people. Can't they understand I'm trying to have fun ingame?

    So yeah, these are my opinions of the moment. But I wish I could turn back the clock when newbies like me admired the upper class and worked our way up there fairly, not those blue levels having more money than I could have imagined at that level. Oh, and I wish there were less blue names having those lunar glade things in AFK shops, its quite annoying.


    that is just the kind of comunity PWI has my dear
  • Posts: 968 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    best pvp server LC... RQ did a good job there and BLT too at the time they existed... can say now cause i dont go there anymore... but i remember on my low 9x dayz there it was so fun at west gate... sorry but harshland west gate cant be compared to LC
  • Posts: 490 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    West Gate was actually fun for some time last night. That was before the majority of 2 factions decided to only go for a 5 man squad.
    60 / 250.
  • Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    b:cry i miss pvp at west
    my laptop wont be fix till a week b:cry
    going emo in a corner
  • Posts: 716 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Yes RQ and BLT did a great job attacking people 30-40 levels lower than them. Bravo, they win the server.

    People should not complain that PvP is bad in a specific server, they should be complaining that the PW developers have made PvP so stupid that nobody wants to do it.
  • Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    idk i like pvp with 90x players like being jump is funny to me
    but going around killing lowies isnt that fun
    to me rpk is boring i have more fun killing my ingame friends and laughing about it xDD
  • Posts: 716 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    you are a level 98 barb....how fun can it be knowing you can never die?
  • Posts: 490 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    This isn't a 1v1 game. Which is why it makes me laugh when ego inflated barbs call you out for 1v1's or complain about getting 3vs1'ed.
    60 / 250.
  • Posts: 5,013 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    BeingHope you are a fail !!! You didnt wanna help me kill Dragon of the Dephts b:cryb:cry

    nah actually you did. lol. and yes, I was referring to PWI forums lol.

    I agree with u BeingHope, its really annoying. But also, many of those blue names are faction banks or alternate characters, dummies to store stuff or to leave an endless catshop mode. What's funny is that some of them even have the top legendary gear for their lvl... and they only use them for like 1 or 2 days ROFL.

    Oh well... Im broke in-game and IRL lol too poor for Oracling, and even if I had gold/coinage for oracling, Id still play regularly, Id just buy more stuff like wings or mounts.

    Server is not dead yet, but TW was one of the main features of the game. Now server is McDonalds. And no one wants to leave KD/KY and every1 wants to join them. lol. Hard to see a way out.

    EDIT: AND BTW... I think we are al getting a few new players after the expansion.

    O.o mhmmmm, I meant besides guild banks but.. Do I know you? Kinda can't remember.. Mhmm, DoD... And whoa, I'm a fail? b:cry
    that is just the kind of comunity PWI has my dear

    Lol I guess b:sweat
    I forgot!!! Thanks forsaken for the signature b:cute
    b:chuckle I love huge catshops LOL b:laugh
  • Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    i have more fun killing my ingame friends and laughing about it xDD

    that is so true pking my friends and them pking me bck is so much fun especially when we all on vent screamimng get him and ppl getting mad cause other ppl aint doing enough lol the good times..

    Edit: we need 2 have more of those good times
  • Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    that is so true pking my friends and them pking me bck is so much fun especially when we all on vent screamimng get him and ppl getting mad cause other ppl aint doing enough lol the good times..

    Edit: we need 2 have more of those good times

    b:beatup yea like killin chiichan

    b:laugh yus i like it when i 1 shot sagi :O
  • Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    b:chuckles stop killing noobs work together and no hacking
    Post your thoughts about the current server condition.
    Lately the ammount of new players in HL has been decreasing so I wonder if any of u hav any good suggestions about a way of making it increase.
    HL subforum is the most active nd has the biggest ammount of posts & threads, what about the server itself? Is it that active in your opinion?
    HL is the only pvp server in the east coast & one of the only 2 pvp servers in pwi, were u expecting it to hav as many ppl as it has or more?
    HL is a pvp server, do you think the pvp in HL makes it worth it being a pvp server?
    So you guys jus giv your opinions about what happenned nd what is happenning nd what can happen xD
  • Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    b:laugh lot of fun help noobs advance and lvl
  • Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    b:chucklewhy would want to die you have a great advantage to help others, be honest, set a good example on what happens when you work hard and some nooby's really need assistance
  • Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    b:sad that is not true some of us are people looking to have a serious quest not picked on and asked to duel when we are trying to upgrade our equipment and another thing when speaking to us blue people refer to us bye name especially upon introductions so we do not look stupid when it is not us being address.
    O.o mhmmmm, I meant besides guild banks but.. Do I know you? Kinda can't remember.. Mhmm, DoD... And whoa, I'm a fail? b:cry

    Lol I guess b:sweat
  • Posts: 5,013 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    lot of fun help noobs advance and lvl
    why would want to die you have a great advantage to help others, be honest, set a good example on what happens when you work hard and some nooby's really need assistance
    that is not true some of us are people looking to have a serious quest not picked on and asked to duel when we are trying to upgrade our equipment and another thing when speaking to us blue people refer to us bye name especially upon introductions so we do not look stupid when it is not us being address.

    Mhmmm, few notes there for you:

    Put all that in one post, its rather irritating to having to multi-quote all these and I'm sure theres something in the forum rules about that, just FYI.

    Two, I help people all the time, so the dying part is off there. However, I do get irritated when I tell someone not to move from where they are and they run into an entire crowd of mobs waiting to kill him and then asking for a revive...

    Mhmmmm, and I never knew you would post so sorry about the name thing and being addressed. And no, you don't look stupid, your after all free to debate and post anytime ^^

    But yeah... I do know you have serious quests too. And btw, just decline the duels. Thats what I do most of the time unless I'm up for a duel or else its my friends lol b:chuckle

    And btw, that quoting thing with making me seem stupid too (as an "mid-upper class"), I think that was actually a great thing! b:laugh
    I forgot!!! Thanks forsaken for the signature b:cute
    b:chuckle I love huge catshops LOL b:laugh
  • Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    HL Server: It sux like hell! So little pvp, it should be called pve server.

    HL People: People QQ about getting killed! It's pvp server get over it. You don't have to call your lawyers for a stupid game brats. People rush to high lvl then quit after getting to 90 where's the fun in that? When you ask people to go pvp, they ask for hh squads that's just stupid.

    Solution: FORM A GOD DAMN POWER HOUSE TO GO AGAINST KD OR KYLIN. In my opinion KY and KD should stop being allies it's ruining the server. Who would want to go against one of you when they know both of you will be unbeatable. KY vs KD sounds fun but KY vs KD vs Somebody vs Somebody else will be even better.
  • Posts: 777 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    HL Server: It sux like hell! So little pvp, it should be called pve server.

    HL People: People QQ about getting killed! It's pvp server get over it. You don't have to call your lawyers for a stupid game brats. People rush to high lvl then quit after getting to 90 where's the fun in that? When you ask people to go pvp, they ask for hh squads that's just stupid.

    Solution: FORM A GOD DAMN POWER HOUSE TO GO AGAINST KD OR KYLIN. In my opinion KY and KD should stop being allies it's ruining the server. Who would want to go against one of you when they know both of you will be unbeatable. KY vs KD sounds fun but KY vs KD vs Somebody vs Somebody else will be even better.

    Its impossible to make a new power house if people at your level keep moving to KD or Kylinb:surrender
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Its impossible to make a new power house if people at your level keep moving to KD or Kylinb:surrender

    I agree. Too many high lvls on HL server are guild hoppers. Where's the loyalty???? KY and KD will always own the map unless the high lvls get together and STAY together to fight against them. Can that happen? MAYBE. Only if they leave their huge egos at the door. Obviously Timmagicwtfever isnt going to be the one to lead them. Not many ppl respect him. SO, hmmm...who would lead and direct this powerhouse guild? I really can't think of anyone that has the dedication, time and experience. Sad but true.
  • Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Its impossible to make a new power house if people at your level keep moving to KD or Kylinb:surrender

    :) always been in kd ever since this server started..but you're right though on people my lvl moving to KD or KY, me i just can't help it since i was w/ KD for that long.
  • Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    b:laugh yup yup i like Kylin and Kingdom you guys been here since the start
  • Posts: 5,013 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    b:laugh yup yup i like Kylin and Kingdom you guys been here since the start

    b:chuckle Lol KD is so nice, Kylin, mhmm, I'm pretty sure they have nice people there. b:laugh
    I forgot!!! Thanks forsaken for the signature b:cute
    b:chuckle I love huge catshops LOL b:laugh
  • Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    HL Server: It sux like hell! So little pvp, it should be called pve server.


    let me fix that for you.

    theres more pvp on pve servers than HL. saying HL is a pve server would actually be an upgrade.

    that is all.
  • Posts: 777 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    let me fix that for you.

    theres more pvp on pve servers than HL. saying HL is a pve server would actually be an upgrade.

    that is all.

    lmao theres no more pvp in pve servers then HLb:laugh But the pvp in HL between the top guilds its rare thats all.b:bye
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination.
  • Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    lmao theres no more pvp in pve servers then HLb:laugh But the pvp in HL between the top guilds its rare thats all.b:bye

    oh im sorry, do you come from a pve server? cause i do, and theres more pvp there than there is on HL, top guilds do not fight? thats ultra mega super awesome carebear mode, which, do not apply even to a pve server like sanc, so once again, theres more pvp on a pve server than HL, the casual once a week zerg fest that you call KY/KD hardly counts as *pvp*

    the best is hearing lamarcus talking **** and lecturing others to *step up* while hes been in KD since day 1, gtfo clown.

    PS: pai, rare and non existant are two diferent things, look them up.
  • Posts: 777 Arc User
    edited October 2009

    PS: pai, rare and non existant are two diferent things, look them up.

    hmm, by top guilds I dont mean KD versus Kylin, I mean those 2 guilds versus other top guilds on server like GoodGame, EoD or Awakenning.
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination.
  • Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    hmm, by top guilds I dont mean KD versus Kylin, I mean those 2 guilds versus other top guilds on server like GoodGame, EoD or Awakenning.

    nice joke.

    *by top guilds i mean the ones at the total bottom* riiiiiight. key word is *top* look it up


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