Kylin Merging w/ Kingdom?



  • Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Atleast QQme was feared, they know how to PVP.
    People dont fear KD cuz they only have 1 scary person in it.. we all know which TW fund jacker that is.

    Then reform QQme if you love their nuts too much. I bet brendle would be the only one joining it though b:chuckleb:chuckle
  • Posts: 538 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Atleast QQme was feared, they know how to gang bang people.
    People dont fear KD cuz they only have 1 scary person in it, all others are good PvPers but they are all cuteb:cute.. we all know Icon gives TW fund to everyone fairlly and that is why he is a good leader. I'am just pissed cause he didn't let me in KD.. i need salary cause Brendle wants HP G9's and doesnt have cash for it and being my sugar daddy at the same time


    I'm curious why you suddenly think Crimson got better? They've been losing to Kylin almost every week, fairly quickly.

    What he said.
  • Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Flea bag i think we're hurting his ego too much b:chuckleb:chuckle
  • Posts: 538 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Flea bag i think we're hurting his ego too much b:chuckleb:chuckle

    You are the flea bagb:angry
  • Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    You are the flea bagb:angry

    You missed the fun the other day btw b:chuckleb:chuckle after ascension vs kd there was a KD vs KD it was so fun.

    PS: you're the flea bag b:angry
  • Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I just read 4 whole pages of the same 3 people trolling each other.................................................... Seriously what a fuucking waste of time. Protip: Find something better to do, trolling game forums isn't cool.
  • Posts: 538 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I just read 4 whole pages of the same 3 people trolling each other.................................................... Seriously what a fuucking waste of time. Protip: Find something better to do, trolling game forums isn't cool.

    Its a good thing to do while doing WQb:pleased
  • Posts: 777 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I believe Crimson has more ppl who r better at pk comparing to KD or Kylin, although there r not alot of ppl in KD, Kylin nd Crimson who actively pk.
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
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  • Posts: 538 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I believe Crimson has more ppl who r better at pk comparing to KD or Kylin, although there r not alot of ppl in KD, Kylin nd Crimson who actively pk.

    LoL. Paigrande i see like 4 Crimson RPKs atm. HunterPk, Xfergx or w/e and 2 other guys. Camping swamps when u are lvl 80 doesnt make you "good".
    I don't pk in a while for the following reason:

    - You guys run to SZ with holy path or w/e if i don't one shoot you;
    - Most people in my lvl range are GV freaks so i cant kill then while grinding.

    You guys are not a challange. We dont bother anymore zzZZZzzzzz
  • Posts: 777 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    LoL. Paigrande i see like 4 Crimson RPKs atm. HunterPk, Xfergx or w/e and 2 other guys. Camping swamps when u are lvl 80 doesnt make you "good".
    I don't pk in a while for the following reason:

    - You guys run to SZ with holy path or w/e if i don't one shoot you;
    - Most people in my lvl range are GV freaks so i cant kill then while grinding.

    You guys are not a challange. We dont bother anymore zzZZZzzzzz

    Hmm i never camp swamps, I actually search alone for pk around 1k streams nd fishes nd end up killing a good ammount of KD nd Kylin who mostly run from me cuz of me being a barb ofc...
    Its true that KD doesnt have a challenge in TW and even in pk since u guys hav so many high lvls, but then again not alot of u pk either.
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination.
  • Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Why do these dumb noobs want to merge with Kingdom when they're the only faction left who can compete with them? Does Icon really want HL domination, if this rumor is true It's time for people in Kingdom to make another faction to take down KD.

    who ever U are, U'r an idiot(period)

    Kingdom: lvl3 faction, maxed out 200 members or close to 200.
    Kylin: lvl3 faction, maxed out 200 members or close to 200.

    the most they can do is be allies. a merge not bossible. unless they boot out all there low lvl 80s. which is not gona happen.
  • Posts: 229 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    so much BR so little time.

    @faildom-not sure who is a worse veno between you and yourcoochie. you both boost safezone nonstop. you NEVER pvp just gank and run. when your first bleed fails you are running to safezone while talking about how you are so great and laughing how someone cant catch you as you boost safezone. oh and brendle sucks ****. always has always will. killing level 30s to go red then BRing about how he kills everyone while everytime anyone of similar level saw him he died. btw i farted but forgot to SS it so i guess it didnt happen. you really are a moron arent you?

    @aurian/ajani-at least you can admit you are a pve noob but you sure talk alot for never doing anything.

    @lamarcus-never even seen you so go back to picking flowers pve boy. oh and brendle isnt #1 CSer but he is right up there. MD and tekkblade have a lock on biggest CSers.

    @paigrande-crimson sucks at pk. always has always will. they never left safezone until qqme gave them a break. the only ones that ever left safezone were the bindnoobs who thought they were pro by binding all their 70s and 80s equips so they could die 100 times and hope they finally got 1 kill. your current pro pkers hunter/fer hardly ever leave level 30 areas. i really used to enjoy killing them both every time i flew past hidden orchid on WQ. always one of those 2 nabs there.

    btw to all of you...kingdom only has a handful of decent PVPers in the entire guild. its filled with people riding the coat tails of their current success while very few people in the entire guild can do anything other than kill mobs.

    then you have kylin. wow. they have MD and tekkblade who brag how pro they can CS yet neither know how to play. sad part is this game takes 0 skill to play. its all about who spends the most money. the funny part is they spend more money than anyone and still fail miserably. how can people be so damn stupid that they cant figure out such a simple game as this.

    the goal to dominate the server is causing most people to join a few guilds. for that i blame both the players and the guild leaders for letting these people in. recruiting anyone strictly based on level is complete fail. keep the idiots out and make them start their own guild. at least then you might have a little competition and also wont have to deal with all the stupidity.

    this game is so damn boring i dont do much other than daily anymore because there is no point to it. sometimes i get bored enough to fly a WQ and kill a few annoying idiots but mostly i dont even waste the time for that.
    Staring at the wall is much more rewarding than playing PW.
  • Posts: 577 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    so much BR so little time.

    @faildom-not sure who is a worse veno between you and yourcoochie. you both boost safezone nonstop. you NEVER pvp just gank and run. when your first bleed fails you are running to safezone while talking about how you are so great and laughing how someone cant catch you as you boost safezone. oh and brendle sucks ****. always has always will. killing level 30s to go red then BRing about how he kills everyone while everytime anyone of similar level saw him he died. btw i farted but forgot to SS it so i guess it didnt happen. you really are a moron arent you?

    @aurian/ajani-at least you can admit you are a pve noob but you sure talk alot for never doing anything.

    @lamarcus-never even seen you so go back to picking flowers pve boy. oh and brendle isnt #1 CSer but he is right up there. MD and tekkblade have a lock on biggest CSers.

    @paigrande-crimson sucks at pk. always has always will. they never left safezone until qqme gave them a break. the only ones that ever left safezone were the bindnoobs who thought they were pro by binding all their 70s and 80s equips so they could die 100 times and hope they finally got 1 kill. your current pro pkers hunter/fer hardly ever leave level 30 areas. i really used to enjoy killing them both every time i flew past hidden orchid on WQ. always one of those 2 nabs there.

    btw to all of you...kingdom only has a handful of decent PVPers in the entire guild. its filled with people riding the coat tails of their current success while very few people in the entire guild can do anything other than kill mobs.

    then you have kylin. wow. they have MD and tekkblade who brag how pro they can CS yet neither know how to play. sad part is this game takes 0 skill to play. its all about who spends the most money. the funny part is they spend more money than anyone and still fail miserably. how can people be so damn stupid that they cant figure out such a simple game as this.

    the goal to dominate the server is causing most people to join a few guilds. for that i blame both the players and the guild leaders for letting these people in. recruiting anyone strictly based on level is complete fail. keep the idiots out and make them start their own guild. at least then you might have a little competition and also wont have to deal with all the stupidity.

    this game is so damn boring i dont do much other than daily anymore because there is no point to it. sometimes i get bored enough to fly a WQ and kill a few annoying idiots but mostly i dont even waste the time for that.

    enuff said, prove you are fking fail;you post random shet because you dont like kylin.

    so hmm, Iamkiller has crazy refine "before" dragon orb on sale, HT, Escobar with 120k event pot+ when I only have like less than 5k event pot. who else?? hmm, if you mark everyone who has +10 weapon=CSer. Antihero CS pretty hard? or he just tell everyone on vent "I never spend money in this game" ROFL

    Hmm, yep unlike someone else cant level w/o using bot 24/7 at fish back in the days, "Die at 5am in the morning" "we fell into sleep while we are grinding" lol.......Btw, I tank really hard lately....need 4-5 ppl level90s to kill me lol....without veno debuff..they cant really kill me

    I wont go any further to find out the exact amount of number who get 1shot by Tek

    "sad part is this game takes 0 skill to play" Oh WOW..ROFL, i cant believe the veno nix just says it GG lolumad?
  • Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    LoL. Paigrande i see like 4 Crimson RPKs atm. HunterPk, Xfergx or w/e and 2 other guys. Camping swamps when u are lvl 80 doesnt make you "good".
    I don't pk in a while for the following reason:

    - You guys run to SZ with holy path or w/e if i don't one shoot you;
    - Most people in my lvl range are GV freaks so i cant kill then while grinding.

    You guys are not a challange. We dont bother anymore zzZZZzzzzz

    wat crimson rpkers? i thought crimson doesnt allow rpking?
  • Posts: 297 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    so much BR so little time.
    @faildom-not sure who is a worse veno between you and yourcoochie. you both boost safezone nonstop. you NEVER pvp just gank and run. when your first bleed fails you are running to safezone while talking about how you are so great and laughing how someone cant catch you as you boost safezone.

    Do i relaly have to answer this ?
    Do you dream about me, sir failalot?
    I really have no answer for this, mainly cuz 99% of it is bullcrap manufactured by a person that has always been full of bullcrap himself.

    Its not worth responding to your ****, go back outside we dont want you here!
    go lick icons balls :) BLed btw
  • Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    so much BR so little time.

    @paigrande-crimson sucks at pk. always has always will. they never left safezone until qqme gave them a break. the only ones that ever left safezone were the bindnoobs who thought they were pro by binding all their 70s and 80s equips so they could die 100 times and hope they finally got 1 kill. your current pro pkers hunter/fer hardly ever leave level 30 areas. i really used to enjoy killing them both every time i flew past hidden orchid on WQ. always one of those 2 nabs there.

    LOL, a venomancer talking about skill?
    This game doesnt require alot of skill to pvp, but it does require some skill.
    Gears, refinements, levels, etc are all necessary to make u stronger otherwise they wouldnt exist. Whats the point of spending real life money if it wont make u any better?
    And u should review ur comment about binding equipments. I have all my equipment bound cause i cant afford to buy dolls all the time, so rather have all of my equip bound.
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination.
  • Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    so hmm, Iamkiller has crazy refine "before" dragon orb on sale, HT, Escobar with 120k event pot+ when I only have like less than 5k event pot. who else?? hmm, if you mark everyone who has +10 weapon=CSer. Antihero CS pretty hard? or he just tell everyone on vent "I never spend money in this game" ROFL

    Escobar doesn't cash shop. Antihero is wearing Iamkiller's gear, he doesn't cash shop "hard".
  • Posts: 577 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Escobar doesn't cash shop. Antihero is wearing Iamkiller's gear, he doesn't cash shop "hard".

    ok w/e you less.....3 more days before i quit for school
  • Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    ok w/e you less.....3 more days before i quit for school

    Don't go MD b:sad

    we LOVE you b:cry

    stay plsb:cute

    we still have a rematchb:chuckle
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    maybe i should, i was planning to once they face KD in full force.
    too bad they must have [removed] in their guild b:bye

    Are you serious KD is a pker not a runner. They will destroy crimson. No wonder theres around 10 people online for crimson. And if you still disagree go check out the territories and tell me how many Kingdom there is and how many Crimson there is. You have to be blind not to see how many Kingdom territories there are. So instead of writing stubid stuff about them why don't you join Crimson and you and them go mess with Kingdom, huh?
  • Posts: 1,017 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    denitsa123 wrote: »
    Are you serious KD is a pker not a runner. They will destroy crimson. No wonder theres around 10 people online for crimson. And if you still disagree go check out the territories and tell me how many Kingdom there is and how many Crimson there is. You have to be blind not to see how many Kingdom territories there are. So instead of writing stubid stuff about them why don't you join Crimson and you and them go mess with Kingdom, huh?

    lol u should jus G.T.F.O, stupid necros >.>
  • Posts: 472 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    yup, this one was just ripe for the necrorama!

    lolz, funny what happens in 7 months.
  • Posts: 544 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Haha, I had fun reading that old trash-talking from so many months ago.

    Funny how not much has changed.b:surrender


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