alot can happen in 8 days such as karma getting land and i love u 2 belle and no im no 1s sugar daddy
can i get on vent 2 devil?
my vote goes 2 lord brendle nuff said
oh thnk u hope i started that parade cause i love my purple horse and i knew that other ppl feel the same about there mount and would probably wantr 2 show it off thxs for coming and it was the highlight of my day also. i was glad so many ppl turned out with there different mounts thxs guys<3 oh and tzone why cant u get on…
ignorant u cant be talking about me ur the ignorant 1 lol im the nice guy and chii does talk alot more like she talks everyday now not like those once in a blue moon giggles
i want a pk doll Q_Q
i joined maybe a day or 2 after lamarcus did and i saw how unorganized u guys where but that didnt make me run. running is the reason there are so many fail/fallapart guilds. me i was in destiny since lvl 39 when it was a bummy looking new guild all the way up 2 80 and i stayed through many of destinys when…
lol i just read my post and it sound like i was talking at 90miles per hour so nomore forum post for me and chii who is my new lover and who is my old loverb:puzzled
that is so true pking my friends and them pking me bck is so much fun especially when we all on vent screamimng get him and ppl getting mad cause other ppl aint doing enough lol the good times.. Edit: we need 2 have more of those good times
ughghghghghghghghghghghg chiichan and tzone u guys need a room seriously.............................guess who is the newest 80 bm on the server and is blood red and is pking every where and is eod and is having a hella of alot of fun pking with chii, taj, bladed, saggy, even doom once i went red with him and , sarii<3, so…
Tzzzzonnnnnnnnnes<3 gtfo the forums and into the game u nub and endless its is time for a merge bro but leave GG where there at as GG they're egos are 2 big 2 merge with and the only other guild left is.....................well i wnt say.
Tzone most of our core is still there but i left and went 2 eod and some more and i agree with the top 100 from destiny and eod,that guild would be so op especially since the top 100 destiny has the exprience that eod needs and hurry up and get of being grounded u nub
tbh i also think that there should be 2 pvp based guilds 2 change the map and harshland for the better. theres 2 many egos and attitudes for all that in 1 guild so 2 would be the best way 2 go. and isnt the saying divide and conquer so again 2 is the best way 2 go
lol i vote for Devilb:victory
Lolz It Doesnt Matter Anymore Kd Will Attack Us And Kylin Will Attack Us And We Will Defend Simple Simple So Stop Explaining Why. No Body Cares Why U Want 2 Make Our Map Look Like Sanctuarys But 3months Kd And Kylin Wnt Be Around The 2 Top Guilds Will Be Gijoe And Cobra. The Epics Tws There Gonna…
I Dnt Even See Why U Bothered Writing That Post........and Its Not That Really Ppl Are Scared Of Kingdom And Kylin It That Was So U Would Never Be Able 2 Say That Ur Members Get Pkd Its That Ppl Are Scared 2 Put Up 500k On Something They Can Only Acheive If Others Join In And 2 Many Of The Lesser Faction Leaders Dnt Talk…
oh geez every time i see bloop rhyme or hayato on the forums i **** just alittle
bloop ima **** u 2morrow<3 and leave it alone Kd and kylin are gonna acheive what they set out 2 do make this game **** and dull rule out pvp on a pvp server and farm HH all day let them hvae there wish and dnt argue with them...........Btw where is lord brendle at a time like this b:laugh
rofl rofl rofl no 1 is complaining about anything i was just stating the truth Kd and kylin will gank us thats thats but we arent a rpk guild when i joined destiny at 39 there was no pk and there was none up 2 like last week so how are we a rpk guild and dnt cry about ur memebers being killed if our high lvls find it more…