Kmgz - Lost City Arc User


  • o.o this was not a post about QQing about other tactics , and i don't think Rice was complaining about it too. Was just wondering how to fight those who use kitting in fight that's all. @ Rice : Noelis is stupid Q.Q
  • well TY for the answer , and will take in consideration to use chill of the deep and will try to not rely on interval on the fight . But just more : 1) This one was not squishy with garnet garnet gem , sage bm buff and his 8k hp tough opponent. 2) Well first time to ever really fight a kitter that is not an archer , got…
  • Ty for the answer , but like it mainly happen to me during a Duel , there is no way without occult ice ?
  • At low lvl it's a nightmare against HA cause their huge Pdef and also HP , but if you are pure dext troublesome for them to touch you too . (still at low lvl where evade still work). It depend if you are dueling or not : -In duel you don't have to worry about your foe charm so stunlock is good. An abuse of genie skill like…
  • Yeah was aware of that but well i was just QQ about the thing that the additionnal stats are not really epic But thank i gue i have no realy other alternative instead those gear so
  • Hum wich lvl are both of you ? Maybe if he was low lvl than you it's easier to lvl o maybe he is uing Crazy stone , bh etc b:laugh
  • Thanks for your help guys , i think i will look forward the Hook and Thorn :) And yeah the blood effect of my shadow legend really help cause i used to solo BH 29 , and 39 for guildies usually with no clerc ( yeah they are all "too busy with their stuff" ). So i guess when i will be 80 i won't sell my shadow legend too…