Kiyoshi_Soma - Sanctuary Arc User


  • Hey does your guide include all the prices? I think I got everything minus the flowers and choir.
  • Oh dear heavens. Wait till KGB hears about this. O.O Well if anyone knows any more cost details I would appreciate it. Thanks Knownase!!!
  • Yeah, the xp loss bit is pointless to cry over. I shoved all my xp into a Genie. She is now full and happy. As for everyone else it was stated before hand, there are such things as Guardian Angels, wait 5 years for a res, or just not go. Besides, there are plenty of other things to cry over. : P
  • Why did I even for a moment listen to tech? The drop was a Nirvana chest while other bosses dropped an occasional mold, shards, or crappy coin. Less drops than the North Arch Wraith attack, more deaths, shorter time span.....but in the end as bad as it was it was kinda funny to see a billion and one people die all at once.…
  • LOL!! 115 LvL req? You got to be kidding me. Well that better be an event hint that their about to raise the level in the game. >.> You do know it is meant to go higher right? ANYWAY....the event sucked but what can we do. Nothing rly. Let's just hope they are more creative as well as a smidgen more generous next time.
  • You could be experiencing the lag issue many other people are having. They are either unable to log into the game or they get booted right away. Give it a couple hours and try again as the lag issue is not a constant. Hope you get in soon!
  • Yeah, my husband is having the same issue. We were questing together on one of the fews nights our schedules allow it and he lagged out and was disconnected. Than every time he logged back in it would DC him from the server. It is very frustrating. I hope they fix it soon. I'll have him send a ticket in the morning. OH and…
  • Thank you. That explains it.
  • Hmmm, well maybe in that case it is a weird bug. BUT I still don't know why my friend cannot do marriage quest. Any further idea's?
  • Okay, well that information is incorrect. I am married as well and I am often time the leader of the squad and take the quest. I am Female. So, that male concept is wrong. But ty for trying.
  • This is not the first time PWI has gone through this. Since I have played it has happened a handful of times within the past year. It is usually short lived (less than an hour) and it passes. Not all players are effected, but it has nothing to do with your computer or your account. The server is just having a bad morning…
  • I run everything on HIGH with nice cripsy clean quality. It's awesome ^.^...minus...this...lil...thing...which is anoying
  • My graphic settings? I know a few people who have the same issue, but if it is graphic related I would like to fix it. I have messed with my in game settings and have even signed in on another computer....same issue. I give up b:surrender How do I fix this?