Jrudora - Lost City Arc User



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  • Dragon orb sales and socket stone sales usually influence the gold prices the most. I also wouldn't count on gold prices dropping anytime soon. Because as soon as gold drops low enough that 5 gold is worth less than a million, then everyone will start buying out gold once again to get rid of their "million coin chests" and…
  • This is a refreshing thread. Sometimes reading about the game specifically only does get somewhat annoying. Does this count as offtopic though? =) Anyhow, I'm male, 22 years old. I've just recently graduated from a computer science program. I plan to continue my studies in business, hopefully to combine the two programs to…
  • Sorry, but you don't knowingly walk to crash a fish party thinking you'd be fighting other level 100s.
  • Events/Sales are a great way to make money as well, even if you do not purchase zen. All you need is patience, because it might take a while before the item on sale returns to a higher price. Take the chance to stock up on the item though, and when the sales over, you woulda made more money ;)
  • For Fb/HH (Call to Duty/TT) Cleric, Barbarian, Venomancer, Archer, Blademaster, Mage. For Rebirth: Cleric, Barbarian, Mage, Archer, Blademaster, Venomancer For TW: Equally important.
  • The only thing you've established here is that you're perfectly okay with picking on a random lowbie, but when a guild member of their's decides to take it upon them to return the favour, you hide and coward away while acting like an immature brat who needs to post their tricks and hopefully gain acceptance from the…
  • That's stupid... I can't vote for myself? :<
  • Just got this one a lil while ago... On a low mob though. http://img11.imageshack.us/img11/6617/20090809175414.jpg
  • You shouldn't ask them for their level. They're probably way too ashamed at themselves for even attacking you to begin with, you being 4x and all. For shame whichever RQ it was that attacked you. Don't list the name here, there's no need. He/she should be pretty shamed by now. If you wanna improve your survival, level up,…
  • I personally use Extreme poison, Blood Clot, Holy Path, and Occult Ice. Against archers, I can blink near and sleep them with whisper. Then I pop undine and extreme poison, and it gives me a pretty huge damage advantage against classes my level. Blood Clot is obvious, I used to use cauterize but it failed me a LOT. Now I…
  • Heheh cute, N'Sync serves as an alternate guild for the people of CQ, RQ, Spectral, GZ (are they involved?), etc to be in one guild and promote peace and love to each other! Awwwwwww! Jokes aside though, extremely pointless topic.
  • If that's how you feel about the "new" RQ after all the "old" members left, then I guess its about time I take my leave of RQ too. Isn't it?
  • I wouldn't fight him then. In TW, its not very common to be the only one fighting a catapult puller. I'll just call my party to take him out. An arcane barb would be ridiculously easy to take out for other classes. Phoenix, and Vitality Clerics my level are definitely the scariest classes to face. Barbs too, since they've…
  • "Sorry, I'm gonna go and join a guild my cousin just made..." _____ has left the faction. *A day later* _____ spotted in CQ. Yeah... Daikoku's his/her cousin. Right.
  • This came up last event too. Nothings gonna be changed about it. If you really can't stand it, then wait like I did last time, and do the quests a few months later. People have hundreds and thousands of these oracles that they'd like to do. Thus, they'll try and do it. From your posts, all I see is "me me me me me me".…
  • Archers are no longer a problem. Especially if they waste their stun shot on me. If they can't one shot me (many archers higher level than me could though =/), then after their stun shots over I'd blink in, and sleep them. After that, undine with extreme poison gives me such an overly huge advantage in damage that its…
  • If you feel you're taking too much damage, then level 4 isn't enough. If you're light armored, it definitely isn't enough. Judge for yourself, kill one or two and see if you're taking too much damage.
  • I vote PSP only because it has Monster Hunter on it. I've spent over 400 hours on it and counting... ;) Aside from that, the DS lives up to the whole "handheld" better since its games are designed for a short term car ride / subway ride more than the PSP games. With the PSP... you just gotta keep turning it off between car…
  • If you've got your fire shield leveled up nicely, then Foxwings should be killable (edit) by now. Their drop rate for Flexible Sinews are.. supposedly.. 60%+. They're very good for money, and exp. But it might take a bit of effort at your level to kill one. You can find them at all starter towns, and somewhere north of…
  • Yep. What a way to tell people who spent money binding their gear that "Hey, you've just been f'ed over. Grats!". Stupid feature.
  • Little George picked up the bell and started ringing as loudly as he could. Not knowing what the bell's use was originally for, herds and herds of cows came running across the country in hopes to finding the source of the sound. Little George completely indulged in ringing the bell as hard as he could does not realize the…
  • I picked up the pen and thought "Hey, now I don't need to buy the pen in that store I just walked out of, its my lucky day!". I leave the pen uncapped in my right pocket. I decided to jump over a fence in celebration, but instead tripped and the pen jabbed itself deep inside my thighs cutting loose an important artery. I…
  • So... this is just my personal list. There are probably people out there better, but this is all scaled to my own pvp experience.. (which is quite limited) EP: Pharaoh: This man scares me in tw. I find it so hard to kill him everytime I see him. Column: Yes, he's my leader, but I nominated him cause I'm usually impressed…
  • Sigh... I happily joined RQ cause there were so many people in there I wanted to be in a guild with... most of them left the guild. There are... *counts fingers* I think about... 5 or 6 people left in RQ (aside from the friends I've convinced to join with me) thats keeping my **** in RQ. If those people ever leaves RQ,…
  • Dammit, my respect for Archers_Soul just went up. How'd that happen? Anyone who can cause someone to rage like this thread definitely deserves a bit of respect. Someones really hurt. Boo hoo.
  • Explain to me why the Cleric has the matk buff rather than the wizard. A crit buff on an archer would be ridiculous.
  • Hidden effect: 10% chance to lose effect every 20 seconds while underwater until effect is lost.
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