JSXSunny - Sanctuary Arc User


  • xD ya I was wondering about that xDD never heard of a -0,1int tome xD but nvm^^ hard as hell to get int these days...too bad venos don't get int on their r8 rec...that would be...amazing xDD G16 vana 3rd recast mag sword +12 with drakeflames...could be funny with 5.0 in demon spark + wind shield xD
  • o.o The Life Everlasting tome exists for a long time...but I never saw it with -0,1 int just with 0,05 xD but well, if they let it be obtainable through the way with that level 5 tome, the elvel 2 tome and the TT90 Gold Axes...then prices for LUAD would drop drastically xDD
  • Yep. So I guess u dont even need to be rich, you also need to be extremely lucky :D
  • Simple solution to all ur problems: (: It is allowed to play with 2 clients, so: Roll a Barb and a Cleric at the same time and level them constantly together and simply solo everything u want til level 90 and the higher TTs. Obviously it takes more time, but after all u can keep every drop for urself. Thats the way I was…
  • Ty xD still no DQ points here xDD I want to color the Fashion of my barb <.< and I need Event Gold for Charms QQ xDDD
  • Ya sry I'm from Germany and mostly too lazy to read what I write. You can say there are always little typo in my Writings xDD
  • The background is, I quittet on Sanctuary and wanna to get some fash, Event Gold, Pigments on another server...so I sold my Gang of Hooligans Tome and bought CoCs worth 100m for that reason...payed ~170k each CoC. But still...ich want my DQ points! PS: I'm not dumb, still got around 350 pcs of CoCs left that I havn't…
  • Just a server restart that will take up to 2 hours...lol... The longest session I played PWI was 35 hours during x2 xD But hey I know I cranked out my rl in that time, but farmed something over 1,5 bil that x2 so yeah =D it was worth it =P
  • Who cares about farming ability xD its all about PvP and there will always be all about PvP. nvm if its 1on1, mass pk or TW, thats what ppl wanna do and especially Barbs rock in all kinds of PvP =D
  • If u'd take it like that then a sin isn't an OP clas sby far...u gives u the gear for the sin to even be able to farm that much ? that most effective farm class is the bm...he survives much and deals good dmg...the cheapest farm class is the Archer or a fist sin, due to the cheap -0,1 int on chest thingy xDD
  • roll a sin to farm and build up ur wiz, barb, psy what ever...simple as that, I actually play all classes because all classes are fun to play...and ofc u need at least one farm char, but thats common I guess =D After all...how can a Barb with cornered Beast morai skill...invoke...solid shield...soul of fire...die when he…
  • Thats not a glitch, thats just how the game engine works and always was supossed to =D
  • Still u guys dont get it, but after all this is a very rare comparation...Sins arn't OP in End Game. Wizards and Barbs are far more OP in End Game, just because of 1 little genie skill each class...Barb = Solid Shield and Wizard = spark...a good end game barb is nearly unkillable and a good end game wiz can kill everyting…
  • I tell you the truth u all might know but u are too foolish to believe it. If I were a PWE Manager I would say something like this:"Buy you're ****** gears with rl money, we wanna keep this game alive. Don't beg us for ways with which u could avoid paying with real money!" Kono-Yaro, Baka-Yaro....yeah. Fool, ya Fools.…
  • lol yeah Pole is hard for a cleric haha, just healed a lvl80 barb with my little cute lvl62 cleric all alone in front of pole, so whats the prob with that, if you got the clue how he debuffs its kinda childsplay :D
  • Yeah I agree on this one too xD Guess some ppl are just to blind to see the connections between farming and merchanting. It doesn't matter if you farm or buy that stuff...that doesn't change the fact that those mats are worth something and that you lose about 40m "farming" a Lunar-Weapon...and the funniest thing is...you…