PWI would be cool P2P

Paulrogers - Harshlands
Paulrogers - Harshlands Posts: 653 Arc User
edited May 2012 in General Discussion
I ofc really like PWI itself I mean that's what has kept me here so pwi should bring out a P2P game you pay monthly to play, have no cash shop and just make things like D orbs etc farmable, ofc it'll never happen but omg it would be an awsome game I know so many people would play.
"Ewa Sonnet has the best pair of jugs ever. Nothing else compares." - Eoria.
Post edited by Paulrogers - Harshlands on


  • Paulrogers - Harshlands
    Paulrogers - Harshlands Posts: 653 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    * and IK alot of people will be thinking yea but sins are still OP but this isn't true when you have to farm the gear and level legit they get smoked by anything HA and are pretty balanced, sins are just really effective with $
    "Ewa Sonnet has the best pair of jugs ever. Nothing else compares." - Eoria.
  • Geshwur - Raging Tide
    Geshwur - Raging Tide Posts: 570 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Well... For 1... PWCN is P2P... And sins are still OP there... Also, they don't get to hyper FC and such like here.

    Second... I farmed and leveled legit... So...

    Current Gears
  • Lenestro - Sanctuary
    Lenestro - Sanctuary Posts: 490 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    id be tricky because its structured like an f2p game. p2p games are built to keep players addicted and having fun, but f2p game are built to have players having fun after months of work or cashopping.

    to go f2p, this game would need things like challenging instances that werent farm based, more types of pvp options and areas, and a smaller curve in the power of endgame gear. otherwise, no one would wanna pay the monthly fee.
  • KrittyCat - Dreamweaver
    KrittyCat - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,273 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Well... For 1... PWCN is P2P... And sins are still OP there... Also, they don't get to hyper FC and such like here.

    Second... I farmed and leveled legit... So...


    Where exactly did you get your info? PWCN is the same as PWI, just without hypers in FC and no packs (due to laws against online gambling of any sort). The version you're thinking of is the original version of Perfect World, which also has the housing system intact. There, the Tideborn race isn't overpowered, either... Certain things were changed to make them the "god" class for the F2P versions.
    (Signature credit to NowItsAwn)

    Survivor of Snow-Mageddon 2010, "The Great Earthquake" of 2011, and Sandy 2012 b:victory
  • Paulrogers - Harshlands
    Paulrogers - Harshlands Posts: 653 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Well... For 1... PWCN is P2P... And sins are still OP there... Also, they don't get to hyper FC and such like here.

    Second... I farmed and leveled legit... So...


    Uh yea nice attempt at being clever with a pony picture (for the millionth time) but there was never any argument to be invalid I was saying it would be cool. um next time atleast make ur "random and cute" funny picture relevant, if you must do that over done annoying shet b:laugh also I really doubt you 100% farmed your gear you can't farm gear with nothing I mean you can merchant and grind 24/7 and slowly get there but you gear seems very generic and the shards are kinda silly ( 3 dot shards for your whole set is kind of a waste) so I doubt itb:surrender sowi you dont seem the type (could be wrong i spose)
    "Ewa Sonnet has the best pair of jugs ever. Nothing else compares." - Eoria.
  • Geshwur - Raging Tide
    Geshwur - Raging Tide Posts: 570 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Uh yea nice attempt at being clever with a pony picture (for the millionth time) but there was never any argument to be invalid I was saying it would be cool. um next time atleast make ur "random and cute" funny picture relevant, if you must do that over done annoying shet b:laugh also I really doubt you 100% farmed your gear you can't farm gear with nothing I mean you can merchant and grind 24/7 and slowly get there but you gear seems very generic and the shards are kinda silly ( 3 dot shards for your whole set is kind of a waste) so I doubt itb:surrender sowi you dont seem the type (could be wrong i spose)

    What does my gear being very "generic" have to do with it? The reason I only have 3 DoTs is because I'm working on other things before finishing the rest in DoTs... Cause... You know. I don't drop massive amounts of cash on pixels. b:victory
    Current Gears
  • JSXSunny - Sanctuary
    JSXSunny - Sanctuary Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Still u guys dont get it, but after all this is a very rare comparation...Sins arn't OP in End Game. Wizards and Barbs are far more OP in End Game, just because of 1 little genie skill each class...Barb = Solid Shield and Wizard = spark...a good end game barb is nearly unkillable and a good end game wiz can kill everyting whilst sins are like little useless fishies compared to them, but just in End game and End Game ofc means full +12 with 24 josd or phy def shard/Vit Stones. Those 2 classes even got more OP with the morai skills they got xD If u dont get what I mean then u basicly dont play this game for long or u're just to blind to see.

    Thats why making this game P2P would be great...because u could farm to end game gear and pwn all those "strong" sins like nothing!
  • _Ghoul_ - Lost City
    _Ghoul_ - Lost City Posts: 973 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Still u guys dont get it, but after all this is a very rare comparation...Sins arn't OP in End Game. Wizards and Barbs are far more OP in End Game, just because of 1 little genie skill each class...Barb = Solid Shield and Wizard = spark...a good end game barb is nearly unkillable and a good end game wiz can kill everyting whilst sins are like little useless fishies compared to them, but just in End game and End Game ofc means full +12 with 24 josd or phy def shard/Vit Stones. Those 2 classes even got more OP with the morai skills they got xD If u dont get what I mean then u basicly dont play this game for long or u're just to blind to see.

    Thats why making this game P2P would be great...because u could farm to end game gear and pwn all those "strong" sins like nothing!

    just one question would there exist int and spark and sin skill be rebalanced

    would sin have there stealt and spark be rebalanced and would psy get re balanced

    b:shocked many questions

    barb would need big update really
  • Toliman - Raging Tide
    Toliman - Raging Tide Posts: 1,595 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Still u guys dont get it, but after all this is a very rare comparation...Sins arn't OP in End Game. Wizards and Barbs are far more OP in End Game, just because of 1 little genie skill each class...Barb = Solid Shield and Wizard = spark...a good end game barb is nearly unkillable and a good end game wiz can kill everyting whilst sins are like little useless fishies compared to them, but just in End game and End Game ofc means full +12 with 24 josd or phy def shard/Vit Stones. Those 2 classes even got more OP with the morai skills they got xD If u dont get what I mean then u basicly dont play this game for long or u're just to blind to see...

    To get cash for "full +12 with 24 josd or phy def shard/Vit Stone" from instances and World bosses you need to be Wizard, Barbarian, Assassin or Blademaster ?

    Just question.

    Tell me, who is OP among them.

    Because I know, that R9+12 is OP, but this is question about class which can farm OP gear.
  • JSXSunny - Sanctuary
    JSXSunny - Sanctuary Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    roll a sin to farm and build up ur wiz, barb, psy what ever...simple as that, I actually play all classes because all classes are fun to play...and ofc u need at least one farm char, but thats common I guess =D After can a Barb with cornered Beast morai skill...invoke...solid shield...soul of fire...die when he got around 50k HP =? Yeah thats right, he can't =D assuming this I think that barb is most OP due to his unability to die in 1on1 situations...and his biggest chance to survive in mass pk situations^^
  • Toliman - Raging Tide
    Toliman - Raging Tide Posts: 1,595 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    roll a sin to farm and build up ur wiz, barb, psy what ever...simple as that...

    Then Assassin is OP class ?
  • JSXSunny - Sanctuary
    JSXSunny - Sanctuary Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Then Assassin is OP class ?

    If u'd take it like that then a sin isn't an OP clas sby far...u gives u the gear for the sin to even be able to farm that much ? that most effective farm class is the bm...he survives much and deals good dmg...the cheapest farm class is the Archer or a fist sin, due to the cheap -0,1 int on chest thingy xDD
  • Toliman - Raging Tide
    Toliman - Raging Tide Posts: 1,595 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    If u'd take it like that then a sin isn't an OP clas sby far...u gives u the gear for the sin to even be able to farm that much ? that most effective farm class is the bm...he survives much and deals good dmg...the cheapest farm class is the Archer or a fist sin, due to the cheap -0,1 int on chest thingy xDD

    So Wizard and Barbarian are not OP.

    They have worse farming ability.
  • JSXSunny - Sanctuary
    JSXSunny - Sanctuary Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    So Wizard and Barbarian are not OP.

    They have worse farming ability.

    Who cares about farming ability xD its all about PvP and there will always be all about PvP. nvm if its 1on1, mass pk or TW, thats what ppl wanna do and especially Barbs rock in all kinds of PvP =D
  • Toliman - Raging Tide
    Toliman - Raging Tide Posts: 1,595 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Who cares about farming ability xD its all about PvP and there will always be all about PvP. nvm if its 1on1, mass pk or TW, thats what ppl wanna do and especially Barbs rock in all kinds of PvP =D
    Those who can't PvE at high levels , I not say about PvP even because they can't farm cash using their class.
  • Lenestro - Sanctuary
    Lenestro - Sanctuary Posts: 490 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Who cares about farming ability xD its all about PvP and there will always be all about PvP. nvm if its 1on1, mass pk or TW, thats what ppl wanna do and especially Barbs rock in all kinds of PvP =D

    this is what pwi wants in the end. its tricky to have fun playing the game with one class. wiz is fun for pvp, but sucks in pve. sin is great at farming, but boring in pvp.

    its easy for the cashopper to maintain gears for several toons, but as gears evolve, farmers get left in the dust
  • Toliman - Raging Tide
    Toliman - Raging Tide Posts: 1,595 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    its easy for the cashopper to maintain gears for several toons, but as gears evolve, farmers get left in the dust

    Cashoper not need several toons.

    He has cash already.
  • Hayai - Lost City
    Hayai - Lost City Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    in terms of the better pk classes I think it is


    it comes down to gear overall but the TB class is really powerful. as for the morai skill's I haven't really seen any of the 100 ones so I don't know how well they even things out.
  • Paulrogers - Harshlands
    Paulrogers - Harshlands Posts: 653 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    just one question would there exist int and spark and sin skill be rebalanced

    would sin have there stealt and spark be rebalanced and would psy get re balanced

    b:shocked many questions

    barb would need big update really

    thats a silly thing to say ... every class has spark and benefits from it just the same and saying will int exist is like asking if there will be strength too >_>
    "Ewa Sonnet has the best pair of jugs ever. Nothing else compares." - Eoria.
  • ParadoxBG - Lost City
    ParadoxBG - Lost City Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Where exactly did you get your info? PWCN is the same as PWI, just without hypers in FC and no packs (due to laws against online gambling of any sort). The version you're thinking of is the original version of Perfect World, which also has the housing system intact. There, the Tideborn race isn't overpowered, either... Certain things were changed to make them the "god" class for the F2P versions.

    That's not true.... most of their games have exact same gamble packs as here, for example - Forsaken World. CN version of PW may not have gamble packs but this doesn't mean there is law against it lol.
  • Elanxu - Dreamweaver
    Elanxu - Dreamweaver Posts: 521 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I ofc really like PWI itself I mean that's what has kept me here so pwi should bring out a P2P game you pay monthly to play, have no cash shop and just make things like D orbs etc farmable, ofc it'll never happen but omg it would be an awsome game I know so many people would play.

    i know wat ur thinking, and to an extent this game would be better. however, the condition of the game is too far down the sewage to benefit from p2p, as most people would just quit, and we will be left with an even bigger unbalance of classes. its too late to apologize. it too laaaate.
    the loser fail nab cleric from dreamweaver who quit pwi, but still wanders the forums.
  • Nowitsawn - Heavens Tear
    Nowitsawn - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,864 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    PWI has absolutely nothing to offer over any other popular p2p MMO out there. It being f2p is pretty much its main ''selling'' point.

    Just think about it, if you had 15 bucks a month to spend on an online game, would PWI be your first pick? Assuming you've never played it before, that is.
  • Paulrogers - Harshlands
    Paulrogers - Harshlands Posts: 653 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    i know wat ur thinking, and to an extent this game would be better. however, the condition of the game is too far down the sewage to benefit from p2p, as most people would just quit, and we will be left with an even bigger unbalance of classes. its too late to apologize. it too laaaate.

    Oh im well aware it was more of a if only kinda thing like if it was always P2P or they made a completely fresh start server that was p2p and they hadn't pissed everyone off etc. but then again if you had to pay i would've never played this cause it was my first mmo and back then I was like paying every month to play a game wtf is that shet and people actualy spend money on here?!?! wth... a couple thousand dollars laterb:surrender
    "Ewa Sonnet has the best pair of jugs ever. Nothing else compares." - Eoria.
  • Lhirikoh_WB - Sanctuary
    Lhirikoh_WB - Sanctuary Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I ofc really like PWI itself I mean that's what has kept me here so pwi should bring out a P2P game you pay monthly to play, have no cash shop and just make things like D orbs etc farmable, ofc it'll never happen but omg it would be an awsome game I know so many people would play.

    PWI is based off the f2p client, while a separate p2p client never came to NA b:sad . Basically the land of the red dragons has 2 clients, we have 1 b:laugh . I can see where your going however, don't make current PWI p2p, make a separate PWI client that is p2p.
  • Bubbles - Morai
    Bubbles - Morai Posts: 1,143 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Well... For 1... PWCN is P2P... And sins are still OP there... Also, they don't get to hyper FC and such like here.

    Second... I farmed and leveled legit... So...


    pls read my sig
    That's not true.... most of their games have exact same gamble packs as here, for example - Forsaken World. CN version of PW may not have gamble packs but this doesn't mean there is law against it lol.

    Pwcn has packs. However... They don't have packs in their cs nearly as often as we do.
    See pic 1, pic 2, 3, 4. Even though those pics are not current (September of last year), they still show that they do not have packs 24/7.

    In fact, I just checked pwcn, they don't have any packs in their cs. At least not any gamble ones....
  • Nowitsawn - Heavens Tear
    Nowitsawn - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,864 Arc User
    edited May 2012

    What's up with the pricing over there, though? With a Perfect Iron Hammer costing the same as 1 Hyper and all...

    I suppose they don't have Chests of Coin over there?
  • Lolgasmic - Raging Tide
    Lolgasmic - Raging Tide Posts: 1,315 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    if pwi went p2p.............. wow, that'd be it. i'd leave.

    THE ONLY reason i would stay, is if they FIX every single damn thing wrong with pwi FIRST.

    MONEY is not an excuse for them, never has been! pwe makes a **** load of money every year.
    Barbarian 103 - 101 - 101
    Started playing on March 2010
  • Bubbles - Morai
    Bubbles - Morai Posts: 1,143 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    What's up with the pricing over there, though? With a Perfect Iron Hammer costing the same as 1 Hyper and all...

    I suppose they don't have Chests of Coin over there?

    It's in chinese yuan prices.
    1 dollar = 6.3076 chinese yuan.
    Their cash shop is cheaper than ours. They have chest of coins in the dailies.
  • Lesthar - Heavens Tear
    Lesthar - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,045 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I ofc really like PWI itself I mean that's what has kept me here so pwi should bring out a P2P game you pay monthly to play, have no cash shop and just make things like D orbs etc farmable, ofc it'll never happen but omg it would be an awsome game I know so many people would play.

    For people to pay each month and still be buying and opening a crazy load of packs?
    I think that some people would really do it.

    Joke aside, I would like you to enumerate what would be the benefits of having PWI made into P2P. I got some ideas myself, but since you created this post, I really am wondering on how the game would turn into a 'oh so magnificent game', thing that somehow makes me snicker.

    Just for info, I also want to share you that many P2P games turned F2P after a while, to try to be more popular/viable in the long term.
    Maintenance time. Please choose a line:
    - When is it over? OMG I need my fix!! *super spazzing*
    - Fix the damn bugs, dammit! I'm so angry! I'll quit!!
    - New codes out there? I like free stuff~ *wink*
    - When will we get new content? QQ
    - Will we get sales? I got a ton of gold to spend.
    - I'm bored, I'll create a useless thread to annoy Opkorock.
    - *Incessant poking on Sweetiebot* Fun~
  • shotwhointhewhat
    shotwhointhewhat Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Would be nice to just have more fun PvE here. I personally hate the pve in this game. I rather drive nails in 2x4s with my forehead than run nirvy back to back for a whole 2x period. Well, maybe it is not that bad, but I would farm for days if it was actually fun. I guess they make it boring and repetitive because they know it drives me to pulling out my credit card.