Fixed. We won't mention the obvious RPK that goes on....or the fact that their leader had to lean on both Omerta and Blackfox whilst previously abandoning the faction to ruin more than three times previously.... Exactly HOW many times has MrLlama had to rebuild again? I count at least three, and I was only there for a year…
Signed. [\10char]
Short answer: Demons pew pew things harder. Sages die less fast. The End.
Your Psychic is like ONE level higher than mine...and you're writing guides already? You're not even near Sage/Demon level yet. I don't recommend this be stickied, like I said Beast's shouldn't have been stickied. Hypnos's guide covered EVERYTHING except for Soulforce damage being physical or non-physical. (We're still…
Uh, WHEN are these classes coming out? February....... *insert date here?*