Samsoul's Psychic Guide

Samsoul - Lost City
Samsoul - Lost City Posts: 259 Arc User
edited January 2011 in Psychic
Hey Psychics! I would love your advice on this guide, I'm good in some areas and utter **** in others. I would appreciate your help immensely and will put your name in for credit. :)

(OKAY going to bed now. will check in the morning, send me some helpful hints via the pm system if you wish. :3)

( UNDER HEAVY CONSTRUCTION - I'm really bloody bored -_- )

1) The Psychic (Class description)
2) Builds
3) Skills
4) PVE dungeon tactics
5) PVP tactics

The Psychic

In my opinion, psychics are true glass cannons, everything about them (save for white voodoo/psychic will) screams damage vs awful defences. Because of our squishiness we are given excellent survival skills and the ability to aoe stun, aoe seal, aoe bleed, aoe accuracy reduction. Our talents lie in reducing the enemy to a depressive mess.


Pure Magic - 9 mag, 1 str (every 2 levels)
This build (according to my poll) is the most commonly used. Using arcane robes, it sacrifices all hopes of hp and physical defence in order to fire our attack power. I chose this build myself after being a vit/arcane build and I believe the damage difference is more than worth the loss of hp. Make your own decisions based on your playing ability though! b:pleased

Vit/arcane - 2 vit, 1 str, 7 mag OR 1 vit, 1 str, 8 mag OR 3 vit, 1 str, 6 mag (every 2 levels)

In sacrificing a bit of attack power you get a little more hp, this is often used for the 'magic tank' build (you still use arcane robes). However, keep in mind that psychics only get 10hp per vit point. So 100 vit points would give you 1k hp, but you'd lose a good 2-3k in attack power. A lot of people choose to cap their vit at a nice rounded number (e.g. 50 or so) to give them a little survivability without killing their attack power completely.

Light armor - 2 str, 2 dex, 6 mag (every 2 levels)

This is the only build that allows you to use light armor. Although you reduce your attack power quite a bit compared to the pure, you gain a bit of crit and are able to socket purely with citrenes for that extra bit of hp. You will have average physical and magical defences.
Samsoul - fail psychic of Lost City!

...I will melt your brain... and decrease your IQ by 150...

Post edited by Samsoul - Lost City on


  • Samsoul - Lost City
    Samsoul - Lost City Posts: 259 Arc User
    edited April 2010

    * - Don't level it
    ** - Only level with spare spirit
    *** - Could be useful, get it when you have levelled the more important things
    **** - Level it as often as you can
    ***** - Max it as soon as humanely (or fishly) possible!


    Aqua Impact - ***** - one of your most used spammable skills ever.

    Spirit Blast - ***** - the other uber spammable skill.

    Landslide - **** - A very useful skill. Although you won't use it much in the mid levels. After 70 you start using it more again

    Torrent - *** - Our DOTs are very powerful and great for boss DD, not huge priority though.

    Sand Trap - *** - Same as above

    Aqua Cannon - ** - Quite useless early on because of the very small range. May be useful in frost or aoe grinding later on though.

    Glacial Shards - **** - One of our status skills, hugely useful in accidently pulling one too many mobs.

    Sandburst Blast - **** - Reducing accuracy is fun, and this skill hits very, very hard.

    Earth Vector - **** - Your stun aoe, hard attack too.

    Red Tide - *** - Although a bleed aoe sounds great, there are things more important.


    Earth/Water Mastery - *** - will increase the damage of all your spells. Level it as often as you can, but not before your actual attacks.

    Tide Form
    - * - Purely optional, you can't use spells in tide form, so its virtually useless for psychics. I got it to level 5 to swim fast. -_-


    Black Voodoo - ***** - This is your most important skill. It's what makes us psychics so darn powerful!

    White Voodoo - *** - Level this when you can. I only really use it in emergencies, but if you're careful you won't have to use it much.

    Soul of Vengence - * - Leave at level 1 until sage/demon comes out. It only increases the mp cost and cast range.

    Empowered Vigor - *** - This is very useful to cast on tanks in instances and to cast on yourself to heal better when grinding.

    Diminished Vigor - ** - a PVP only skill, really. Increases charm cooldown and decreases the power of pots and healing skills. Could be useful.

    Bubble of Life - *** - I personally love this skill and maxed it as soon as I could. It makes me more useful in the squad and for DDs with little hp like ourselves, its an almost instant heal.

    Disturb Soul - ** - More for PVP against wizards, it increases their chanelling which'll annoy the **** out of them. Otherwise, I don't see that much use.

    Psychic Will - **** - In sticky situations, this skill is a god. Level it!

    Tide Spirit - I don't use it much myself, I prefer to use my sparks for sparking or my other skills. Need more info.

    Soul of Stunning - * - Level 1 until 89. Again, only increases MP cost.

    Soul of Silence - ** - increases the duration of the silence effect. If you PVP a lot, you might consider levelling it more.

    Soul of Retaliation - **** - with more levels it absorbs more damage and reflects more damage back to the attacker. Big for you PVPers.
    Samsoul - fail psychic of Lost City!

    ...I will melt your brain... and decrease your IQ by 150...

  • Samsoul - Lost City
    Samsoul - Lost City Posts: 259 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    PVE + PVP Tactics

    PVE (for example Bhs!)
    It's sad, but people still complain about psychics stealing aggro in bhs. I hate to sound big-headed but I've never took aggro unless I wanted to, I find aggro control easier on a magic class than an archer.

    We have a good bunch of status skills at our disposal. (Stun - earth vector, immobilize - glacial shards, accuracy kill - sandburst blast, bleed - red tide)
    I say we use these to make life easier for the rest of the squad.
    Take BH59 for example, stupid mobs go glitching up the walls. Seal them with glacial embrace, kill their accuracy to stop the tank taking as many hits, stun them when seal runs out. We are like crowd control, we are here to reduce them to nothing!
    Our hits are heavy, they hurt much more than the other classes (at least early in the game, pre lvl 80) don't go hitting a mob the very second the barb has flesh reamed. Our DOTs torrent and sand trap are incredibly strong, keep them stacked on any bosses and mobs with a lot of HP. Mine are quite low levelled and they tick for 1k-3k every second, for 15 seconds. You do the math.

    PVP both group and solo (also for TW, though I haven't done much. :<)

    Our status skills play heavily here too. Especially for group PVP. But first solo!

    Archers - psychic will and soulburn are your best friends here, make sure you are buffed with soul of vengence. If you can remove their stun with your genie that is all the more effective. Shouldn't take too many hits to kill unless they're amazingly geared.

    - similar tactics to the archer. Kite them as often as possible, stun them, seal them, psychic will if they get too close. Hope your soul of stunning and silence kicks in. (OR FapFapFap recommends different tactics, white voodoo, soulburn, soul of stunning, psychic will and soul of stunning again.)

    Clerics - Soulburn works beautifully for clerics, if they heal themselves it still hurts them. Psychic Will is also good if they start plume shotting your butt off. Stun to kill.

    Wizards - If they use undine strike on you, you can use psychic will to purify yourself, then you'll want to stun them or bleed them as hard as you can, and nuke nuke away. (Hypnos also says that undine strike can be reflected with Soul of Retaliation!)

    Barbarians - Similar to bm. Kite, psychic will. Just a lot more hp. Do everything you can to keep them away from you and nuke them like crazy. (On the bright side they have no alter marrow magical, so you should hit them pretty hard.)

    Assassins - Ah our brothers in arms are our worst enemies. Here you have to rely on your speed and buffs. Hope to high heaven that your soul of stunning kicks in and try to stun him with earth vector just before it wears out. I've not really bothered with psychic will as most sins just go invisible until it runs out. :( (Hypnos emphasises on the use of Soul of Retaliation here.)

    Venomancers - The pet is always the most difficult. If the veno's silly enough to use a ground pet, just get out of the way and nuke the veno. If the past has low hp like a scorpian you could probably 2shot it. If it's a nix, psychic will its bleed away and keep nuking the veno. Hopefully she dies before the buff runs out. :3 (Ryukage notes that landslide will knock veno pets back too, maybe knock it into the veno and use earth vector?)

    Psychics - Soul of vengence, soul of stunning, soulburn, nuke them until your eyes fall out?
    Samsoul - fail psychic of Lost City!

    ...I will melt your brain... and decrease your IQ by 150...

  • aquatichorror
    aquatichorror Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    hi samsoul b:byeb:chuckle

    loving the guide :3 (especially the pvp part; i'm terrible in pvp ._.")

    I think plume shot does physical damage :o
  • Samsoul - Lost City
    Samsoul - Lost City Posts: 259 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    yeah the skill says its a physical attack, but i wonder whether it works against psychic will. -_- i need me some cleric friends to beat up.

    thanks for the love on the guide. i will keep it updated as people give me some bloody pvp advice xD
    Samsoul - fail psychic of Lost City!

    ...I will melt your brain... and decrease your IQ by 150...

  • Miraqua - Lost City
    Miraqua - Lost City Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    hi samsoul b:byeb:chuckle

    loving the guide :3 (especially the pvp part; i'm terrible in pvp ._.")

    I think plume shot does physical damage :o

    b:shocked oops didn't realize i posted without avatar ...

    my brother has a cleric if you like b:laugh
  • Glowfish - Lost City
    Glowfish - Lost City Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    pro guide, easy to read and not wall of text. thumbs up!

    also i'm fairly certain psychic will works against plume shot, but it's been a while since I duelled any clerics.
  • FapFapFap - Raging Tide
    FapFapFap - Raging Tide Posts: 436 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Glacial Embrace is a wiz skill, if u mean Glacial Shards it doesn't seal, only immobilizes.
    Also regarding PvP, I don't think those effects will help u as much as ur souls, soulburn, psychic will and white voodoo does.
    Especially against BMs u can prevent them from dealing dmg to u by soul of stunning, psychic will, soulburn and soul of stunning again (if u time it correctly; should be about 20 seconds+) longer than by using glacial/earth vector. Also after using those skills u can switch to white voodoo, try to kite them with glacial and aqua impact to gain chi again.

    Quite nice for beginners but I find Hypno's guide a lot more useful for those who already know how to stat AA users and which skills they have to max out first.

    Oh, and Barbarians advice "Do everything you cant to keep them away from you and nuke them like crazy." sounds a bit twisted :P
  • ryukage
    ryukage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Okay with all due respect, I've counted at least 5 Psychic guides over the past few months, and most of them aren't breaking any new ground. All of this has been covered already...

    As for the helpful part of my post:

    Psychic Will resists all physical damage, it doesn't matter if it comes from a spell or not. You will resist Plume Shot and Razor Feathers, and you'll resist half of Blade Tempest (the only half that matters). If you've never seen this happen, basically you'll take fire damage but you'll see "resist" come up, informing you of why you didn't just get one-shot even though Black Voodoo was probably on.

    PvP tips for fighting Venos:
    1) Landslide works for KBing (knocking-back) pets. Occasionally good for getting a breather.

    2) Soul of Retaliation is a good way to watch a Nix murder itself. Psychic Will to purify yourself as well as go immune to anything else the Nix tries, and attack the Veno while they try to heal it.

    Too tired atm to post more. Maybe I'll add more later.
  • Hypnos - Raging Tide
    Hypnos - Raging Tide Posts: 1,235 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    diminish vigor on boss? since when did boss know how to use hp pots, charm and have a self healing spell? no, diminishe vigor doesn't reduce their hp regen rate, even if it does, it's too insignificant to make a change. I rather empower vigor on barb
    Wizards - If they use undine strike on you, you can use psychic will to purify yourself, then you'll want to stun them or bleed them as hard as you can, and nuke nuke away.
    undine strike can be reflected by soul of retaliation.
    Assassins - Ah our brothers in arms are our worst enemies. Here you have to rely on your speed and buffs. Hope to high heaven that your soul of stunning kicks in and try to stun him with earth vector just before it wears out. I've not really bothered with psychic will as most sins just go invisible until it runs out. :(
    again, Soul of retaliation, use it.
    Psychics - Soul of vengeance, soul of stunning, soulburn, nuke them until your eyes fall out?
    This is precisely why a psychic with lunar rings and spheres got killed by someone with **** mold 80 and the Tideborn ring. There is more to psychic then mindless brawl.
  • Samsoul - Lost City
    Samsoul - Lost City Posts: 259 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Thanks guys, I'm adding in your advice. I was very tired when I wrote this so sorry for the typos and things, I'll clear it up.

    Secondly I know theres a lot of guides out there, but I have a few pro psychic friends and it's my plan to get all of our knowledge and mix it up. I know there's a lot of guides, but one more can't hurt. :P

    As for pro players, I'm not hugely experienced with PVP, I haven't had a chance to try soul of retaliation yet, I will try it out with some friends.

    @Hypnos - I have no clue how to fight my own class! I'd much appreciate your advice. b:cute
    Samsoul - fail psychic of Lost City!

    ...I will melt your brain... and decrease your IQ by 150...

  • Rangergod - Raging Tide
    Rangergod - Raging Tide Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Venomancers - The pet is always the most difficult. If the veno's silly enough to use a ground pet, just get out of the way and nuke the veno. If the past has low hp like a scorpian you could probably 2shot it. If it's a nix, psychic will its bleed away and keep nuking the veno. Hopefully she dies before the buff runs out. :3 (Ryukage notes that landslide will knock veno pets back too, maybe knock it into the veno and use earth vector?)

    OK, For starters, you did a very good job with the us vs them guide the idea above...girl(and Ryukage) i love. push them back and stun... wow never thought push worked. I can say like 2 things to add. Don't got get disturb soul vs wizards(although its a giving'), and Tide Spirit is actually useful to me. if you have an enemy like a veno (if spark and chi is full) you can use tide spirit and use 1 more move to get 1 more spark all your spells are faster so spam the veno, and sense you have that full spark now you can use psychic will. If i were to tank this i would give it 10/10. Very Very Nice Job.

    oi siggy failed...
    "In case you can't do the math, as you stand there alone and consider fighting me, you'll be facing an army of over 30,000 hollows!" - Aaroniero Arruruerie, Novena Espada

  • Hypnos - Raging Tide
    Hypnos - Raging Tide Posts: 1,235 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Get out of the way as and got your damage nerf by 50%? o.O
    Regardless of the opponent's pet, always kills the pet first because of 2 reasons:

    -In pk, you can never tell what sort of trick your opponent has upon their sleeve (apo, genie), getting the pet out of the way is your first priority bc pet can't pot. Also use Expel on the veno to prevent them stun you or heal pet if you have it on your genie. However, not all venos rely on pet to kill, for some decent player, pet is merely support tools to kill faster so don't let your guard down.

    -Veno have bramble rage which nerf incoming damage by 75%, a self heal, hp/mp switch. Needless to say if you went after them and they don't die after few first sec, you are doomed.
  • Reico_M - Dreamweaver
    Reico_M - Dreamweaver Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    yeah the skill says its a physical attack, but i wonder whether it works against psychic will. -_- i need me some cleric friends to beat up.

    I was resisting my level 80 friends Plume Shots with Psychic Will when I first got it at 59, she was quite shocked and awed by the skill, as was I.

    <3 the guide btw
  • Xemnas_ - Raging Tide
    Xemnas_ - Raging Tide Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    i love this Guide i also recommend this Guide to be stickyed and pinned :P Using a Capped Vit/Arcane build :P
  • Mythsoul - Heavens Tear
    Mythsoul - Heavens Tear Posts: 310 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    you never even explained the skills -.-
    All God does is watch us and kill us when we get boring. We must never, ever be boring.
  • rosej90
    rosej90 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    it is true spychic dont need vit or dex?? im not agree it i did pure magic spychic and it is awfull in pvp because low hp..... and now i try make vit/mag spychic.... i have lvl 50 spychic atm
  • Hl/ - Harshlands4
    Hl/ - Harshlands4 Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Your Psychic is like ONE level higher than mine...and you're writing guides already? You're not even near Sage/Demon level yet.

    I don't recommend this be stickied, like I said Beast's shouldn't have been stickied. Hypnos's guide covered EVERYTHING except for Soulforce damage being physical or non-physical. (We're still testing that, aren't we? Or did we already decide that it was a physical bleed, but an overall damage on Soulburn?)
  • ThanosQRt - Dreamweaver
    ThanosQRt - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,457 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Your Psychic is like ONE level higher than mine...and you're writing guides already? You're not even near Sage/Demon level yet.

    I don't recommend this be stickied, like I said Beast's shouldn't have been stickied. Hypnos's guide covered EVERYTHING except for Soulforce damage being physical or non-physical. (We're still testing that, aren't we? Or did we already decide that it was a physical bleed, but an overall damage on Soulburn?)

    this is an oold guide..recently necroed:(
    hypnos' guide is more than enough; although some extra info about demon/sage and soulforce stuff would be nice
  • MageFizban - Lost City
    MageFizban - Lost City Posts: 1,158 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Your Psychic is like ONE level higher than mine...and you're writing guides already? You're not even near Sage/Demon level yet.

    I don't recommend this be stickied, like I said Beast's shouldn't have been stickied. Hypnos's guide covered EVERYTHING except for Soulforce damage being physical or non-physical. (We're still testing that, aren't we? Or did we already decide that it was a physical bleed, but an overall damage on Soulburn?)

    I thought everyone already agreed that soulburn is physical damage. Soul of vengeance dmg is also physical. Soul or ret is probably also.
  • ThanosQRt - Dreamweaver
    ThanosQRt - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,457 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I thought everyone already agreed that soulburn is physical damage. Soul of vengeance dmg is also physical. Soul or ret is probably also.

    yes, even the skill description says that
    it's the same damage as the damage reflected/absorbedb:chuckle
    so that plume-shotting cleric gets a bit of his own poison xd
  • LittIewg - Heavens Tear
    LittIewg - Heavens Tear Posts: 129 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Im tired of everyone posting guides. Im still upset with Hynpos for posting a guide.. Why?Because now every other class knows our skills. I thought we had plans to take over the world with our unknown powers! QQ b:cry
  • MageFizban - Lost City
    MageFizban - Lost City Posts: 1,158 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    yes, even the skill description says that
    it's the same damage as the damage reflected/absorbedb:chuckle
    so that plume-shotting cleric gets a bit of his own poison xd

    You sure? I don't know how you could test that though. I guess one way is to have a cleric plume shot you with ret on and see if that reflects less damage than if they cyclone you (assuming that the cleric has more mdef than pdef). But I'm pretty confident that both with will reflect the same damage because I think ret reflects as phys dmg.

    Too lazy to test this out. The damage reflected isn't even factor.
  • ThanosQRt - Dreamweaver
    ThanosQRt - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,457 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    You sure? I don't know how you could test that though. I guess one way is to have a cleric plume shot you with ret on and see if that reflects less damage than if they cyclone you (assuming that the cleric has more mdef than pdef). But I'm pretty confident that both with will reflect the same damage because I think ret reflects as phys dmg.

    Too lazy to test this out. The damage reflected isn't even factor.

    exactly, tha damage you will deal because of the reflection will be the same.
    since clerics have (usually) less pdef, the cleric would get more damage after the damage reduction if he used plume shot instead of cyclone
  • KittyTaco - Lost City
    KittyTaco - Lost City Posts: 295 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    You sure? I don't know how you could test that though. I guess one way is to have a cleric plume shot you with ret on and see if that reflects less damage than if they cyclone you (assuming that the cleric has more mdef than pdef). But I'm pretty confident that both with will reflect the same damage because I think ret reflects as phys dmg.

    Too lazy to test this out. The damage reflected isn't even factor.

    maybe use two psychics
    one with retaliation on, the other just smacks them with their fists or whatever with psychic will on

    if it says resist it's physical damage?

    then just use a magic attack with psychic will on? :s
  • Risingson - Lost City
    Risingson - Lost City Posts: 499 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Soulburn against Archers? Really? I've never even used Soulburn in PvP. Not in 1v1's anyway. It's a skill you really don't use THAT much. it's great against APS if you do manage to cast it, but it's quite hard and using that spark for Psychic Will or Earth Vector is just wayyyyyyyy better.

    Tbh, Soulburn is PERFECT in group PvP, when you cast it on someone who's fighting one of your squadmembers and not paying attention to you. It's a sneaky skill. Otherwise it's just WAY too obvious. The only time you should use it is against other Psychics actually. Soulburn as an opening move is incredibly annoying.

    And White Voodoo is pretty much the only way to go if you want to beat Sins. Well, Sins you don't see coming at least. When you're PvPing you should always walk around with White Voodoo on. A Sin pops out, starts chaining you, you take some damage because you have White Voodoo but you survive, you use Expel, then Psychic Will, switch Voodoos and fire away. If the Sin is smart and forces stealth, you have to be smart about your timing with Psychic Will too, and so on. Either way White Voodoo is your friend.

    As for BMs and Barbs, I personally like the Expel/Sage Bubble of Life trick added to Psychic Will, gives about 16 seconds of phys immunity or so, it's just awesome.

    Wizards and Cleric, I myself open with Earth Vector and follow with Disturb Soul if the stun procs before I continue, otherwise I just pound like a mad man until they fall or until I do.

    Also, Aqua Cannon is AWESOME when you get ganked by several melees. Just wipes everything out around you.

    PvPing with a Psychic is actually really fun. There are a lot of strategies, and eventhough most of them rely on Psychic Will and Earth Vector, it's still pretty interesting. I like it :D.
    Risingson - 7x Psychic
    Indalecio - 3x Cleric
  • Hypnos - Raging Tide
    Hypnos - Raging Tide Posts: 1,235 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I believe the game mechanic doesn't allow a damage to pass through 2 barriers. If one damage got reflect by one will be change type to 'chaos' and bypass whatever it be reflected to.

    Example, both psy have soul of retaliation up, one cast Earth Vector, the Earth Vector only got reflect once back to the caster, while the Soul of Retaliation still up.

    Because of that, KittyTaco - Lost City advice:
    maybe use two psychics
    one with retaliation on, the other just smacks them with their fists or whatever with psychic will on

    if it says resist it's physical damage?

    then just use a magic attack with psychic will on? :s
    Cannot be used, as it won't be resisted.

    Theoretically speaking ofc :P
  • KittyTaco - Lost City
    KittyTaco - Lost City Posts: 295 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I believe the game mechanic doesn't allow a damage to pass through 2 barriers. If one damage got reflect by one will be change type to 'chaos' and bypass whatever it be reflected to.

    Example, both psy have soul of retaliation up, one cast Earth Vector, the Earth Vector only got reflect once back to the caster, while the Soul of Retaliation still up.

    Because of that, KittyTaco - Lost City advice:

    Cannot be used, as it won't be resisted.

    Theoretically speaking ofc :P

    yea I didn't think it'd actually work..
    I just kinda herpderp'd my way through whatever I tried to say