Havard - Harshlands Arc User


  • Am I the only lowbie that, when PKed, sighs and adds another name to their list? I can't quite wrap my head around the purpose of slaughtering lowbies who stand no chance but I guess if that's what gives you your jollies... Just don't complain when I have the advantage.
  • I'm afraid Player vs Player means exactly what it says, it has nothing to do with the fairness of the fight. In pvp, fair fights rarely occur; there are advantages and disadvantages of many kinds, including level, who attacked who, etc. A duel does not necessarily implicate fairness, as many people pointed out. It does…
  • I encountered the same thing. My recommendation is to buy a stack of 100 mana potions. The cooldown is low (maybe 15 seconds?) and they can be used anytime. It speeds up the grinding, just chug them anytime your mana is less than full. I wouldn't recommend buying a new charm like that until you're higher level. Hope it…
  • I thought you got experience and spirit for doing those solo missions. And the intent was to do all the "normal" quests afterward. Noob question, but what's rep for?
  • This took me a little bit to get the hang of too. The first coordinate is the East-West, and the second is North-South. I'm pretty sure larger numbers are South (which continues to confuse me at times). I suggest figuring out how to use the coordinate tracker (one of the buttons on your mini-map). That way you can enter up…
  • I can't help but point out how funny it is that King Solomon (the original one) wrote a whole book about life feeling meaningless. The philosophy of life being significant is way off topic though. (Plus the comment about insignificant lives is in LadyVvall's signature, not a comment added to the discussion.) =P
  • I figured I'd jump into this conversation to shed some light on this. Noob is an insult because it means "one who is ignorant or foolish with a blind conviction of his own superiority." In contrast, a newb is "a new player who may act inexperienced or ignorant." All of us were newbs at one point, but not all of us have…
  • So I should probably live without charms for now, or are they affordable enough to purchase?
  • Thanks! 890
  • Thanks for the links! I suppose my question was moreso: Is there any way to quickly identify an item as useful or vendor? Is it safe to assume the item is junk if the item info doesn't say it's used for "low level blacksmiths" or some such?
  • Related question: can fully broken items be repaired?
  • Ok, thanks for the info, you really brought me up to speed!
  • I think I'm getting it now. Anyone completing or assisting with the quest will get a worthwhile experience reward, so you want someone who has the quest in your group. Higher levels can complete the dungeon faster, so get good experience for their time, and help out someone in the process. Is there ever a point without a…
  • Thanks for the replies! So if I were wanting to do a "real" run, average 6-character team should be about clvl23 or so to fare well? Also, why the inclination to have high levels? Doesn't that eliminate all possibility of challenge in the dungeon? What benefits does the high level get from a lowbie dungeon run? Wouldn't…
  • 1) Can only one member per run complete the quest, or can two characters with tablets complete the quest in one run? 2) A full party is 6 members, at level 19 should I have a full group, or are 4 members sufficient? 3) Random looting is first grab, first serve? Tabber getting all loot happens when a higher level is helping…