Guenn - Sanctuary Arc User


  • well i dont Lagg in wraith or legions attacks....But everyone Ks's here lol.....but the south Arch thing...yeah its a bit laggy...damn fail Genie's lol
  • The traditional set up would probably work better with a squad of people at least 94-95+....just like the previous lvls...pretty much 80+ got teh job done everytime with experienced players...and dont worry Byno...u can come on my runs when holy isnt available lol
  • Personally i went with Alpha Male Reflect Aura (a cleric tried to tempest me with it and they almost 1 shot themselves lol) The Tree of Defense (i thing thats the name or something to that effect) and the fourth i am going to get is the one that increases attack rate
  • Sorry im still laughing at a "dex" barb lol
  • really not a fan of the whole "hate Nef" or "Leg' because they have the whole map between them messages that have been flying around the last month or so.....Its one thing to hate them for other reasons, excessive pking, members that **** etc... I'm all for bringing them down, but give credit and respect…
  • Well i do remeber one day in SP me ..ferril...and i think Vert where fighting a few bm's then next thing you know there was just a massive ring of dead barbs i have to say Yensu lol...just might have been the funniest thing i have seen in the game so far..XCclusiv..definately up there though lol
  • lol Holy i dont know...maybe it has something to do with the world chat Byno sent out a few months ago "need help killing mobs? Pm Holyinferno ..." u should talk to her about that one lol
  • I have the Heraldry and the Calamity..Both plus 5...but yeah for PvP its all about the Calamity's..2 immac Accuracy basically lvl 8 Arma with the calamitys = 1 shot LOTS OF SQUISHIES LOL...VERY NICE....ask Helenia all about it lol
  • I voted SHOCKWAVE ...i hate those guys over there lol
  • Morgul...i was stating an opinion if it came across differently ill apologize for that...but just for the record....i was in Nef...stayed for about a week....before I please get your facts straight please....
  • My ego would love to say Shockwave lol..... I hate to say it but i would have to say Legendary because they seem more like a faction as opposed to Nef who are just a bunch of people who are there for money....many people i know in Nef dont even like Nef lol.....Its a bit too early too really judge Steel so far....but they…
  • Still alive....and the pulse is strong....b:victory