Foltern - Sanctuary Arc User


  • I feel this thread has led me to an answer . I will no longer watch it. The answer is to let it go and do something else in the game. Thank you to anyone who shared genuinely. Regards.
  • Hmm well as far as "Stealing" other people's kills in the quest goes. I really believe at the end of the day it's really player opinion. The objective for me as an archer is to deal damage, that is how I get points. It may be said the whole objective in PQ is to deal damage as well. So in an environment where the objective…
  • Good one. Oh wait... Lol. Na, I don't PK anyway. Besides I would just get ganged lol. They left their faction to be more anonymous then threatened to get their whole faction if anyone griefed them O.o Regards
  • I suppose all I can do is quit doing the quest. Regards
  • Why is that?
  • Well it's a public quest everyone has the same objectives the competition is damage. I always encourage players to hit my mobs if they apologize. They aren't stealing from me. Either I am doing the most damage or they are. That's all there is too it. I don't believe anyone can KS anyone in PQ. the purpose for DD classes is…
  • Here is what they said: The next kid who players griefs for no reason will be reported" That is what they said. However I hope my forum reputation is a good one and that most players understand I am adult and I am a bit above that. I don't care to harass people over 136k exp. I began to do the quest hoping to ignore tham…
  • Yeh they're doing it now. I asked the comunity because what can I say to PWI? An archer is helping a Wizard spend money? I don't think that will get far. Regards.
  • Yeh it's the first time for me. I'm an adult player, I don't need to throw fits to get my way or "Cheat" to win. I go for fun but this takes the fun away when a very strong char prevents me from getting kills. I can't score well. NEver had anyone threaten to report me for "Player grefing"..I was doing nothign wrong. He…
  • Pure since the char was created. I will add str at the last possible levels when I need to add it not before. Current build: In the process of updating my gear. Regards
  • I run the game in windowed mode 1280x720 and I can click City of Raging Tides even though the waypoint itself is missing. I just put my mouse over the border of the window where it seems cut off and it it will display " City of Raging Tides" and when I click it will teleport me there without having to change the resolution…
  • Yup. I hold multiple certifications, I'm reasonably certain these types of discrepancies are not a result of my system environment. I have also installed the language packs and yet the problem persists ^ along with a variety of other ones. Regards
  • No idea but it's not easy to get medals and it's a rip off really for the charm usage if I solo. In a duo it's okay but I don't win usually. Rank 1 is 10 medals only worth 136k exp. I just saved them for a long time is all. Regards
  • Hi, For me the game has the same stability. I often still have problems with the following: - Changing the graphical mode from maxed settings to minimal graphical mode, the game randomly exits to the desktop with no error message. - At times the game seems to randomly exit to the desktop with no error message or warning…
  • No idea I haven't noticed. I would say just go to and take note of the time on the right hand side. That is the server time. Regards
  • ^--- :< ^---^o^ Regards
  • Lol. I did too. I was wondering what would happen. Regards
  • :( Well I hear the 95 one is not worth doing. Maybe for rep only. Mobs and bosses I guess are very strong.I saved those medals for a while, it's not like I just got them in 5 days or something, it's a fun quest, but it doesn't award coins or rep. The exp for first place is only 136 k and I burn 100k + HP if I solo and of…
  • Lol :< And ty ^.^ Regards
  • Unless I am present that same Barb will win or rank in the top 3 along with the archer. This is a daily measurement and my observations are based on real data. The archer is not AFK and the Barb is a strong player, I know these players. MP usage is not relevant and does not compensate for gross power. I have no idea what…
  • A player with quest reward gear should not be able to deal more damage than other players 10 levels higher with good gear. If that does not imply something about the classes strength, then how would you measure it? Regards.
  • Hi. ^ I tend to agree with some of what has been said already. I think it's good to give PWI some time to balance the classes if they determine they are in fact unbalanced. I'm not sure what the best way to measure the classes true strength is. In my opinion dueling may not be the best way. I can beat players 10 levels…
  • What time ( Server Time ) did you try to take the quest? And you are level 60? The public quest NPC will not appear until 9AM server time. If you are there after 9AM server time and everyone else is able to take the quest and you are not, I would recmmend relogging. If nobody is able to take the quest and it is after 9AM…
  • Clerics get medals ._. In fact they usually score higher than me in a duo. :< I have many screenshots of that -.- Also hahaha signature. I love that one. I wish I was that creative :( Regards
  • Yeh I have no idea what is going on. Of course I shouted b:laugh I also submitted a ticket. Again, b:laugh. So I suppose we will have to wait and see what happens. If it goes back into operation i'll see you there. Regards
  • Heh I saved those medals for a while. Regards
  • Today the NPC did not appear for some reason. b:angryb:angry It ALWAYS appears at 9AM . Today it is missing completely for reasons unknown. Regards
  • Sorry, I don't understand what you mean. ^^ Regards
  • Lol. Awesome thread. ^.^. Great screens. Regards