Flying_Flash - Sanctuary Arc User


  • I don't think I sharded my gear until the later 80's and early 90's. Though I'm a 100 vit cleric lol The best tip for Rankar like stated above is to just stay as far back as possible. That AoE will destroy you up close even if you are in BB. I've seen clerics can one shot in it lol. At a distance it does much less damage…
  • Hmm, the only time I ever use BB is if the boss has some nasty AoE that can't cancel it, pulling large mobs, or if there is more than one cleric and the boss hits really hard on the single tank. BB does reduce damage by half but the heals from BB pretty much are terrible when compared against an IH spam. Sure I can…
  • I've never asked for money to do my job. Shoot, in squads we are always the ones that stand back and heal for the most part which = no to minimal repair costs. The only thing you really need is a stockpile of mp food which you won't even use all that often unless you're in BB a lot. Granted if I help out in a bh that I…
  • This ^^^^ & I'm pretty darn certain that our heals will be loads better as well. The heal they mentioned for mystics reminds me of the Bubble skill for Psychics & I bet it'll have a decent cooldown. & as for the Revive skill, I thought I heard somewhere its like a buff that lasts for an amount of time and if you die within…
  • Not true, debuffs will NOT wake up a sleeping enemy. I always sleep + debuff + tempest The only way you'll wake them is if they take damage.
  • Let them blow their money then, and even if they have loads and loads of cash, they will still come wining and complaining back to you for buffs eventually. Thats when you let them have it back and just laugh while they cry. What goes around comes around b:chuckle
  • If that is your basis for going demon I recommend looking at Demon Celestial Seal and Sage Spirits Gift. If you want free mp, those are the two skills that'll give you that extra mp, not Demon IH like just stated Also note: Demon Celestial Seal gives mp to target Sage Spirits Gift gives mp always to you You can't go wrong…
  • This up here ^^^ The only time I have ever recommended we get another cleric was just recently when me and a group of friends decided to do our chrono quests in Seat of Torment and that was because we were all 93 and under. haha. Worked out nice and no one died, 3 clerics whoot whoot. Now if bm's and other classes start…
  • For solo grinding, they aren't really that useful unless lets say you run into a mob with increased defense that is metal. Then I usually use the magic debuff for more metal damage. However for solo grinding, it doesn't really make a big difference, the attacks you deal after using the debuff will pretty much = the normal…
  • Yes it does stack. I use it all the time instead of meditating. You really notice it when you cast it 4-5 times in a row. You can run up to mobs and start attacking and your mp will still be flying through the roof lol
  • Ooo definitely, I guess I just think that everyone around my level should pretty much know what they should & should not do minus all the oracle noobs. Maybe the lower bh's are a problem, idk, I never really had to mess with them because when they first introduced them I was already doing 51 runs & those went for the most…
  • Haha I think I would find it hard to say any of that to a squad. After all, everyone has their off days and everyone screws up every so often. Its part of life. Only thing you can do during those times is have everyone fight together and cover it up which I find better than complaining and accusing people of such things,…
  • I would say do not be afraid of using vit. I've capped mine at 100 and I really haven't had any problems keeping up with heals and keeping the tank up. I absolutely love the extra hp cushion. Not to mention I think having that extra hp helps if you plan on AoE grinding poison mobs. That way you can up your special wood…
  • ^^ Agreed. It's already relatively easy to level at that level up to 60, especially with the double exp/spirit now. And in all honesty, by the time you made enough coin for it, you could easily find a stronger weapon that is cheaper. Not to mention the coin could be used in better ways like improving your skills I just…
  • Absolutely loving the spreadsheet. Really nice seeing the skills side by side :D Just thought I'd bring to your attention you left out the skill Wellspring Surge Looking forward to the future versions :D
  • This ^^^^ Also, don't be scared to grind in your down time. Although a lot of people don't even bother with it and just do dailies, its been my best source of income by far. If you find yourself falling behind in coin later on, you can always dump some experience into genies until you're happy as well. One thing for sure,…
  • At your level the celestial hexocs work really nice next to Sanctuary. There are quite a few of them right across one of the bridges to the east. You can gather about 12-14 at a time. They're level 73 too so you should get decent drops from them still I'll warn ya though, their poison seems to spike at times so start off…
  • You might just be running into some nice people too since I've seen kind of the same things lately, people complimenting me a lot. Of course you still get those occasional squads where people try to tell you what to do and they start screaming at you. *Remembers a veno screamin at me a few days ago to BLESS BLESS* Maybe if…